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Sep 2021 · 459
What happens when we meet?
SassyJ Sep 2021
Riding at the heart of the sun
where the glow of the heat burns
shall we call it magic or a misery?
an amber embers of fierce fire
the untold rhythms that burns

Rising at the ether that freezes
a weft on the unseen hem
left to sway at the tapestry
exposed, uncooled at the rays
eroded on the ever spoilt earth
Mar 2021 · 413
Disarray of division
SassyJ Mar 2021
Sounds in the mountains make me believe
that even over a million years none has changed
Borders outlined with visions, mere missions
Disarray of division and revisions of integration
A birth from same strains yet different stains
A thread within that never misses the needle hole
Melded with rules that hold prisoners
Forgone permissions deeper than the oceans we board.......
Reply to Esme Marsh
Mar 2021 · 749
Vinyl record
SassyJ Mar 2021
The vinyl record just rotates
in circuits of unforseen loops
queued in the unending circles
revolved strains of melodies

Yet every song remains the same ​stamped of a watered down clef
rooted fragile moments of numbness
gated inside notions with bricks

Even if the sun roars in a trumble
she remains that inhibited builder
a human, that fragile sort of a woman
a protective rooted architect of life
Oct 2020 · 298
In just a mile......
SassyJ Oct 2020
Foot steps upon the height of a hill
a mole down a lane in just a mile
as I escape in the dense of the night
with each step traced close to yours

If the midline was a graced venture
would the sparkle fade and frown?
would the lonely rainy day awash?
would the wonder grow in thunder?

As the shadow get displaced in hues
supposedly trapped inside neat seams each a fixture of unknown secrets
set in unfounded, yet searchable folds

If such a time comes, my dearest
My embrace will be coat you wear
all the words of this love will live
and carry us home to our bed
Oct 2020 · 331
Surrender at the eclipse
SassyJ Oct 2020
When every night becomes a lullaby
On the trail down the trended woods
under the conifer tree that withers
euphoria overlooks inside the trance
a transverse of the crossed distance

When summer surrenders at the eclipse
and the embers of your light ignite
I feel your breathe nearer, closer to thee
where our souls speak and puts the world to rest
lost under the treasures of undiscovered seas

These days I stay at the same point
drenched, lost in the subsidized slide
Searching your heart ohh my love
the whispers burnt out in the cold
together with unsaid words and mysteries
Aug 2020 · 261
Forget the Legion
SassyJ Aug 2020
The dawn awakes to see the light
and realisations simmers deeply
that his heart and soul is another
tis time to fly and forget the legion

At the table where sacrifice is evasive
and conditions are a brew that rise
I evade this physical form and levitate
tis time to fly and forget the legion

All I wish is to never see his face again
to evade his shadows and meander
escape to the valleys that welcome me
tis time to fly and forget the legion

All the faults I adorned to myself dissapear
Farewell dreams silence the lullabies
calculated in fractions and rejection
this time to fly and forget the legion
Aug 2020 · 239
Dreamy remedies
SassyJ Aug 2020
You are the love song that replays
that constant echo inside my heart
a resound of the dreamy remedies

You are the eyes that reflect grace
a soul that embrace mine at night
as we wander on clustered clouds

You are the September knocking the door
creating chains of lustful songs
as we dance on moon-shaped arcs

You are the morning bird that chirps
inside this drastic nostalgic tones
penetrating in tendered symphonies

You are the shadow holding mine
as the darkness take a bountiful stroll
in paths that we ought to survive
Aug 2020 · 205
Subtle Tales
SassyJ Aug 2020
What a predicament?
them spent days realigning my thought
and for each one the penny turns
presenting a double face, subtle tales

All the days I hid not to be seen
avoiding to be discovered, unclear sight
digging caves so deep and unreachable
sailing to shores, chasing invisible dream

In such moments when I wash all the dust
settling densely in this far away land
tinkering in shrubs and unwithered pinewood
recollecting the haunted songs into anthems
If the stars realign........ the blood of me, the harvest of my dreams, the silence won't cease....... keep running, keep hiding.
Aug 2020 · 198
Glow of your Silhouette
SassyJ Aug 2020
In the cool of a winter night
when the rain travels eastwards
filled with cups of love and laughter
a simmer to evoke all unkempt feelings

How so? the striking contrasts
with all the missed conversations
inside shadows of celestial quivers
tamed in uncovered whispers of mysteries

If thunder was all I could feel
I sacrifice to sharpen your tides
sending beats into the currents
as my soul is boxed in the wind of love

How so? that you shine brighter
dazed in the glow of your silhouette
as days turned into unending months
I see you reflection as clear as day
Until this feeling eases. Your esse continues to shine
Aug 2020 · 157
SassyJ Aug 2020
Truly so and I can't cease to see your face
a smiling gift to the universe that deciphers
rolling deeper within the contours of my heart
I permit even if your eyes is all I will see

Inside my mind yours smiles as we drift in the wind
your song encounters the depth of my soul everyday
I can't make portions to make it our possibility
but as the moon wave I will blow a kiss every night

Someday we will  wait for spring as mystery unravels
beyond any bridges that limits the depth of a river
in another thousand years will this pause change?
as I wrap myself in a ribbon of bravery done for you
This boy I like so....... but the evasion?
Feelings and all the embrace that encompasses................
Aug 2020 · 139
Such mirrors
SassyJ Aug 2020
Slowly the eyes weaken to see
to reach, to feel beyond the unreachable
a gush of a mirrored emotions
pleasing, easing ,evenly waving

At the core of the iris, images pledge
set on a plinth, staring at a ledge
where a shadow set and then fizzles
in reciprocal hues of amber sheen

Such a perfect night for strangers
mesmerized intentions subdued
tethered in mazes of unknown puzzles
tracing whispered primitive rhythms
menswear inspired, triangular frame, her face developed, encourages, judging, appeared......... I know who you are.... call
Aug 2020 · 141
Night Kicks
SassyJ Aug 2020
When the world caves in
the mist rises and clouds evaporate
and the clarity of the day hides
in the smoky ever rising dew

At times this body revolves
anticlockwise on the centre piece
like a rollercoaster awaiting to explode
on and on until the nights kicks

The rhythm in my soul awash
tainting my body with specks
traps of dissolution and anger
until the day my heart arises
Aug 2020 · 138
August is.....
SassyJ Aug 2020
August is full of dancing stars
bright lineage of unclouded skies
a constellation of Orion jetting off

Days that comprehend escapism
faint goodbyes of unwrapped mysteries
cascades of a summer set winter

Nights that compose sweet sonnets
lullabies of unspoken spent times
where silent remedies the wading moon

August is a dimensional eight sense
when the mad rush goes to sleep
and tranquility shed its mercies
Jul 2020 · 160
Cloak of a perfect stranger
SassyJ Jul 2020
As every inch of my body melts at your feet
maybe it's the last time my mind wanders
beyond these cages you have erected so high
with logic and mere preserved kissed lullabies

Paint this love with strokes of evened hues
strikes of sacrifice each preceded by embers
of fierce passion that erase all unjust melodies
uncovering the veil of hidden emotive beats

Every time you shine within my wildest dreams
your essence haunts in the silence of the night
like a stranger with an escape that brushes gently
bruised within the mere bias of a perfect stranger's cloak
C 13
Jul 2020 · 170
Inward Paradise
SassyJ Jul 2020
The days turned into months
as the hues of the sun started to erode
to an aspect of the wait, the brightened rest
of the wonders gowned in eventful traits

Every flower began to awake and bloom
as every pollen justified its radiant touch
a quest of germination, a forever growth
whilst the world sunk as  I dived in lost caves

Every lullaby quietens and the mind paused
and every isolation repose is an inward paradise
where time roars to another beautiful day
inside dreams where wind hovers above

Every burn becomes a yearn of a new breath
a skin to skin of utter exploitative promises
and each night becomes blurry in a retrieve
of the me and the you, the us, the one
Jul 2020 · 145
Unknown Principles
SassyJ Jul 2020
Love become a misery
a feel of a melancholic touch
deeply pierced, sharply drilled
as these emotions flow

This gut feeling is like a wall
an intuition that is misunderstood
a distance on boundaries merged
as these dissolution slow

A sketch of unknown principles
as it tickles to the streams unknown
where time become a safety latch
as these resolutions grow

Love become an easy stroll
a reform that converts the heart
a succinct simple pledge
as the contemplation glow
Jul 2020 · 155
Imperative Notion
SassyJ Jul 2020
In the nocturnal beyond all doubts
I misread all the words and nuances
as if all felt was not reciprocated
set in the wood where jackals rule

Now supine, watching the ceiling
as it's shadows cave within my soul
each of its corner pasted and tangled
whilst the plaster crumbles in rumbles

Yet there is a minute part in the sequence
an intuitive recall that raptures my all
in hues and flavours of carnal want
such an  imperative notion that burns
Jul 2020 · 183
The ship changes course
SassyJ Jul 2020
Is it possible that I could feel your presence?
after transitional transversed  mishaps
unfortunate twinklets of wasted stars
watered to wither in the dying greenery

Is it possible you are a hand width away?
just the other day on the promenade
watching the sails of the ships change course
tacking to that bountiful paradise of ours

Is it possible that we are counting mere days?
the indescribable pulsating of mere aliveness
running as the night draws into darkness
where whispers are above our withins
Jul 2020 · 170
Let life........
SassyJ Jul 2020
Let life be the stream it want to be
flowing in zero miles a hour
taking a spontaneous ride
to where the soul prefers to rest

Let life fly where it want to soar
upbraided, defenselessly free
up in the dense clouded skies
with no reform, unrolled, cleansed

Let life be the summit of itself
filled with love and laughter
at the expense of unspent darkness
unfrozen in the heap of a rumble
Jul 2020 · 140
In your stillness
SassyJ Jul 2020
If the water will run into the depths
I still would find you in the stillness
immersed with desire and passion
lighting a candle brighter for me

Once I had a glance of your veil
but I hesitated , the willful doubts
the times when our crowns runs out
yet I was born in a mold that hides

If the oceans will continue to rage
in fervent storm of the unsaid nuances
we will never drown nor collapse
as our souls will reflect each other

Forever you reflect my wholeness
raising my vibration sequence
calibrating the reflections of our mirror
sailing on and on till such a time
Jul 2020 · 118
Old souls are a mirror
SassyJ Jul 2020
Dear stranger,
When I saw you today my face lighted. Everything within my reach evaporated as your light shattered my space. Your soul was alive and it sung rhythmic melodies, bloomed roses, the undeniable and yet reachable bond. If crazy was the word, your world was bold. Yet we have met many couple times. Danced into the invisible dark as our bodies traced in the  space that tickles as the clocks move. If I had the words, I would say are adorable with a soul that is palpable . If your heart would listen to mine they would synchronize, on every beat and every word. Your eyes are built of a heavenly notion. Here I am lost in time, found in space, blank in the most absolute absent present mode. Old songs are a familiar rhythm and even more, old souls are a mirror.

Yet yesterday the distance felt so far. It was a prolonged bridge of nonsensical recalls. A desire of the unreachable, a want that was insatiable and censored. If you knew that of late you pulsate my being, because when I see you my lungs ceases to collapse. All the word you said enclose me in your cave. I want you to see me as no one has seen me before. Reach to my hand and hide it in your pocket. Enliven these weighted moments encased in your anthem. We are lonely beings, wanting warmth, longing for a love, dying for each other touch. My lovely, when I look into the radiant stars I know it will shine. The day will become bright and the night will swallow the kaleidoscope luminescence.

Till the next.
Jul 2020 · 151
July is like a song
SassyJ Jul 2020
The soul of July is like a song
one that holds each breath
as we count from one to ten
the easy skips make a sound

Goodbye June, a lost memory
a pinched clouded remedy
where the winter breeze chills
in icicles blocked by webs

As the night lifts the day
the light sinks in strive
and all the rife of the unintended
sinks in the depths of the ocean

As the day paves to the known
posing so brightly as a knight
soaring to fly through the clouds
to straws of the unknown exposure
Jul 2020 · 137
Winds of Destiny
SassyJ Jul 2020
The dragon is gone
swayed by the winds of destiny
to an abyss of dead misery
where tears are crowned

The saints became liars
innocently victimized in lies
adorned, crowned, adored
where the line stay drawn

The moon wades in wonder
sat in it's shaped crescent
lent with wings that fly
gliding, sliding, finding a way

The sun rays radiates a smile
a warmth to the dead nonesuch
through the tunnels of the untaught
a slithering sheltered sacrifice
Jun 2020 · 119
The Queen of Fortune
SassyJ Jun 2020
The queen of fortune is back
shielded and paraded with worth
her shine is like a lotus flower
blooming with pleasantries
Regenerated with a rebirth
a metamorphosis abrupt
a conspicuous gifted yield
such a prideful moonlight
a heir that grabs and wants
trawl, crawl, sprout, mount
a balloon with kaleidoscope
embellished without ambush
and her light a clever touch
a flight of unheeded clowns
those with a taste of dry and high
Jun 2020 · 132
The passionate woman
SassyJ Jun 2020
The secret garden of a passionate woman
Is filled with intensity and abundance
a string, an ounce, a terrestrial paradise
as the fire burns the heart runs and turns

The waters flows with flaws on the clouds
everything with faults become a marvel
an eternity ruled and touched with sincerity
at times a storm of unsilenced waves

The air roars even louder than a lion
lifting each frequency higher and upwards
as if levitated onwards to the unknown dimension
where dreams of mystery salute and transpire
Jan 2020 · 185
The Great Masturbator
SassyJ Jan 2020
See her mouth gently clad
as the grasshopper hop avidly
whilst the ants swamp in anticipation

See her weigh the upsized eggs
as her fertility sparcely disappear
casting shadows to his peripheries

See the two rocks collide and form
yeilding  to the uprooted dead plants
a homage of the great masturbator

Dali! take me to the planes of Emporda
at the bay of Cadaques, our beautiful Catalonia
let's escape and hide to the Alberes hills

Dali! take me to the jewel of the hidden hills
for their rotten love is a petrefaction
a parallel to our mystic crown
To Dali, How so? The Greatest Masturbator (1929)
Jan 2020 · 96
Heru, Hello the Falcon
SassyJ Jan 2020
Heru, hello the Falcon
are you the right eye?
a morning Star of the mourning
the diety of red and white
abandoned in the womb of Isis
as Osiris overules the world

Am I the left eye?
that is obscured in desolutions
incriminated with the destitute
to parade on the streets with a revolution
to pollute the seeds with reminisce
of the aftermath that bore yesterday
as the blood floated in the cases
attributed to unruly desires
those rehearsing on a cliff
as the cascade of the waterfall cleanse

Heru, hello the Falcon
are you the right eye?
a morning Star of the mourning
the diety of red and white
abandoned in the womb of Isis
as Osiris overules the world
Jan 2020 · 117
Sketched Hollows
SassyJ Jan 2020
At the perimeters of the spheres
where borders are sketched hollow
in the depths of the humanly soul
by the waters and above the depth

At the centre of the spaced rotations
where the world seems so faster
unweighted and crusing on waves
at the verge of losing the controllable

All the summoned questions are cased
packaged with the drenched corpses
and the variables relatively deceased
counting days awaiting for a merge
Dec 2019 · 275
An inferno of chaos
SassyJ Dec 2019
Sometimes when the world is closing in
to unparalleled dimensions and yesterday's
those flaws that crawl and pawn
as if held by an unresistable crab
unable to surface and breath above the waters

The other day stone cold ice consumed me
unable to escape the frosty breath
frozen in a mass of unbroken lakes
uncharmed, controlled by unmoved currents
dellusioned in an inescapable summount

Somedays the ways of the world are unquestioned
overshadowed by an adornment of selfishness
coloured in hues of  spotlighted web
tangled by eroded days of the week
facing changes as an inferno of chaos
Oct 2019 · 257
Ushuia.... Fin Del Mundo
SassyJ Oct 2019
At the end of the world
Overlooking the atlas
where the ice fells
and snow treks

kissing under the stars
the crescent moon
smiles on the icecles
another born dreams

watching sea lions
mother seedlings
as they prowl in islands
owning the sea and life

sailing on the beagle channel
drowned by the Les Eclaireurs
such a red prey on the sea
lighting the penguin walk
Ushuia .... Beautiful experience and memories at the end of the world
Aug 2019 · 237
Unspoken reprise
SassyJ Aug 2019
As bare as a dessert
so was his departed heart
when his body shut down
weaned of oxygen to death
his red blooded veins disintegrated
Yet, his sperms bore my being
and part of him was a sown on me
right to the core of this tapestry
Umm that old silenced man
bruised by disease and regrets

Once he came to me as a giant
a semi-human being from afar
another land where life lives
and his soul was cheerful
unreprimanded and attuned
wearing  contrasted parallel views
and his eyes shone with glitter
enlightened with a glow
he seemed interested and invested
all he did was nurture my soul

Today he sat of that couch
the very one that he read many a books
and his eyes were shut, the spirit shook
electrified from crown to head
he staggered in an sequence of drama
as if he was an automated robot
present but disintegrated in form
his ears were in utter silence
and his eyes could not find a way
as his feet shook in unspoken reprise
Jul 2019 · 273
The felt , unseen
SassyJ Jul 2019
Dear one,
Another day has come and nearly gone. Yet my body is lighted, pledging for an embrace.….. that laughter. I picture your soul so vividly, It's hues are unconcealed and vulnerable. There was a time I lost you in the horizons that surmounts all. What if? I gather courage and all there is and make that move. Will I be stumbled or murmured on. It's not that I can't do it, I truly do. However, I cant gauge your standoffish insight. Or is it my mere misinterpretation of what is felt and unseen.

You are ethereal, an old soul of some sorts. There is a time in the olden days when all seemed to be sure. When the world was on our side. Far beyond any topography and race, none of those expectations bore it. At times when my soul calls and recalls you, you seem to stand in front of me. How I wish you could read these words. See my sincere thoughts deep within, those that like words that echo in the deepest forest range. Those that look like all the beauty that you bear.

If there were April rains, I would stand there with you and awash the whole I bear. If there were three words then I will say " I love you". So when the night draws and the moon winds as it wanes. Look up to the stars and see your form embodied in there. Only there I will be, finding my way in the dark to you. At the mid point of it all, our electric essences will uniform. As always, as we do in another dimension. How I wish you could recall and find my way to me dear one. I will write until you find your way to me.

A soul resonance with someone soul form. TS
Jul 2019 · 218
Ohh our Ghandi
SassyJ Jul 2019
"I am laying my heart bare"

Let the desert commotions
transfuse to a resistant mode
a hunger, that thunder of change
where institutional beliefs diffuse
in a memory of undiseased roots

Let the flashlight call for a victory
transpire aganist unruly injustice
Ohh Maharaja, bring thy wisdom
unrendered love and hope in hand
speak over the deliberations we face

Let the heritage of India shine
as the gem of this land radiate
open the eyes of the hirijans
as they see all lines undivided
in anthems of unity and harmony

Let the Muslims and Hindus sync
at the beating heart of humanity
that reflection of the multitude
blinded by mere superiority
a complex exiled animosity
Mohandas Ghandi
Jul 2019 · 372
Riddles that bridges
SassyJ Jul 2019
Let's share at the table of art
where our hearts hold on
clinging at the base of the edges
with yorks of broken hearted
hold with carols of utter concern
angelic choral spires of the defiant
where gold is thrown in an ocean deep
follow me by the old bond stones
at the temple that stand on cobblestones
at the altar where we can remain
soldiered by the founded pillars
as the ice cold beat us to death
we still never wanted to leave
as the sun scorched and melted
we still never wanted to leave
touch my torso, let your hands run
turning the ol lighted neurons
hit it all on the bearable grounds
at the heart where the water fall
call me again and again, yet again
get drunk by the glorific castle
where the drums beats in sequence
ranting on every passable pause
until the peak of the current falls
call me again and again, yet again
swallow the moments unfullifed
recite me as the unforgotten city
the clause that covers sad songs
in a figurative riddle that bridges
Jul 2019 · 471
Shower me
SassyJ Jul 2019
Shower me blue
as the daring storms stomp
burying me in a crucifix

Shower me red
as the blood rains on my soul
tainting my spirited foes

Shower me orange
create all the favourable hues
colouring my spirit in a rainbow

Shower me purple
open my mind from riddles
unchurned words that rules

Shower me green my love
export all the eros there was
and swim in all circles

Shower me in yellows
tune all the treasures in motion
to the heart of the unreturnables
SassyJ Jul 2019
Just another moment of anticipation
just another minute I need to call my own

I hear the black bird sing
such a vague song of resonance
moving far beyond the island
abandoned meteors
explorable demeanour
the unsolvable perimeter
permeable centimeters
such a rant on a cold winter

Just another moment of anticipation
just another minute I need to call my own

I sense the herd of the sheep flock
such a surmountable collusion
moving up the high mountains
applauded exposure
explainable composure
the simultaneous apprehension
such a rant o a cold winter
Jun 2019 · 238
Shoes and beyond......
SassyJ Jun 2019
He tunes all my elements
deep feelings that never existed
a penetrate to the reclusive state
yet, I shield away from emotions
feelings of strong attraction
those sentiments of butterflies
that coexist in the in between lines

He skips the beat of my heart
above the currents of downwards oceans
past the mirage of a destructive naunce
yet, I shield away from his pastures
such a storm of unreckoned thunder
where time to try is a lost option
simmering at the mercies of the heaven front

He will soon fade into the winds
beyond those unreachable bridges
of the never return thoughts
yet, I shield my knees from falling
becoming vulnerable at the mercy
of another wandering beautiful soul
prying in the depths of my many fews
It's just a crush.....??!!! primate attraction.
May 2019 · 251
Underneath it all.....
SassyJ May 2019
We stand here in a place of serenity
my soul and I holding hands
laughing at the dire deep moments
rushed trances we fought to forge
deep trenches crouched to the gorge

Yet this light within was always there
forgotten, shunned and misunderstood
let’s hope that this slow dance lasts forever
a sacrifice at the heart of this existence
where an overflow subsides an abundance

Yet gravity was all we could ever see
pushing us back in opposite gradients
and our hands were not able to touch
and the chains that held us were unlocked
bonded to the core, our clayed fragility

We stand here sharing a kiss forever
endorsed in our never ending sentiments
alone in this spectacular autumn night
underneath it all you are a part of me
a colour event radiating all my life
I love my soul and having to understand it is *******......
Apr 2019 · 267
Utters of bitter sweet
SassyJ Apr 2019
Such a sunny day unshielded from rain
and I have so many spent days alone
whispering to cornered phantoms
some of ago, others taunt and appease
to melodies of utter bitter sweets
If I could turn the clocks back I would
walk back to that perfected day
standing right there beside you
but love is not unconditional
and many people die drowned in it
trying in resolutions to make it work
and you could never fight for me
neither stand up shielded in misery
and my heart is ice cold and frozen
unable to feel, digressed from love
because in my eyes, it’s a waste of time
and my soul cries with an incurable ail
as if hit with a nail,unbailed a thousand times
deep within I stand as an unpolished iron
rusted and collected in sediments
ores of amber slime tapped as a ****
but the loathe on your skin tells it all
and all I wanted is to be better friends
but in your eyes, all is faint and insecure
and the cyclones of the past outweigh the present
Apr 2019 · 289
Thoughts to Cootomundra
SassyJ Apr 2019
There are no houses here
just hills with billabongs
sheep raiding pastures
each contained to its own
and the greeness of the valley
is submerged within my being
bearing the streams from the sun

There are trees smiling
attired in greeness and sheen
whilst others are withered
unbranched, unclothed, branded
each to its own paradise
unaware of the other’s existence
reserved in framed ponds

Thoughts to Cootamundra
where reasons are sacrificed
and the words muted are said
and each passageway is a memory
that reforms my tapestry
awaiting the hushed winter winds
at the heart of the autumn breeze
Apr 2019 · 347
Caving for your heart.....
SassyJ Apr 2019
I will spent another daylight hour
looking deep in the ember of your heart
where love oozes droplets of life
covering my all with dazzling sparks
those remedies that want to crave
caving for your heart to fill my curves
right to the core of our time
where destiny revolves and resolves
and as your tounge fills my jaw
crusing to the depths of my inside
my soul captures the depth of yours
pausing in memories unsilenced
our whispers carried by sirens
to the den we claim to taste
the drooling icicles of honey
Inspired by daylight hours and the idea of love. It’s plausable.... indeed
Love denies itself until it feels like it never exists.
Apr 2019 · 325
The city of the sun
SassyJ Apr 2019
The green eucalyptus were in array
as I walked at the edge of the earth
consumed in the midst of the unknown
or was it just a figurative forced mist
illusioned on pictures in depths of mine
whilst the sun rays shone light
through these windows into my withins
and my eyelids were steady in the middle
at the centre where all the spirits awashed
and life vanished like an uncertain rainbow

Yet I was so young at heart, unable to see
and looking back, I can’t seem to understand
or even hold tight to that mystery angel
the one that brought me to the city of the sun
in another time, after another rapture
where psalms whispered of an eternity
and sonnets were effervescence and marginalised
and the questions were sought and internalised
and happiness became the solid I consumed
at the heart of paradise where it all fades

Come yee symphonies arise to the skies
above the sun each holding to the other
Let me just follow merry and nourished
hoping to be tangled in the lost rhythms of the sun
Apr 2019 · 365
Rusted copper coins
SassyJ Apr 2019
Halfway through the year time crept
Days seemed to flash like thunder
each vanishing by to its paradise
Sometimes I wonder about the days
If they will reappear above the mirage
far beyond the ever breathing skies
above the unreachable starry skies
above what is unfathomable and unattainable
and if these days sat on a mountain?
would it ever sink or be weighed down?
submerging below the strata and volcanic tension

aren’t we all stuck in a driven world
where souls are trying, prying, crying
each trying to find a place, some freedom
a resolution above all the substitutions

Yet as she sat at the fountains of love
all she could find was second class crowns
rusted copper coins sunk at the bottom
and all their wishes echoed eons ago
articulated with tainted rosy promises
pardoned within a series of mysteries
as if happenstance as delicacy was outpoured
and as she sailed, willowing voices unfolded
and all she could visualise was the future ahead
Inspired by a day out at Wagga Wagga, NSW AU
Apr 2019 · 164
Inescapable Nemesis
SassyJ Apr 2019
Life became as free as this
lighter than any feather I felt
softer than the remnants I tell
and every memory is a tale
availed to pass through the winds
into the vast of the forgotten puddle
and the nights falls into its place
mystified within it own paddles
a silence stiffened by stilled steel
at a sacrifice of blood and freedom
and every sun is not like the other
amber sheen, tampered sheets
such an even sleek of an edgy course
march on, run on, hum on
at the chase of inescapable nemesis
Mar 2019 · 289
Find my feet......
SassyJ Mar 2019
As the music tantalises
something tricks the wick of my mind
through the pattern of the eruptive wind
besides the reeds of the adventure
in the swampy zones where I find the way
hiding the inner soul as peace partakes

As the sunshine gazes
the outer lights seems a hundred years
unreachable yet so lovely and visible
there is a pinch of it that never disappears
and it tears all the skin to the kins of bones
depths with the unpenetratable glass

The loneliness is so tasteful
away from any eventful unsteadiness
it scratches the ledge of the window sill
hoping to leap and fly to it’s freedom
and it’s shattered state is a sacrifice
unable to find it’s way home
Mar 2019 · 869
Entitlement is an illusion
SassyJ Mar 2019
Apathy and ignorance tainted humanity
into droplets of unsettling mists
formative actions just pours blood
as enclaves of prejudice forms unrest
Whose nations are these?
where moral compassion is tool we lack
leading to unjust unidirectional tracks
for entitlement is an illusion
a dismiss to the evolutional revolution
For many months I watch the clouds pass
asleep as the layers of the skies seduced
whilst supremacists are hanging undone
whilst terrorists are merging undone
whilst institutional racism stand undone
Who are these unsaid heroes?
tired of fighting and just trying to survive
segregation is virtually an erosion
a creation of a constrained imagination
breeding just mere criminals and monsters
Jan 2019 · 245
SassyJ Jan 2019
She stands like a dame
bold with a subtle masculinity
her ties are with traces of time
each knotted with perfection

Once she lived in the countryside
driven by the fairytales of Paris
the melodious stance of the Effiel tower
doubled up with a forthright society

She drowned in pain, those blood tears
as her husband bedded the prostitutes
and dwindled the cash and advances
still they all threw themselves on him

She died a little each an everyday
until her affection for men truly died
and her fierly attention for women
summoned the unending flickering light
Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
SassyJ Dec 2018
It takes tales to run along
past the mast of the unseen flag
the one that comes and flies along
after decades of the lost light
flights and unending ghostly journies
the freedom recovers the day
wrapped up on the winter cruise
bruised by the western winds
on the gravel country lanes
where soil is the only savior
upon amber- brown rusty folds
past reason why the sun rises
beyond the cradle of the waning moon
SassyJ Dec 2018
The blinded windows are shreds of paralysed glass. That brokenness....the hunts beyond the borders of the savanna grass. There was time when I died unable to work out this bare shell uncovered. The thousands songs that replay uncreating the moulded monsters. As the roosters awaken the unravelling dusk. At times the skies are brighter, others your voice wander within the beat of my heart. Paralleled as we are, hands widths apart extended with eyelids that feed the light across the oceans horizon. Sometimes, you will never know or read the words that are the reason. Whilst the world was against us, fuelled to make us disappear. Darkness overcame the starry eyes with lies. Despite all, I hoped you would have stayed a little longer. The fire still burned as our heads held up on the waters..... and YES when I wake up in the morning it’s always alright. The static zone of the melodious rhythm sinks below the sole of my feet. Awaking such feeling of aliveness. Sometimes love never goes away and it lights even deeper......
Nov 2018 · 546
Whispers of the night
SassyJ Nov 2018
Reality strikes like a gong
stories foretold and whispers take turns
such a wild-fire unrestrained
spreading in empty cases
across the unheard sounds
within the pressure of their minds

Sometimes, time just makes it right
and the sound of the rain
slowly sweeps the prejudiced remarks
as their gestures are suffocated
in the remnants of their insinuations
across my inhabited alacrity

In the whispers of my dreams
I felt their creeping shadows
those words filled with judgement
apprehended inside unreformed reasons
across the many eyes that I see
logged with unmovable and manic chaos
I have no time to judge or change anyone. Take off your own logs first....***
So went to a party with a onesie and slept under a table.... What’s your problem? I am not into Gucci
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