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 Mar 2019 Saraphina
Happiness is a friend who left me on read
Purpose ignored my snapchat
Complacency blocked me

I found new friends
But I don't like them much

Loneliness tells me jokes, at my cost
Sadness cuddles with me, but her touch is cold
Humility points out my strengths
and my flaws

I want my old friends back
 Mar 2019 Saraphina
I avoid depression
Like a boxer
I bob
And block
But on occasion
Depression lands a hit
My smile fades
And my eyes sink
My mind wanders
And my voice goes quiet
The light inside dims
As the fire grows cold

I’m on the ground
Trying not to be knocked out
I get on my feet
And swing back
Show depression every reason
I have to stand
My corner of the ring is full
And depression fights alone
 Mar 2019 Saraphina
You were my moon
Like the ocean you controlled me
Pushing and pulling

I was but a shooting star
Burning bright in the sky
You made a wish
Then forgot I ever existed
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
I walked through the garden of Eden
I smelled you before I ever saw you
You’re scent sweeter than even the freshest of roses
This aroma more delicate than any I’ve ever witnessed
My nose led me to you
And when my eyes spotted you
I knew that it was the beginning of the end
Deep inside me it was clear it wasn’t meant to be
You were a forbidden fruit of which my lips were never to touch
My tongue prohibited from ever learning of your flavor
But how could I not try a bite
Like Adam and Eve I had to learn for myself
just how sweet life could be
I couldn’t resist reaching for the fruit
But the moment I put the sweet delicacy to my lips
it was already too late
The color drained from my face
And my stomach sunk
I fell to the ground shaking
The life leaving my body
I took a chance with you
And it made me colder
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
Doors open
Songs are sang
Trust broken
Alarms are rang
Love taken
But not for free
I'll get you back
I gaurentee
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
No Right
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
You have no right to love me
When you chose to walk away
You have no right to miss me
When you didn't want to stay
You have no right to need me
When you knew what you would lose
You have no right to be with me
When you left me so confused
You have no right to love me
But you still do
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
 Dec 2018 Saraphina
Set the alarm
Lock the doors
Lock the windows
Lock the shutters
Find the cricket bat – “put it by your bed”
Say goodnight to mom and dad

Although young, not naïve
I knew every night had the possibility of being my last

A routine that is now muscle memory.

Fear –
You may think
But life –
Normal for me.

Wake up
Turn off the alarm
Unlock the doors
Open the windows
Open the shutters
Put the cricket bat in the cupboard

Never being able to be left alone at home. Unwillingly dragged from store to store.

But – that’s the thing –
People don’t know the real Her,
They know the exquisite scenery, the unforgettable wildlife
They don’t know… But I do.
Because She is my home
Because being in constant fear for my life –
is normal.

Confused –
What do I tell people about Mother when they ask?
The person who raised me, taught me how to be grateful, how to ride a bike,         how to love.
Do I tell them? Will I scare them?

Although hidden beneath the tyranny – I would say –
the bloodshed
the faces of malnourished children left for dead on the side of the road the poverty struck soil the corruption      the greed the hunger the death the separation of class and race

Although a place feared –

My Africa –
Whose sunshine you feel ignited in your soul
My Africa –
Whose smile is irresistibly contagious
My Africa –
Whose heart lies in the grassy terrain
The golden dunes of sand
The never-ending mountain tops
My Africa –
Who is the heart of various people
          All who call Her home.
She is –
Where my heart lies even if I am thousands of miles away
Where my mind wanders from day to day.

Her air, instantly calls you
Her smell, instantly smelt
Welcoming you ever so dearly –

Like all good mothers,
She is the one who can handle both the tranquil and turmoil,
the love and war.

She is my home. She is who I fear of disappointing.

My Africa –
is beautiful.
Home sick...
 Jun 2018 Saraphina
 Jun 2018 Saraphina
The sour grapes of death
Are brewed to make this wine
That God force feeds us

The taste is bitter
The color is dark
And the smell is rank

We may not be thirsty
Yet  he will pour
Filling us with despair

We will suffer
Drown in our agony
Be consumed by our torment

But come one day
We will see
It was all for the better
xxxtentacion was my idol. He taught me to express myself in a raw way I thought I never could. Today he was killed and I mourn for him. This is a tribute to X
 Jun 2018 Saraphina
The discussion of politics occurs,
Over cups of lukewarm earl grey.
Obsidian tea occupies an ivory ***,
My hand stumbles and the sweet grains miss my drink.
They fall to the ground and scatter the rich soil below me,
Herbal notes are enough to distract me from my surroundings for the moment.
A thin shadow rests upon me,
Cast by the barren trees that forsake the living.
Clinking china rings in the air,
But is not enough to mask the sounds of suffocation.
I continue to pour my drink into my mouth,
As the rope around me neck beings to tighten.
This tea is too sweet I think to myself,
While my feet are lifted from the ground.
The cup drops from my hand,
and the cotton tablecloth is stained crimson.
 Jun 2018 Saraphina
We sit on the bow of the boat,
The sun glares down on us,
Your skin reflects it’s warmth.
I hand you a smooth shell I found,
We admire its beauty together.
Its round edges and pearlescent body,
You say that you could stare at it forever,
But then you turn to the sea and throw the shell.
I ask you why,
And you reply that its beauty is only temporary.
At first I take your word for fact,
But after contemplation I realize I disagree.
So I dive into the water and chase after the shell,
Not yet ready to give up on it,
Understanding its value.
When I bring it back to the boat,
I smile at you and plead you to enjoy its allure for the moment.
You agree and curl up next to me,
And we resume our admiration.
But not long after you take the shell from my hand,
Again you turn to the ocean and release the shell.
I look at you with a blank face,
Confused by your indecisiveness.
You explain that you never thought the shell was beautiful.
Once more I dive into the water,
No not to retrieve the shell this time,
Instead I swim to escape you.

— The End —