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 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Matt Walsh
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Matt Walsh
Stuck in this perfect, digital life
A robot went crazy in a world without strife

It wanted more than dull and perfection
It wanted more than fake affection

So it switched some gears and off it went
Into to the place where it was meant

A world of mistakes and a world of sorrow
A world with true love and decency to borrow

With all the good this world had to offer
The once tough robot became a little bit softer.
Because the cost of a soul is the price of a moment.

Because time had no beginning, but ends at forever, hanging helpless from the corner of the sphere.

Because the light will still find your brain, hidden at dead dark midnight, tickle your eyelids, and dance in a place you don’t dare mention by name.

Because darker is biggest and most beautiful, and the light men stood as the last link in the chain, the whip in the right hand of god.

Because the blood on the meter is a narcotic brew of Pacific, Atlantic, and flaming Arctic waters, set ablaze by giants who lived in the age of wine.

Because the sound of a tree falling in an empty forest rings out once, but is heard in two ways.

Because the wind cries the song of the living.

Because the sun sets and the moon rises.

Because the river water is cool.

Because the cost of a moment is the price of a soul.

 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Let me tell you about this boy
my cuddle buddy
best friend
lover toy.
My hand warmer
jacket lender
mix tape maker
park walk partner
parent pleaser
calls me his sunshine
Yeah real sly...
when he nonchalantly
sends that piece of hair
back behind my ear
he leans in enough
to rupture this forcefield
I have built around myself.
He smells like stargazing
and it's hard for me to imagine
that I've ever understood
the concept of walls and ceilings
because I suddenly doubt there'd be space
within them for me and these feelings
because somewhere up above
me and this boy's hands
were crafted to hold only each others'.
The trees know
and the rocks know
and the "no trespassing" cops know
to let us be
in our own little puddle of moonlight
in a world with so many potholes
we are just tadpoles
not sure what the future brings
but willing to keep on swimming
because we'd heard that God
had promised us wings.
Yes this boy will put an end to the dark days
reinvent my concept of time
to where my heartbeats mark the seconds
but until that moment arrives
I'll keep looking for the boy
with the hands that only
fit mine.
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Nobody Knows
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Its a funny thing to think
that there's no one in this world
that knows everything about me,
especially no one in this home.
And then I realize that maybe
that's why I'm so **** good
at being alone.
I'm perfectly cut out
for this life of isolation you see,
because I'm tired of coming home
and finding little pieces of everyone else
clinging to me.
Being altered might be too much to pay.
I don't want to look like her
or talk like her
or think like her
and why the hell
did I just say the word "cray"?
Truth is
no one knows
everything I've ever thought,
everything I seem to be
but I'm actually not.
No one knows
that I despise the word hipster
or that I felt bad
hooking up with him
when I'd rather been
kissing his sister.
No one knows
that I stay up late writing poetry,
that if it was up to me
I'd be far away from here
with nothing
but a backpack
a bucket list
and my fear
of not having the chance
to do absolutely everything.
Nobody knows
how many times I've stepped on cracks in the sidewalk
or how often I get writers block
or how particular I am about my clothes.
Yeah it's kind of funny
how much nobody knows.
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Too skinny
to be a tree
too fat
for grass
grows fast
yet creaks
at every wind
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Mike Bergeron
I bet her boyfriend
Of almost two years
Wouldn't care
For the flirting,
An open seat
On a bus to DC
Has got her skirting
The edge of
Polite conversation,
Threatening to fall
With insinuating smiles
Like private Pile,
If only he knew
How many miles
Have been spent
Laughing at jokes
And breathing the sweat
Ripe with pheromones
And flashing white teeth,
With a subtle groan
He'd pick up his phone
And give her a call
With his stomach
Feeling like a stone
Thrown in a well,
But he doesn't know,
And she won't tell,
So while he's waiting
At the bus station
For her to arrive,
She's necking with
A Haitian
And thinking of lies
To deny the fire
Between her thighs.
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Kairee F
I used to wait for the days when I’d get a free moment from you.
I used to hate the majority of things you did.
I used to feel like a ******* because of things you’d say.
And I used to hate your cavalier attitude.
But in the last month or so,
You’ve become one of – if not the only – person I trust.
And I’m just waiting for the day when it all goes back to how it used to be.
I’m happy for you. I truly am – from the bottom of my heart.
And I’m trying my best to give you space.
But I’ve become a terrible *****,
Because I’m unbelievably jealous.
When I see how happy you are,
I’m ashamed to admit more often than not do the words
“What the hell did you do to deserve that?”
Run through my mind.
Because from what I recall,
One of the lowest years of my life has been because of you.
And despite everything that’s happened recently,
You will always be the person who stole my innocence without my desire to.
And you will always be the one who cheated on me.
And you will always be the one who made me feel more used
Than anyone should ever know.
I was your toy practically every day of my life
While you still used others.
And then,
When someone finally came along and saved me from you,
You tried to take it away from me.
Not to mention the fact that you have tried to cheat on multiple girlfriends with me.
And I get it… you’ve come a long way since then.
That’s why I forgave you.
But why the hell do you get to have what you have?
When all I’ve done is choose to love unconditionally,
Forgive over
And over
And over again,
Accept the people I love for all of their messed up flaws,
And be willing to do anything to make their dreams come true.
What did I ever do to any of you to deserve all that you’ve put me through?
You and all of the others have done nothing but lie, cheat, and womanize.
Yet, I’m the one who spends every night
Struggling with a decision that would make the pain go away.
I guess no one ever said life would be fair.
But they did say it would be worth living.
This, however, is certainly not worth it.
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
Kairee F
Take my flashlight -
You need it more than I -
And maybe your path will be brightened.
This darkness could swallow you whole,
But may its bullets puncture me before you.

I'll not leave your side, my dear.
This I promise you.
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
tara mcnelly
 Sep 2012 Sally Soe
tara mcnelly
I hate you because I love you so
with a love that's real and lasting.
I'm left with that;
the best and the worst of it.
In the quiet now,
every laugh we shared, everything I thought was real howls thru my hollow soul and in the echoes I hear "fool".
My heart screams out in agony.
Suffocating, I gasp but the air is empty.
There's a hole where you came and went where there once was a door I opened for you.
You did not pass through my life; you passed through me.
I am not okay. It does not get better and someone else will not do; he isn't you.
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