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Feb 2018 · 187
Ravenous Beauty
Saddal Diab Feb 2018
Ravenous beauty

chews on the rind

Ravenous beauty

claws on The mind

Fiddly meddling mirror

disfigures the soul

Ravenous Beauty

The snake that swallows the oyster whole
Feb 2018 · 99
Haiku (2)
Saddal Diab Feb 2018
little girl alone
blue no longer a color
but heart's mourning song.
Feb 2018 · 98
Encountered Dream
Saddal Diab Feb 2018
I greeted my dream

Shock engulfed me as I saw

A boiling cursed creature

Walking stick and hunched back

piercing eyes carved crow’s feet

With mangled emotion

It cried

“You have betrayed me”
Feb 2018 · 122
Saddal Diab Feb 2018
Cradle the night sky

Scowling owl and flapping bat

Unction of blue moon

— The End —