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Sacrelicious Mar 2012

I hope you made it to detox.
& I wish you would have gone to 7/11 with us instead of getting lost at the liquor store. But a promise is a promise. I quit popping pills today, like I told you. Even if you we’re just telling me what I wanted to hear, letting your words serenade me into buying you some cheap ***. Wherever you are just known I kept up on my end of the deal.
I’m irritable, hungry and I want to bash my head into the wall. But in a couple weeks I’ll be feeling really good again. The kind of good you can only dream of. The kind of good you felt before you knew the world was so bad.
Everyone says Jacob was a liar in the bible. But I think the bible is full of lies. My names Jacob and I’m actually honest.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
People are like
snow flakes.
They always
melt away
flake out
**** get’s hot & heavy.
Kind of like friends that aren't passionate.
Friends that aren't passionate about you are seasonal friends.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
When people say stupid ****.
"I'm uncomfortable with people standing beside me, behind my back"
- It's not like we care about your business, we've got our own **** to watch.
You're just paranoid cause
you're either
a good person
or your
So which are you?

You aren't looking through
real eyes if you think
you own something
that is in it's core breathing.
Space is something
that exceeds
realms of
So you can't own space,
cause it's shared in
& even if you could buy space,
I think the only entity,
you could buy
from would
have to be
a lie dealer,
with fangs & horns.
Hell is the only place you
can buy space in.
***** money runs ***** places.
Kind of like a *******.

On a personal note.
Gold Coast, I almost worked there and I would have made 600 a night.
I'm glad I walked out of work with $25 in tips last Friday and kept my clothes on.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I had a dream a few weeks ago.
Check it out.

in the middle of the astral plane,
I met the Sun.
I couldn't see his face,
for it was too beautiful for my caterpillar eyes to see.
He told me that he knew,
the angel I sold my soul too,
5 years and 155 days ago.
**** gets better,
someday keep that nice thought <3
he tossed me a bag of magic star dust
and said use it well.
I plan too.
Double "o"
cause Bandit & The Love Cult is a
2-way street.
My poems for you.
Until then,
I'm just
biding my time,
biting my tongue,
waiting tables,
waiting on fate,
wondering when they're going to
hit a ***** up.
Patiently waiting in every way.
Until my magic is done
baking like a stoner.
Just believe in your
butter-fly hearts
that the suffering is almost over.
Patience is an art, just like poetry.
If you time travel
on the wishing well's schedule,
**** will get better.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I'd rather drink the punch and die
than bite the apple and die
I'm just trying to find
a way
to get by
and meet people
with out having to take my clothes off.
or write **** me in sharpie all over my forehead.
No matter how it happens,
there needs to be a redistribution of wealth
in a way that isn't stealing, like taxes do to us.
If the people got together and built
an empire,
then together they would rule
it and take care of
all that needs to be done.
Like business
that actually works,
like a friendship,
not a one night stand.

Y'all know what I mean?
I just turned 20.
43 minutes ago, I'm excited.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Hi, my name is Jacob & Imma wrist cutter.
Once a cutter, always a cutter.
Addiction, this is kind of like
get rid of the first
and replace it with a W.C
and there you have it.

Our mission is to get all
the active cutters
to cut it out.
Cut, slice, and skin
bad ****
not your body.
It's beautiful without the scars.
& You
to die in a better way.

No one should leave the earth,
passed out,
cut up
burnt up
dried out
thrown out.
Passed out ,
drowning in a pool of your own blood
is not a glorious end
to a magnificent person.
Cut out cutting.
The Love Cult has
of band-aids
if you ever wanted to come visit.
Stay a while.
You'll <3 The Love Cult.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
When they say you're
Do they even know what they are saying?

To be insane is to literally be in the mindset of insanity.
You know yourself better than any Doctor,
or and other
Higher up
that get's high
from bringing you down.

Here's a new word for y'all.

Unsane: (verb/noun/adjective)
Opposite of insanity.
Opposite of being insane.
Opposite of what they're trying to trick
you into thinking you are.

They're the insane ones,
we're just unsane.
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