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Jan 2022 · 108
Johnny Jan 2022
How do you go from being someone's nothing to their everything?
Strangers to soulmates
From not knowing their name
To can't get their face out of your head
I love her brown eyes
Earthy and strong
They keep me anchored
I love the way she smiles
So warm and bright
It hugs my heart
I love the way she holds me
The feeling of a fire on a cold night
I find sanctuary in her kiss
Every day there's something new to love
I've never loved like this
Beautiful yet terrifying
Cause we know the more you love, the more you could hurt
But I think in a way
I'd love getting hurt by her
It would mean that what we have is real
And I can't wait to love her more tomorrow
Jul 2018 · 520
Another Late Night
Johnny Jul 2018
Do you know how long I waited?
To muster up an ounce of courage to ask
Of course you asked first
You were always better at talking
And knowing what you wanted
So we did
I don't regret a single moment
If anything...
I regret taking so long
I didn't know that I could love so deeply
So purely and happily
You were my better half no doubt about it
I just wish I could've been yours
I'm sorry
But I can't truly love someone until I love myself
I can't give you what you deserve
What you need
If I can't be happy with myself
I'm so sorry
I swore to protect you from hurting
But I failed
You don't understand why
Neither do I sometimes
I lay in bed wishing I had my **** together
So I could be together with you again
We said
Maybe down the road
But then you moved on
Or at least
That's what it looks like
I asked you not to wait for me
Cause that wasn't fair to you
Then I realized I was the one waiting
Now it seems like it's too late
I suppose it is
It's 1:30 am
I've spent 2 hours playing sad songs
And realizing that sometimes life happens
Sometimes it just *****
Tons and tons of suckage weigh down on you
And it feels like you're suffocating
Right now
I feel lost
The way I'd get lost in your eyes
And yeah, this isn't much of a poem
But you were always the better poet anyway
Just a late night release,
Mar 2018 · 334
Paper Heart
Johnny Mar 2018
I walk to my desk
With plans to compose a symphony of words
Grandiose words with which
To paint the space before me
But, I cannot
Something pulls at me
I look at this piece of paper
It blinds me
I need to fill the emptiness with something
Anything to allow me clarity
Something to contrast this dull void


A word appears in my head
Like a surfaced piece of a driftwood
Floating amidst a sea of thoughts
I close my eyes and write
A warmth permeates the air
I open my eyes to see what brought this change

It was your name

The paper was in the shape of a heart
I think the paper is my world
Empty and devoid of life
Until something meaningful is added
That something is you
You fill the void in my heart
My paper heart
Mar 2018 · 353
The One
Johnny Mar 2018
They kissed
His heart raced faster
The feel of her lips
Sent shivers down his spine
All thoughts pushed away
All but one
Smiling, she stops and pulls back
That ****** disarming smile
“How’s that?” She asks
In response, he kissed her again
Even after, he could taste her
As he drops her off and watches her leave
He feels an ache that won’t go away
Somewhere in his soul
There’s a hole only she can fill
Driving away, he knew
That no matter what
He’d never forget her
This was the girl he’s waited so long for
The one he gave his sweatshirt to
And his heart along with it
Mar 2018 · 254
Johnny Mar 2018
I promised to not fall in love with you
You tried to warn me
But the hour was late
We were laughing hard
I felt happy
For the first time in a while
I didn’t want it to end
But every start has its end
I thought I was enough
Enough to make you stay
To make you want me
At least half as badly as I wanted you
Not for the first time…
I was wrong
Wrong to think that I could make you stay
You always found another to give your heart to
And when each one left
I remained
You wanted my love
But didn’t want to love me
I promised not to fall in love with you
That promise was made to be broken
Feb 2018 · 212
Johnny Feb 2018
Why is the heart the main reference to love?
I think it would be more accurate and precise
If we were to use our lungs as reference
The way she rips the breath from my lungs
Like a hurricane tearing its way through my head
The sudden inhale you take when you see them
All the moments had in between breaths                            
The moments that leave you gasping for more
More air, more of them
The slow exhale you release after they’re gone
Heavy is that exhale as it carries the last goodbye to their ears
Slowly and painfully drawn out
You know you’ll never breathe the same, if at all
Because they left you breathless
Feb 2018 · 658
Stop Again
Johnny Feb 2018
I can’t un-cry your tears
But I promise when the rain comes
I’ll keep you dry
I can’t un-feel your pain
But I can ease it
When you’re lost
Don’t know where to go
I’ll be the shelter
To your flaws
To your heart
I can’t be any of those things
Cause I haven’t told you
Told you of every breath you stole from me
All the times I smiled
Hoping you’d see me laugh
Waiting for you to fall for my smile
Like I fell for yours
I haven’t told you
Of the times I almost confessed
Standing at the altar of my fears
Confessing my feelings
So no
I can’t be these things for you
I want to
God knows I want to be
But here I am
Wandering along damp hallways of stone
Laden with things that could be
Can’t be
Won’t be
But maybe might
So I keep my door unlocked but windows barred
That nobody may see inside
But feel free to knock
These walls have been painted over countless times
Covering the stains, dents, and scars
Waiting for someone to come inside
By all means
Please knock
But I beg of you
Don’t ding **** ditch
Too many times I’ve come to the door
An empty space meets my gaze
People that I thought were there
Just weren’t
Maybe you’ll understand then
Why I bar the windows and unlock the door
I can make the outside look good
Not everyone likes the interior
When you come
Stay for as long as you’d like
As you leave
I’ll naively leave the door ajar
If by a miracle                                                        
You choose to come back
Possibly to stay for a little while longer
Should you do so
I’ll be holding a “Welcome back”
And an “I love you”
One hand will hold the door open for you
The other will welcome you back
As for the “I love you”
I guess we’ll settle for
“Welcome back”

— The End —