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 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
This red string of fate binds us, through all eternity, we once were to blinded by heartbreak, to hurt to see.

We lived our lives separate, always feeling incomplete, to ignorant to notice this invisible red thread at our feet.

No matter the distance it can become tangled, yet never broken, the moment we met it was as if destiny had spoken.

The red string of fate can stretch throughout the world, yet will always lead us to eachother, forbidding us to successfully love another.

We are forever connected, by this string tied around your ankle and mine, binding our hearts together since the beginning of time.

It led me to you, now we have found our way, in my heart and soul forever is where you will stay.

When this life ends and we begin anew, I have no doubt that this red string of fate will again lead me to you
I stumbled upon this belief awhile ago that inspired me to write this. I think this dates back to one of my early pieces I wrote this as a teen when love, seemed so pure and was untainted.
My words are drying up, one by one by the storm inside
Your words, "I need something different"
"you'll find someone else" added to all the lies
Once promises I'd make a home in
Now I haven't seen the world sober in so long,
Why ask me how I'm doing when breaking up with me
Was losing the right to know whether I'm dead or alive.
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Layla Thurman
Play me like a guitar baby
pull me by my strings
pull from me a melody
that makes other girls sing

Let me be the instrument
you use to win the fame
I don't care if you use me
Just let me be the flame

I want to be the microphone
that catches all your words
Let your breath flow through me
Like wind through wings of birds

I love your music baby
your lyrics are like poetry
Let me be your pen and paper
Because you've done enough for me.

Your kindness saved my life darling
if it was only once or twice
that was enough for me honey
my heart is your device.
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I go down through the list of regret, the things that I've done wrong. Knowing that its a part of me, a demon I've battled all along.

A reflection of me, the women I see is bowing her head in shame. Knees to chest, regret wont rest, when you're the one to blame.

My lips are sealed in secrecy, of things I could never tell. The floor beneath me is made of glass, its no wonder that I fell.

As if an essence of a shadow lingers, that follows close behind. It rips and cuts pieces of me, and I slowly lose my mind.
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I'm best faded into the background.

I hate that I walk away sometimes. That these walls can't come down...
It's just easier to go.

You think you want to know me.
But you really don't.

I tuck secrets into the corners of myself,
A crumpled piece of paper riddled with drunken cursive.

I can't escape the desire to cover you in soft kisses.
Or the need to hear the rhythm of your heartbeat.

Distance, I panicked and had to add space in between.

People always say I shine

But that's because they are to dazed to see what's hidden in the shadows.
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I've hidden you away.

Tucking secrets into the cement cracks.

Burying all emotion alongside the person I used to be.

Sometimes it feels like a faded yesterday.
Yet years of your absence grow stale and suffocating.

I burned the edges of memories.
Hoping to blur those moments I once vowed to keep forever.

I took the blame when I broke your heart.
In that moment I became stuck within these walls.

I've hidden you away.

Now you're just a name that lingers on my lips,
And an ache in my heart.
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
It must make you feel good that you broke me.

Took any stability that I had, and invested it in lies.

It chokes me.

I can't remember to breathe...

I see your hands around my neck, but I can justify it to my last breath.

The hand prints on the wall don't match my own. But you don't care that you never saw me clearly.

All you care about is the satisfaction you get from the aftermath.

I'll clean up the broken pieces. As long as you remember that, your the reason I'm left incomplete.
 Aug 2014 RMatheson
Winter Silk
I guess it has to rain
For flowers to grow.
I guess the more you are insane,
more of yourself you'll know.

I guess we must know how to cry
To recall happiness when it's gone.
I guess our love had to die,
So that my heart can live on.
But love is a cycle,
an end creates a beginning.
 Aug 2014 RMatheson
Winter Silk
Paint an ocean filled with stars,
And beaches and the seas,
And you would not capture a beauty so vast
Effortlessly kept by she.

Paint the sun, in its flaming crown,
And the galaxy's gleaming isles,
And all the lights that shine in the dark
Are just small sparks to her smiles.

Paint a diamond of purest cut,
And milky silks, snowy doves,
And even they could not compare
To this fair angel from above.
"For a picture paints a thousand words,
But a thousand pictures can't paint her..."
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