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Rori Helsley Sep 2019
the world might end in 70 years i’m 12 i will watch every single living organism i love for and then when will i i’m leaving all my friends i’ve known for 5 years of my life behind and i have no word in this cuz i’m a kid i don’t know what’s right or wrong or what i what to say or if i made a mistake or what my sexuality is i’m 12” your  just a kid you don’t know what you saying” i do tho i know what is wrong in this world “your a kid your depressed your sad” i do know depression is i don’t lie about this **** yes i used to lie about stupid stuff but i don’t lie anymore people say “you’ve never changed” because they don’t know me i don’t open up to people but when i do they stab me in the back and i say in that my family wants me to cut off someone i truly trust and i’m not going to cuz i have a day in this i have have a say in what i want
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
This poem is about old friends

I get mad easily because of you
I get sad easily because of you
I get made fun of almost every day because of you

I’m am dead inside because of you
It’s not your fault I say to myself and to them

But I have issues because of you
Because I trusted you, because I loved you
I told you everything it’s not your fault
But it’s is my fault because of you

I’ve cut because of you I’ve wanted to die because of you

It’s not your fault.
I couldn’t decide which title to go with so here we are lol
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
She drew happy faces all over my arms.
She drew smiley faces over my scars.
She showed me with ink and blue marks,
the answer is a pen, not a blade to make art.
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
Momma I’m scared it’s here again it’s at the end of my bed it scary oh wait you don’t care about me maybe i should go with it
This post is about nightmares and terrors
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
Just a cut
just a scratch
what’s that mark
it was just the cat
just an excuse
just another lie
what’s with the bracelets
just fashion why?
just a tear
just a scream
why were you crying
just a bad dream
But it’s not just a cut
or a tear
or a scream
it’s just one more
until it’s not
until you die
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
Like many others I have a best friend she goes by many names makayla,tiger,my ******* she may be my best friend to others but to me she is my sister,my rock,my love,my reason to live,my everything she is the reason im living i wanted to **** myself until i meet her she stayed on the phone with me all night telling me how much she love me,how much her family loved me,how much everyone would miss me if I  died and I almost did die I tried to **** myself I was sad all the time crying, sleeping, or cutting that's the only thing I ever did never left my room scared about what might happen if I did but Makayla helped me through that too and I still have days where I feel I have nothing to live for and then I remember I have makayla to live for thank you and I love you makayla
Rori Helsley Feb 2019
It’s a
It's al
It’s all
It's all a
It’s all a l
It’s all a li
It’s all a lie, l
It’s all a lie, lo
It’s all a lie, lov
It’s all a lie, love
It’s all a lie, love I
It’s all a lie, love is
It’s all a lie, love is a
It’s all a lie, love is a l
It’s all a lie, love is a li
It’s all a lie, love is a lie
It’s all a lie, love is a li
It’s all a lie, love is a l
It’s all a lie, love is a
It’s all a lie, love is
It’s all a lie, love I
It’s all a lie, love
It’s all a lie, lov
It’s all a lie, lo
It’s all a lie, l
It’s all a lie,
It’s all a li
It’s all a l
It’s all a
It’s all
It’s al
It’s a
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