So many events have occurred For reasons we cannot conjure a clue That someone from the future has never intervened Tells me time travel can never be true
All this talk about genders is a bit confusing All emotions have been torn But then again, I was a man trapped in a woman's body Until the day I was born
There are many advocates for voting rights They say, more people voting, the better in touch Although when it comes to voting for abortion rights Wouldn't you know it? Maybe not so much
I long for the days before the Internet When ignorance was bliss and life was carefree Now with every ache and pain, I've become aware Of just how many diseases it could be
President Putin has always had a plan to extricate himself In case he was unable to take this hill He will claim victory by eliminating the Nazis As he sticks the rest of the world with the bill
With cancel culture and the banning of words Free speech is being put in its place When comedians can no longer make a joke Now that's a real slap in the face
Imagine when scientists find the center of the universe And how does all this space and time fit Watch for the surprise of the politicians when they realize That they are not the center of it
I think restaurants should have menus offered in braille So the blind can have a meal They can now choose anything they want Depending on how they feel
Nature seems to be a very happy place With birds chirping and frogs croaking everything is fine Although there are some sad moments Of course when willows are weeping and grapes turn to whine
All the social media companies in the world Unfortunately had to react They handed all the people a pen and a paper And decided hey, you can't write that
How do you fight the Taliban in Afghanistan Only a few options to choose I would have giving arms to the Afghan women For sure, they had the most to lose
Breakfast as a kid, Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry The good old days of sugar and fillers Great products that were pulled from the market General Mills the true cereal killers
Many humans have a fascination with wines Consumption of them is their great escape I'm just an old Coca Cola drinker To me they're just a bunch of old grapes
Face protection is no longer required For the returning congregation on Sunday Morning Everything seems to be back to normal Without the ability to conceal the yawning
For everyone who believes their dog is loyal I hate to inform you, that you've been ******* They play that best friend card to the hilt They'll go to anyone who gives them food
If you are killed while working for the government Determine assassination or ****** is what we face Do we consider your grand significance or influence Or should it be more about job title and salary based
I've notice there are very few God jokes Why do comedians let that subject be God graciously gave us a great sense of humor Why would God forbid the use against thee
The world needs an Italian grandmother Dispensing wisdom and clarity by the cup With a gentle slap across the back of the head Followed by a simple utterance, smarten up
Well you believe you have written a lousy poem So you throw it into the trash on the spot Please go and retrieve it For it's called, garbage can, not garbage cannot
Have you looked at the automobiles in a parking lot lately All the makes and models look the same We are all the victims of conformity And we only have ourselves to blame
Hail to the famous writers and commentators With the courage for which it employs To stand up against real evil All those old cartoons and children's toys
Never dismiss the thoughts of the elderly For their words and wisdom you can trust Because even a mop that is never used Will still continue to collect dust
News media, print media, social media, so many voices All striving to speak truth to power Believing they are worthy of the final destination Their prestigious ivory tower
They say the early bird gets the worm I believe that is certainly true for some Sure, there are certain advantages Stealing your neighbors newspaper for one
So big tech, the media, and Democrates will team up They will be the arbiters of what is now true These television and print journalists will all be cheering Not realizing they'll be a day they come for you
The fastest object in the universe The speed of light is what the experts claim At 186 thousand miles per second Wouldn't the speed of darkness be the same
Just a year ago the media was all upset about bullying Lots of finger pointing and blaming But now, they're pushing hard the covid rules They claim not bullying, it's shaming
What if when you looked in the mirror That it's not your reflection that you stare It's another you in another dimension Good at guessing what you're going to wear
Be careful with the images on television today For your eyes may believe what it sees So avoid the visions of others And let your mind see what it believes
Most people speak when they should be listening More thought should be promoted Better that your silence be misinterpreted Then for you to be misquoted
There is a group of dangerous people here And they strategically use their forces No guns or knifes or physical weaponry They call themselves anonymous sources
The excitement for the young to be involved in a protest With the belief that all these causes seem to make sense Just remember to think of your future Because good jobs are rare with a felony offense