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Joe Marcello Sep 2021
Many humans have a fascination with wines
Consumption of them is their great escape
I'm just an old Coca Cola drinker
To me they're just a bunch of old grapes
Joe Marcello Aug 2021
So you want to go it alone
Asking for help is just not right
Please consider before you abandoned any assistance
Even a shadow needs a light
Joe Marcello Aug 2021
Submitted for your approval
A question to massage your brain
If birds had gone extinct with the dinosaurs
Could we have invented the plane
Joe Marcello Aug 2021
Found a dead bird on my bird feeder today
Now fowl play is what I believe
Seems to be a new bird in town
I pray his message was received
Joe Marcello Jul 2021
Face protection is no longer required
For the returning congregation on Sunday Morning
Everything seems to be back to normal
Without the ability to conceal the yawning
Joe Marcello Jul 2021
Beware of the mathematical boogeyman
Such a large increase, such a large decline
Never show the actual figures
Scariest numbers have a percent sign
Joe Marcello May 2021
For everyone who believes their dog is loyal
I hate to inform you, that you've been *******
They play that best friend card to the hilt
They'll go to anyone who gives them food
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