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One day I will be murdered
And buried by
The tender hands of my lover
They will pour soil over my pale body
While moonlight pours from the heavens
They will bury me
With moonstone and rubies
Another gem of the raw earth
The best treasures are always buried deep
I died at my death
And that was a shame
My sun went to nova
With no one to name

I died at my death
And that was a pain
My song undersung
And nothing to gain

I died at my death
You called out my name
Weeping and broken
But no one's to blame

I died at my death
I went to the grave
What I spent of my duty
My heart couldn't save

I died at my death
They put up a stone
My flesh fall to rot
Til there's nothing but bone
I think I will keep you
on a shelf,
bright among the books
and knickknacks
You sing a visual song,
a parrot's lament,
but you are too wild
to let loose

— The End —