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Regan Troop Nov 2012
Being woken up by the sound of rustling, it's about 10:20 am. I poke my head out from underneath my blankets, "Ey... is it raining out?" The curtain is pulled back and there's a grumpy sigh, "Ugh, yes." I smile and pull the blanket over my shoulders again, "It's another rainy day, great start to the weekend!" She agrees sarcastically. I smile amusedly. I love this weather.

My lips chill from the rim of my traveller's mug that had been bathed in cold rain on my way to creative writing class. As I tip it back, my lips are steamed by the hot, chocolatey liquid contained inside. I fix the hood of my sweater and sit back into my seat. Rainy days, hot chocolate, and sweaters.
Regan Troop Nov 2012
Blonde Green
insisted I
behind my back
Best friends to
enemies to
my friend from
betrayed her
for another
The pain Ignored
my plea to fix us I
Silence She
cries and
saw you and you
saw right through me
why I won’t take her
back this
Regan Troop Nov 2012
Matt.* British gent to British *****.
You became insecure, moody, obsessive and possessive
And that doesn't give you the excuse to abuse. It’s over.
Norman. Male twin to turned twin.
You became my best friend so easily, come boyfriend
Then you broke up with me for my brother. It’s over.
Ryan. Sweet guy to skaterboi.
I don’t even know why we dated,
Probably because we left people who abused us. It’s over.
Noel. Romantic to heart-frantic.
You chose that nasty ex over me, and she only hurt you.
I've never came so close to fighting a girl in school. It’s over.
Morgan. Cuban fling to cutie far away.
I realize we were both drunk, but you initiated the kiss
And you weren't too bad at it, for a girl… but you’re in Ontario. *
It’s over.
Regan Troop Nov 2012
I couldn't imagine being in her situation.
I couldn't walk in my friend's shoes.
I couldn't imagine walking into the house after being
outside in the snow and not hearing my mother say,
"Kick the snow off your shoes outside!".
Or swapping shoes because we share the same foot size.
I couldn't imagine walking in her shoes,
but I can imagine how damp and sore they must be.
She doesn't know it,
nor did she intend it,
but a story I had heard about her made my eyes
damper than my snow-covered shoes.
It hit me because there was a part of the story
I could identify with, and one I couldn't.
We both write little appreciative stories inside cards on
Mother's Day. We've both done so for years.
We differ when I learn she would go outside and throw
her card as high into the sky as she could, hoping it would
reach her mother in heaven.
In that moment of the story,
her years of heartache are felt within mine.
We both expected wonderful reactions.
One particular wonderful thing about you,
I'm sure you'd like to know,
happens during my classes.
I do pay attention,
Well, I do try to at first.
But you take my mind away from my work
and make me work on a story about you and sometimes about us.
When I feel you tugging for my attention,
I usually give in.
You're much prettier of a story to tell.
Regan Troop Nov 2012
Things that blow,
The wind following your body’s beautiful curves, yet you hate anyone associating the word ‘beautiful’ to any part of you.
Your voice isn’t naturally low or manly like Joe’s. You wanna be like him, but Joe-Shmo that’s not what you deserve. You deserve you.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, thinking that the image should be clearer, thinking that instead of nearer, how you feel and how you look couldn’t be further apart. And it breaks my heart, you didn’t get what you need, and you’re falling apart, wanna depart, want a restart switch… And the best suggested alternative is a cut and stitch.

Stop telling yourself how much you hate yourself and stop saying it's your fault, stop having bad thoughts and try to see some good, there are still things to live for, stop hurting yourself stop scaring me with your goodbyes stop running with scissors stop playing in the traffic stop saying you'll finally do it  
... Live.

I don’t understand all that you go through and I know you don’t expected me to. But I do know pain, and I’ve dealt with confusion. I understand that this life you live seems like an illusion. This body you deplore because it’s not really your’s. When trying to be yourself starts feeling like a chore. When it’s just easier to tell yourself you’re done for.
But I’ll tell you, if I was in a candy store, and you were a candy with a hard outside-gooey core, even if your exterior didn’t completely match your true interior, I’d still pick you. Because you’re sweet.
It wouldn’t matter how messy you might be or how awful you think you must taste,
as long as your fingers were interlaced with mine, you’d be my cup of tea.
As I hold my tea cup’s waist and look at its reflection, I can see warmth and affection. Rejection and self-protection. I can handle a little messy and Darling I will let you know exactly how you ******* sweet imperfection.

And when you stare at yourself in the mirror, this time, I’ll be there, blowing the wind across your body’s natural, handsome curves.
I performed this Spoken Word poetry in a coffee house at my university, my heart was split in two, one half fell to my stomach, the other jumped up my throat. I was the last to volunteer to perform in front of 15 or so upper-classmen.. I'm so glad I survived and thrived, I plan to do more and perform, to work on my stage-fright.

The inspiration and dedication for this piece is my dear friend, Jeffery Heard. I hope you're doing well ***, I know you've been checking constantly for this, and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to put this up. But here it is, I hope it keeps you going **
Regan Troop Nov 2012
It's your birthday
so let's get those candles burning

You've taught me so much
while you're still learning
Things get better with age,
and it's another year you're turning

But don't get me wrong,
you'll always be the best Mum,
if for a second you were concerning
Regan Troop Oct 2012
She rested a hand on my shoulder and smiled,
"Nice guys finish last."
My ****** expression remained the same while taking in
what left her tongue as her smile and hand soon left me.
She's going back to the other guy.
The 'bad boy'.
The kind of guy who won't consider her first,
the kind of guy who won't share how he's feeling first,
the kind of guy who lied to her, saying she was his first.
My shoulder, still warm from her hand, shrugs.
It, and the rest of me, know. I'm the guy who touches her the deepest,
I'm the guy who will do anything to see her warm, comforting smile,
I'm the guy who will wait for the bad boy to break her heart.
I'm the 'nice guy'.
She may come to me lastly, but in her heart,
I will finish first.
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