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927 · Nov 2013
Damage Control:
RILEY Nov 2013
The deadly fumes become her perfume being able to consume a heart and I assume you know that feel

The great vibes become a tribe of interlaced emotions sharp and strange like miserable happiness recruiting martyrs from mankind

A sharp look into the eyes of death and you’ll fall in love

As it takes you away into the dark enlightened shadows that represent nothing but a simple phrase of “I love you”

Angels of death called upon her as the queen of astonished souls

Supposedly surprised for they did not expect

That the beauty that lies behind her eyes was lethal

And lethal as glory, joy or pride I lay mine aside

And succumb to her ways that lead to intersecting war crafts and arsenal

Bombs of existential hypothesis like never before

And just like our earth governed by mass murderers mallesting our most intimate yet extrovert part of our body which is our minds

She is not the one causing damage

But I’m the one that lacks a damage control
In memory of our romantic martyrs...
895 · Mar 2014
A Poem For Merry-go-round:
RILEY Mar 2014
She froze;
Not because of the cold weather,
But the stares burnt a hole
In her nervous system
So she froze,
Not because of the lack of blood circulation
In her tightening limbs,
But because the world felt like
It has to stop.
Some believe that,
If you breathe slow enough
You can hinder time;
She stopped time
For she was tired of twisting,
Carrying humans with her hands
Lifting their weights on her shoulder blades;
It was too exhausting
For her to be a carrousel
So she decided to become a rocket ship instead;
She -
Opened her arms wide
Creating sharp edges
To break through the wind,
With feet straight together
Like the rulers she used
To underline her name over every assignment
With little drawn hearts on top of the i’s
And circles over the e’s -
For her tendency to be perfect
Was a result of her fear of failure.
She was ready to be a rocket ship,
But she had no fuel in her gas tank
So she froze.
RILEY Apr 2014
Dry tears accumulate
On the corners of my sleepless eyes
As my thoughts circulate
In my brains
Like old sweaters in washing machines.
My spirit is knocking on the doors of my mind,
Peeking through windows
Trying to get a signal,
Trying to do something
“What the hell are you doing!?You’re going to **** us!”

It’s raining,
Inside me it’s raining;
Droplets of infuriated thoughts
And angry manifestos
Declaring that I’m unpleased with this world,
Unpleased of how it’s too small for my dreams,
Too tight for my overflowing self
And too narrow for my vision.

I’m a social claustrophobic,
Desperately attempting to get out of my social class
That is made out of four walls
Hate, prejudice, fear, and socio-economic dictionaries
That are set to define human beings.
I’m a lost pilgrim;
My compass is lying somewhere
In between the sand castles
Our father’s built for us
In this country on the shore;
In this country that drowns
Every time the moon decides to push away the water to its surface,
That clenches,
To the air that’s given to it
Split seconds after the moon changes its mind.

I can see the sunset;
But when the mind is not clear
One can never find clarity in a cloudless sky,
I can smell all kinds of spring,
But the scent reminds me of what I’m missing
Rather than what I am to find;
I’m busking in a starless sky,
I’m rotating around my words
Trying to avoid the meanings
Jumping over my reflections
Only thinking of one thing
“How the hell do we get out of this labyrinth?”
RILEY Dec 2012
The world falls upon my long and enduring thoughts, and rises with my hopes and wishful thinking
I blink not because it's normal; blinking
I blink because every time I close my eyes I transfer myself directly from a vivid realization of the pitiful situation we have reached
To a land of ultimate silence, silence that could not be breached
Built by walls of imagery, the eye of my heart makes it beautiful to see
All the mesmerizing scenery created by me
A land surrounded by high fences of imagination,
Secured by troops of my own creation
Governed by my will, though my will is long lost between your selfish lies and infamous deceit
A place I have formed, and living in it would be a treat
Vicinity, where the mundane tragedy is never mixed with what's really dull in our existence
An indulging unknown, where I know no resistance
I wish you can come with me and see the place for yourself, but iam sure that humanity doesn't mis with anything that is pure
Humans and purity are just like oil and water, one lies above the other
Sometimes people sugar coat that ugly truth…but others don't even bother
They climb on their podiums, or sit on their chair
Spread fear and fornication and women in despair
People will never escape
The human form, a shameful shape…
Unless you blink, you quit into a world of your own interlaced with your conscious, for if you haven’t washed out the blood of your hands the color of your dark closed eyes would be red
Because your actions are the outcome of what you think, unfortunately you dumb ****** perform directly and think later instead
I blink not because it's normal; blinking
But because I need to change my state, for with every breathe I'm taking I am perpetually sinking…
-Inspired by a dear friend-
RILEY Sep 2012
Where were you when my thriving dreams crashed with no savior?
Where were you when signs of solace reflected my behavior?
Where were you when my solitude became boring?
Where were you during my tough night, and my unwanted morning?
Where were you when even the human angels engaged with lies?
Where were you when my life turned vacant, a living hell?
Where were you when my happiness had no door and no bell?
Where were you? Did you think it was all well?
Where were you when every breath I take becomes a reminder of my torturous cell?
Where were you? And now, could you tell?
Could you tell that the torturous cell is my life and I'm held captive?
Where were you, when I wished my heart wasn't active?
Where were you when your face kept flashing in my eyes, and flickering in my mind?
Where were you when you’re the only reason to live, I could find?
Where were you when the lies between our laughs turned into a regretful catastrophe?
Where were you, when my life became a debt and my soul becomes a fee?
Where were you in all of this? I need an answer to cure my aching heart
Where were you when my agony, pain and melancholy decided to start?
My being is threatened by my foolish existence, and none of you care to listen
Where are you now? Do you even look up when your name I mention?
RILEY Nov 2013
Whats the value of a kiss
When we don’t kiss
We just play bumper cars with our cheeks
~Check that girl out bro~
Whats the value of a hug
When we don’t hug
We just enjoy the spontaneousity of our arms surrounding our lost souls
Ow god… look at that thing go…
Whats the value of men
who shape nothing but testosterone
And images of money;
Lets take images of our money
Flaunt them around
And round will be our days
In that cycle we call the dyslexic arrogance of higher class
*Dude did you see that!?
803 · Mar 2013
RILEY Mar 2013
She stood there…eyes covered with hope and buried with sheer zest of a normal teenage girl
She stood there… as I tried to swiftly move my hands across my face and rub my eyes
She stood there… left me astonished; I tried to adapt to her figure, but her beauty defeated my tries
She stood there… with eyes of blue and the red hair so smooth I can see the rays of light reflecting into a spectrum of fervor reflecting her inner sweet
She stood there… as I glanced once and smile twice
She stood there… an image so soft of all the goodness in the world and everything nice
She stood there… she stood there and I cried like a lost deluded son of man
She stood there… facing my not so mature mortality
She stood there and smiled
She stood there in the corner of the room and waved without her waving, greeted without a gesture or sound
She stood there and I knew… my love becomes of today, a limitless entity a feeling with no bound
She stood there and I wish she was closer to my breathless heart and the dragons disguised as butterflies in my chest
She stood there and the night went on as I forgot the rest
She left…
She left…
She left leaving me no clue, no trace, and I believe we will meet
We will meet in another world when love wouldn't be so discreet
And I will stand there, holding roses of my words and bouquets of my soul to carry on the burden of my heart
I will stand there, dreaming of the day I stand there, dreaming of the day I got a new start
I will stand there, covered by desperate cries of regret and motivation to move mountains and tame beasts and fight dragons for this is where I want to stand
I will stand there with a simple note written on my hand
A note that says: you waited for me and I failed to agree to your expectations
Now I stand here awaiting your answer with a certain sense of being and a moral complication
For I may not know you, and you sure are not familiar with my cognitive creation
But I stand here for you; for once you stood there for me
I hope…
I truly hope…
747 · Jan 2013
Definition of Death:
RILEY Jan 2013
Death strokes her hair
Makes it easy to scare
She walks so smooth, and slow
With a ghostly manner; images of a crow
Lacks a heart yet owns a pulse and an impressive circulation of blood
Her figure is thin, face is pale, always thinks ahead
A moving corpse, a bride to the underneath
If it wasn't for the winter and the opaque steam that furnishes out of her mouth you aren’t sure whether or not she stopped to breathe
Her talk is few; sometimes she doesn't talk at all
She enjoys the blasting music in ear pieces of rock "n" roll
She looks in directions, as if he is omnipresent and she is not content
For the day he came, death lent her a white paper inked with sorrow and bottomed with her consent
He broke her heart and left; intimidation the key for social homicide
Turning left and right she found no one by her side
In that day she died
In that day she died
Time of death was written down on tissue papers and napkins, with unforgiving tears
Reasons to live could come, but in her opinion reasons to die were ut-most clear
She plunged into the unknown, far beyond her normal daily routine
And decided not to contribute a role in that big act, yet she decided to lurk behind that scene
Definition of death was never the limitation of physicality or elimination of life
Definition of death is simply…the opposite of being alive…
RILEY Nov 2012
Where were you when my thriving dreams crashed with no savior?
Where were you when signs of solace reflected my behavior?
Where were you when my solitude became boring?
Where were you during my tough night, and my unwanted morning?
Where were you when even the human angels engaged with lies?
Where were you when my life turned vacant, a living hell?
Where were you when my happiness had no door and no bell?
Where were you? Did you think it was all well?
Where were you when every breath I take becomes a reminder of my torturous cell?
Where were you? And now, could you tell?
Could you tell that the torturous cell is my life and I'm held captive?
Where were you, when I wished my heart wasn't active?
Where were you when your face kept flashing in my eyes, and flickering in my mind?
Where were you when you’re the only reason to live, I could find?
Where were you when the lies between our laughs turned into a regretful catastrophe?
Where were you, when my life became a debt and my soul becomes a fee?
Where were you in all of this? I need an answer to cure my aching heart
Where were you when my agony, pain and melancholy decided to start?
My being is threatened by my foolish existence, and none of you care to listen
Where are you now? Do you even look up when your name I mention?

— The End —