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Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
It was almost as if,
My nightmares,
Had become more,
Than just,
Subconscious thought.

You ran along the uneven,
Cobbled, stone road,
Your mouth stretched open,
A silent scream.

My heart stopped,
As a Large metal object,
Labeled "49",
Propelled into the side,
Of your fragile torso.

Your bones bending,
And breaking,
Mind crushed by the drowsy,
Of a late night bus driver.  

I begged you to be careful,

You promised you would listen.

As the sirens wail,
Caressed the sleeping city,
Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks,
And stained,
My soggy pillow.

*I turned it over,

Then went back to sleep.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
In my diluted youth,
I used to believe,
our world was perfect.

Spending so many nights,
dreaming with my eyes open,
imagining the impossible,
and creating a parallel universe,
in which I was his to hold..

But like everything else,
my thoughts were
ultimately flawed.

My heart had written its own story,
*a fiction.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
Don't worry darling,
When I push you away,
I promise,
You won't feel a thing.

I'll be the one,
To burn in the fire,
The smoke,
Causing my eyes to sting.

I know it's for the better,
I'm a burden,
Don't you see?

I promise I won't blame you,

Who would want to be around me?
I promise I won't blame you,
I don't have the guts to leave.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Clinging to her,
Fragile bones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Breaking her,
With sticks and stones.

You're the devil,
On her shoulder,
Pushing her,
Away from home.

But you only,
Want to hold her,
So you don't feel,
All alone.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
"Push harder"* I scream,
As your fists attempt,
To regain a pulse,
And send blood surging through,
My non-existent heart beat.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your lips dampen mine,
Transferring fresh air,
And leaving it to inflate,
My corrupted lungs.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your eyes stream wet tears,
But my mouth remains,

Your screaming for me.

*But I can't breath.
I can't breath...
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
Hansel could not see the breadcrumbs,
Gretel was left on her own,
Following the winding trail,
That lead her far away for home.

With only one pair if eyes,
The lurking witch could pass,
Grabbing Gretel with such force,
Her young heart smashed like glass.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
She waits for you,
Under a blossom tree,
Nestled in the furthest corner,
Of her floral mind.

She waits for you,
Throughout the winter,
And let's the cold,
Seek shelter within her icy veins,
Rooting her limbs to the frozen earth.

She waits for you,
As the rain falls through the wilting leaves,
And is thankful that she,
Is not the only tearful heart.

She waits for you,
Even when the storm grows violent,
And she grows fearful,
That the wind will break her fragile bones,
And tear down her vacant foundations.

She waits for you,
In the summer warmth.

She's waiting for the flowers.

*but they will cease to bloom
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