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Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
The blackness seeped out,
From the cracked, bleeding joint.
It spread like an uncontrollable fire,
Destroying the things,
I treasure the most.
Originally about a pen
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
Before you,
Rages the fire,
That engulfs,
All that we were.

And you regret,
Allowing that,
Single match,
To destroy me.

I am forgiving,
But I see it,
As my biggest,

For we can seal
The open wounds,
But never erase
The burn scars.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
"Keep running"
He whispers,
Clinging to her,
fragile bones.

"Keep running"
He mocks her,
Footsteps echo,
Kicking stones.

"Keep running"
He chokes her,
His voice screams,
her heart moans.

"You know you'll never catch me,
But run my darling,
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
You can't conceal,
Those darkening blemishes,
Laced upon your skin.

Where's the fabricated necklace?

Was the knot too weak, too thin?
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
There's nothing left,
inside my hollow self.
You took the trust,
created distance with your fist.

There's nothing left,
Of our former wealth.
It's turned to dust,
Just like my crippled wrist.
Pushing Daisies Mar 2014
But he is imprinted,
upon my heart stings,
and they sound,
the most beautiful melody.
                                             A sad song,
I would never wish to forget.

— The End —