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 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
A matriarch of splendour
Her soul birthed the rights
Of passage to kings her trunk
Hoisted the heads of toddlers
To the apex of the African sky
A seasoned warrior a pinnacle of hope
Her bark bear the brunt of
Battlescars and hieroglyphics
The crowning glory of her delight
Is her children paying homage
To her For over six thousands years
Long live the Baobab
Long live Her Majesty
Please find time to read about the African Baobab tree
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
With the first kiss
We pulled the dark clouds
From the moon
And it shone magnificently
Tomorrow well do the same
With the sun
In these horizons those kisses is not
Just a luxury but also a necessity
It's never just love and roses
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
No rain
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Can we be friends
Can't we just talk

So many clouds
no rain at all

I haven't seen the sun in days

My heart feels like plastic
I hate summer
I don't want it to end

She's angry
She's still talking happy

Asking about your plants
yes their still alive
I look over them
time to time

I hear the rain
miles away

I carry the wind
whispering inside

Run away
I'm not going to fight

Can we be friends

opening my heart to you

Something might go wrong

It always does

trying to get closer to you

I'm waiting for the rain

I see the clouds

Not one
single drop
has fallen
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
The sun sets and rises
From earth's perspective
Drink a cup of water
Wear the left shoe
Then the right sock
Put some lipstick on
Or shave the little prickling hairs
Go to school, to work
Come back
The light dies
Some die too, momentarily
Others try to
Until the void disappears again
And the vicious circle has us all
Trapped, caged in between it's knuckles
Was it destined to be?
To go on
Try to change and the world rages against you
In the shape of a flame, with shattered sharpened teeth
Devoured and mourned
Tears are spilled above rusty tombs
Go back to where you came from
Or take another step into oblivion
Enter the darkness again
Or a room splashed by billions of suns
So many
That every little dark patch merges with each beaming corner
The hollows are hard boiled eggs
So shiny, so bright
So full of blankness
Blinded by the similarity
That looks like that looks like that
Luminosity rushes throughout the corneas
To the brains, travelling on neurons
Rush of brightness
Loss of stability
A smirk, a wink
You die
No more probability
Everything drops to zero
And the sun rises again
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Sugermans ****** diamond nights
Shattered the sounds of silence

Our crown Jewel's (children)
Stolen from us by the
Hitman's thunderous crack

Tears and fear drench the ground
The bleeding heart of
Our community inflicted with pain

As they surround either
Innocence taken
Or the reward of a gangster's shame
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