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 Dec 2023 Pagan Paul
Within my heart, a flame so bright,
A beacon in the darkest night.
Though others may not see its light,
It guides me through, with all its might.

Alone I stand, but not afraid,
For inner strength is my sweet aid.
My solitude, a gift so rare,
A time to breathe, to heal, to care.

Little joys, like morning dew,
Refresh my soul, and see me through.
I close my mind, embrace the day,
And let my worries fade away.

No need for others' approval now,
I've learned to love myself, somehow.
My worth is not in their embrace,
My inner light, my saving grace.

Though I may stumble on my way,
My inner strength will guide the way.
With conviction strong, I'll walk alone,
And find my path, my destined home.

My heart beats strong, it doesn't break,
For inner strength is my sweet stake.
Though others may not understand,
My inner light will guide my hand.
In depths of silence, words lie trapped,
Like stones of thought, my mind ensnapped.
To speak, my voice finds no release,
Held captive by the fear of cease.
In this stifling air, I cannot thrive,
My spirit yearning to survive.
I slept too long
do not know why
had my coffee at 9am
doomscrolling the news
on assorted media
        same difference

did not brighten my mood

the same idiots
spew the same phrases
they voiced one month ago
nothing has changed

and they call it progress
 Dec 2023 Pagan Paul
Whisper Yes
I dare you to email me
I dare you to message and put yourself on the line
I dare you to take a ******* risk and send a message
I won't
Not this time
 Dec 2023 Pagan Paul
 Dec 2023 Pagan Paul
Always a believer
Always hopeful
That there are intelligent beings somewhere
Out there
In the universe.
Because clearly there are none here.
We are simple.
All of us.
Mouth-breathers and dinosaur bashers.
Simple.  So simple.
In human form, only a man.
Yet, as I stand before you, I
see a Messenger of the Divine.
Struck dumb, I am at your command.
Take your pen, and with your hand,
write your name,
then etch it into stone.
Give me this token, so, as I travel this earth, alone,
(wherever I may roam)
I will remember that you are mortal
and frail, like me.
Though you serve as Messenger
of this Divinity.
For L.
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