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What I relentlessly seek,
to be a soul liberated,
Free from every attachment,
Bound by nothing, tempted by naught,
No unnecessary latchment.

The soul needs nothing, it's true,
To be free is its nature.
But my flaws have held me back,
My vision's a blur, a facture.

What do I really need?
Nothing, if I'm truthful.
Yet greed consumes, my soul depletes,
My life, a wasteful ruth.

Devoid of true knowledge,
I seek what's unclear.
My vision blinded, my eyes closed,
I'm trapped by my fear.

Lies will bite, anger will burn,
Karma's wheel will turn.
I wait for the reckoning,
My soul to learn.

Who will wash away my sins?
My thoughts, my inner foes.
They've led me down a dark path,
Where nothing grows.

My body deteriorates,
My mind fades, my memory erases.
I speak in riddles, no sense to make,
My soul, a maze.

Who will decode the mysteries?
The real truths that liberate?
The answer lies within,
My true self, my fate.

Oh, to be a soul liberated,
Free from every attachment.
To live my life authentically,
With true detachment
 Sep 2023 Pagan Paul
Anais Vionet
I bought the shroud of Turin
the vatican had a sale
they have legal expenses
and priests that needed bail.

It was just an old dusty cloth
so I put it in the wash
that Tide detergent, never fails
all the smudges and stuff washed off.
don’t get excited, i was raised a catholic
We’ll age like a well-worn porch
In a thunder storm;
Telling tales, sipping drinks,
Beneath a canopy of stars-
In a house that we call home.

Our basement’s stoked with love,
That melts away the cold;
The rafters hang with laughter,
To warm us when we’re old.

Our shelves are stocked
With hugs and kisses;
And jars of smiles and hopes;
The food of family ties,
That nourish hearts and souls.
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