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457 · Jun 2021
A Wandering Soul Jun 2021
And then, under the clear blue skies, I saw her
If it weren't for the sand beneath her feet
I would of thought she was an angel on earth
369 · May 2021
Tears have Dried
A Wandering Soul May 2021
I sit waiting for the sun
Far too tired to run
And still fearing what I left behind
A mile between
But still that scene
Playing on my mind
Not one of blood
But one of my love
With someone who wasn't me
My tears have dried
No need for goodbyes
I guess it wasn't meant to be.
343 · Jul 2021
Is it wrong?
A Wandering Soul Jul 2021
Is it wrong to tell you how feel
When I know you're with someone else?
216 · Apr 2021
Summer days
A Wandering Soul Apr 2021
Rain races down the window
The stars light the sky
Reminiscing on summer days
When you were by my side
The sunlight lit your face
Through the infinite clouds above
In my dreams I visit those times of glorious laughter
And wonder when I will next be in your arms.
214 · May 2021
A Wandering Soul May 2021
I must let it be known
That I refuse to give any less than all my affection to the one I love
When I find them
And they find me
They will know the depths of my heart
And feel its expression of joy at their smile
And with open arms
I will give them warmth
Through good and bad
Through highs and lows
Through sun and rain
For as long as they will let me
And I pray that they will let me forever.
195 · May 2021
I Swear, I Promise
A Wandering Soul May 2021
I swear
As the sun rises
As the ocean roars
As the wind howls
My heart will beat with the rhythm of yours
And I promise
As the stars shine
As the rivers flow
As the birds sing
I will let it
169 · May 2021
A Letter From My Heart
A Wandering Soul May 2021
I write for you in this poem
A letter from my heart
I can't promise forever
But I can promise a start
So when the world opens up
And pulls us apart
I will know I've done my best
By loving you until we depart
163 · Jun 2021
This Summer Morning
A Wandering Soul Jun 2021
The sky is a clear blue
Against the glaring sun
Clouds offer gentle relief
As birds sing their songs of love
What a beautiful day it is this summer morning
And what a beautiful soul I get to share it with
158 · May 2021
Pages and Leaves
A Wandering Soul May 2021
The rustling of pages and leaves merge
As my heart spills into this blank slate
Rain staining its face
And ink running from its lines
Words are being made
But the message is left to find
100 · Jan 2023
A Wandering Soul Jan 2023
Press your hand against mine
And see how even our scars interlink
Let me trace you fingerprints
And memorise every curve of your identity
So much so that a clone could touch me and it would feel like a stranger
So much so that you could touch the air and I would know you were reaching for me
98 · May 2021
I know you
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Tension fills the air like smog
But you don't feel it at all
My heart is punching trough my ribs
But you can't see the damage
You have a way of shifting blame
And trying to make me feel insane
But I know myself
And I know you
Don't you worry you'll have no one soon?
A Wandering Soul Aug 2021
A deadly thief
And a brutal teacher
One that waits round the corner
To break gentle creatures

A sad occurrence
But one that is needed
For without this killer
These creatures would be cheated

Unclear when it comes
And it does so unapologetically
This murderer of light
Follows us desperately

Let just one be happy
Let just one remain
A happy, unharmed creature
In this world we have today
94 · Jun 24
Please keep me close, an atom apart
But don't let me touch, it'll break my heart
Just let me linger, near enough to share breathe
But don't let me close the distance
I'll want to do it again
87 · May 2021
Fresh World
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Dreams of a fresh world
Full of new wonder and hope
Free to discover
85 · May 2021
Why is the sky crying?
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Clouds sulk across the sky
As the winds wail in pain
The loss of you has upset even the gods
So much so that the sky is crying
And my pillow is stained
82 · May 2021
This Morning
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Beams of sun flood the room
And morning air fills my lungs
I feel your heart beat with mine
And know that we are one
Your presence is my comfort
And your smile is my light
Let this morning never end
Let this be my last sight.
80 · May 2021
The Fight
A Wandering Soul May 2021
The wind could blow with all its might
And the sea smash with all its rage
But with you by my side
I will gladly take the hit
And for you, I swear
I will win that fight.
76 · May 2021
Memories Past
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Thoughts of memories past
Echoes of your laugh
Days gone to summer blues
But I'd do it all again for you
75 · Jun 2021
I hope you know
A Wandering Soul Jun 2021
You deserve someone who truly cares
Someone who knows your worth when they are with you
And knows their luck when they are not
Please, don't let people treat you any less than you deserve.
74 · May 2021
Eyes of Ice
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Eyes of ice
And words of fire
This power of yours
Will never tire
You control the room
With a simple smile
And the heat of your glare
Carries for miles
With a wave of your hands
You could have the world on their knees
If you call me, I will come
Wherever you lead
74 · May 2021
A Wandering Soul May 2021
This forest is beauty
Simple and sweet
It shows me the wonders of nature
And only asks for my silence
73 · May 2021
'til the sun burns out
A Wandering Soul May 2021
For you, even the Heavens blush
Evident by the orange and red on the horizon
On God, my dear
With breeze light as your touch
Sea clear as your soul
And sand golden as your heart
I will love you 'til the angels stop singing
And hold you 'til the sun burns out
A Wandering Soul Jun 2021
Why did I ever wait
To ask you for that precious date?
Months I daydreamed of what you'd say
But then came that dreaded day
I heard you were asked by someone else
Someone brave enough to tell you how they felt
I regret every day spent pondering what to do
For maybe if I'd asked, it would be me with you
72 · Apr 2021
A Wandering Soul Apr 2021
Something is different in the way we talk
There's tension in the air
And the joy feels lost
I thought this would be forever
And maybe that's still true
But if our paths divide
Know I still love you
67 · May 2021
Gone in seconds
A Wandering Soul May 2021
Time flakes away
A lifetime gone in seconds
Because of your love
62 · May 2021
The Future
A Wandering Soul May 2021
The uncertainty of the future worries me
It scares me
Not because I don't know what I want
But because I fear that what I want doesn't want me
60 · May 2021
A Wandering Soul May 2021
All your worry has gone away
I wonder where it went
Maybe it isn't really gone
And you just passed it to your "friend"

All your stress has gone away
A miracle, heaven-sent
A classic game of pass-the-blame
And now the problem's in someone else's bed

All your pain has gone away
It didn't even leave a dent
Funny how quickly you change
And ignore others slow descent
54 · May 2021
Priceless as Time
A Wandering Soul May 2021
As mysterious as the mind
Yet as open as a book
There is something about you
And your tender looks
That smile of gold
And those diamond eyes
You are precious as emerald
And priceless as time.
39 · Mar 28
The Handwritten Note
Let me cradle your love, my dear
Then leave you to grow
I know, I should've said goodbye
But you'd ask me not to go
And with those eyes of yours
You know I couldn't say no
So it was silence I opted for
And a handwritten note
24 · May 1
I think of her all the time
But doubt I really cross her mind
I wonder how she would she describe me if I asked
Would it be with the awe as I'd do when she'd pass

Would she smile at all when she said my name
These thoughts of mine, ****, they fill me with shame
Of her in my jumper, and me in his place
So intimate, they feel ***** to say

What a pointless confession, this one would be
So this soft secret stays safe with me
Though its heavy to hold, and the journey is steep
One of these days, my heart will be free
20 · Mar 29
My music/Her music
I play my guitar with a gentleness reserved for you
A light grip on the pegs as I tune
And a soft touch on the frets as I strum
Not leaving a single scratch on the guard
The sound warm from the feeling you bring
I pluck the same way you pull at my strings
The pick always the colour of your choice
I play,tenderly , in the key of your voice
And count in beat with the rhythm of your heart
With the presence of your love
The music can starts
20 · Mar 29
One wish
Hold me in the crook of your neck
Ask me what my one wish would be
And watch me selfishly, without hesitation
Cage you in my love
When I say "I'd wish for you to hold me forever"

— The End —