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Onoma Jul 2018
she loves

the human


kisses on

the forehead...

and ******


if her head

found its way

to my chest...

there'd be

no more schism~
Onoma Jul 2018
listening to the clacking rounds

of traffic skipping beats...bridging

storms overhead.

watching her water below, break

a tide.

we're flowing together, she's never

the same--as i am not.

we both know when to leave each

other be, and when not.

a wind falls and spreads her many

faces today--and i keep mine as

straight as death.

we keep at our reasons, till we spit

them out.

she's unsheathing a shimmering

sword across the Manhatten/Bronx skyline...

and she's telling me it's a **** good fight.

i lower my head, and make intermittent

eye contact with a respect that bears the

brunt of being Mothered~

i spend more and more time at her feet...

because she courses no return.
Onoma Jul 2018
i dove down to the bottom

of Mariana Trench, to plant

my blue pearl.

it's the very point when the ocean

and sky look into each

other's eyes, and let loose love.

as clear as your face in a dream

asking me to profess this immensity...

which now i have.

i awoke to a blue jay crying hysterically

out the window, and energy gushing

from the crown of my head.
*The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans, located in the Western Pacific Ocean.
Onoma Jul 2018
i'm a warrior, i know

how to cut my heart out...

and mark my body in the

blood of war.

whose peace is the application

of paths.

sending out the vibrations

of that sacred drum, as my will

dances out its doing.

i'm unafraid of losing myself

in the wilderness.

let hate chase down its hate,

for the love of all direction.

i remain ***** and rooted

to the earth, offering my

heart to the sky.
Onoma Jul 2018
sleep comes slowly for her...

like a death willing to hear

her out.

it is in that intimacy she begins

the excruciating withdrawl

from the body that two made one.

i can feel her, and have sobbed so

hard broken lights pierced the

Onoma Jul 2018
i went into absorption for months...

upon returning to words i found

they had atrophied--like spotting an

ant through a keyhole.

they came so sparely, one by one...

wondering why i wished to violate

the silence that so blessed me.

so they sat next to one another in

lotus position, and poems were emanated.

they became more and more voluminous,

to the point of daily.

as if being summoned by a spell...slowly

poured into a glass and spilled into a pair

of lips.

to be reabsorbed by her mouth.
Onoma Jul 2018
You are the body of Siva, having sun and moon for twin
Your Self, I surmise, O Goddess, as a new sinless Self;
Therefore, by mutual complementarity, this relation
remains one of common reciprocity
Between You two, participating on equal terms of
transcendent bliss.

--Soundarya Lahiri

you wandered into the cave

of this spiritual heart.

the moment you entered, these

eyes flew open--and glowed


black, the color of dispassion--

moved with you, till it realized it

moved and was broken.

even after perfectly seeing the

hell that is desire, desire thus!!!

you conjured this, you called out into

the wild...and now i call back!!!

i couldn't resist you, because you awakened

the realization that there's more to be burned.

your hand found its way across

the cave walls...never was a touch

so familiar.

you create the time it takes for

five fingers to hold every hand

ever formed.

if it is i've understood the energetic exchange,

and you have not...manifold the cave.

how unfathomably deeper the

depth, and i must love you

relentlessly for making it there.

i have forever to wait out your


eyes closed...tears of ecstasy

cutting down a face of ash.
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