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Onoma Apr 2018
rain sacred as circumstance,
calls for an interpreter.
keen to the vocable patters
of time's undivided attention.
fount-white sky lacing a bird's
trill, blown away by an
indelicate wind.
  silence firm as a building,
collapses the quench of
the spoken for.
yet more rain is needed,
even though provisions have
been made for a flood.
Onoma Apr 2018
as windows come up for air,
dimmed by the depths of
vases draw clear distinctions
of water, before a handful of
stems shatter their illusions.
all to clarify flowers, and what
a clarity.
it's there among them, standing
alone in a crowd...April finds
she's utterly disoriented at the
height of her powers.
she's welcome wherever she may
roam, so it takes a while.
Onoma Apr 2018
in a forest of colossal pillars,
rashed red by the couplings
of heaven and earth.
a romantic forseeks his hiding
in a play of immaculate spaces.
quiver to the quill of his ***,
secret turn to the axis of his eye.
beauty its pluck and gouge--
rollicking proportions cut
quicker than light through glass.
the pop, crush and night of
grapes concentrated for his
drunkenness alone.
assaying tongue cup to opulent
cup, face slack and lax in uprise--
proud of its sudden pantheon!
fast awake as his own exhibit.
Onoma Apr 2018
hands out, in a walk
of sleep--caressing
a planet
delicate as a baby's head.
her tutelary spirits
reading my palms.
drifting over intersecting
timelines, looks of
emphasis rippling the
mind's eye at key points.
the perfection sliding
impersonal tears down
wisps of web.
tremulous suspense in
fields of glorious collapse--
the art of detail superimposing
over ends justified.
how idiosyncratic to be
walked, and met with caution
that precedes itself.
as to regulate such a vast intuition.
Onoma Apr 2018
decked in matrimonial
garb, i flung the endgame
out of a window's window.
a flashing feedback loop,
in the long and short of
its circuit.
featherless birds of paradise
tattooed in brilliant color,
leapt to their deaths to
retrieve it.
as pins broken in the weave
of time's fabric, engraving
the golden round of the ring.
slipping on perfect fits.
usurping the distinction between
things, inspiration stabbed
tears ran up the forehead,
instead of down the cheeks--
the consummations of a million
springs vibrated cymatic
oceans of nectar.
The Fall Reversed.
air breathed on naked bodies,
lain shamelessly.
Onoma Apr 2018
blood sped its lecherous
swill, seven-chested at
the height of passion.
continual to the cloud
thick with angels, in the
grunt of their lightning.
striking the carved torsos
of mountains, gospel to
their sea.
love is no stranger to
emotion at large, she blesses
her brinks.
she clears her name, as dawn
spreads its light to be swept
at dusk.
Onoma Apr 2018
bruised by rainbows
that bang the ends
of time--
abstracted to coursing
cut off by rote--
your tethers whistle.
a melody that's
shame to the stranglehold
of ears--
the sounds of paths
never crossed.
the length of life's lipless
soft as leaves trained
on the naked eye
of a tree.
how frictive, enter &
exit, so bright i forgot
to see.
only felt for the
precipitating steps
of feeling.
you wear a saint's
combustive head--
sending rare flowers
to hang from the
edge of the earth.
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