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Onoma Apr 2018
rocking back
and forth,
to answer
wings lavish
their anticipatory
lord of attendant
know my weight
in full.
catch my air,
for faith's
Onoma Apr 2018
an April head of hair
in dispositions of wind--
institutional greens
swept away by exponential
outright wiry (mind be still).
when color roasts its
pigment strange things
as balloons loosely held
by children,
with ice cream dangling
from their chins.
rains begin to sputter in
afterglows of building
dogs rub their spines on
the grasses of parks, tongues
limply aside in pardons
of speech.
raving aliveness.
Onoma Apr 2018
as the
crinkled reaching of roots
join hands in
the moistly ramifying
spritz of daylights.
color enjoins blind
all intimacy fleshed out--
we forge our clammy bond.
jolted by the rumbles
of the earth's stomach.
Onoma Apr 2018
with a dual-handed slap of thighs,
a man conveyed his leave of
The Table's perimeter.
one set as never before, divine as:
that's all folks.
at that moment birds bit branches in half,
to crown the achievement of the sky.
with a music that overran the program sheets.
busied with primacy,
land rose to smell the curious buds of clouds.
regaled the fragrance to allow
their free-associating blooms.
the stereoscopic vision of flies caught
the trailer of a messianic figure.
who was a sparkling sheen in lolls
of child-like sleep.
a slinky winding up a
white marble staircase.
whose sermon was mouthwash
to the yawning grave.
Onoma Apr 2018
the bus became a

breathing Blue Flower,

lined with lengths

of raindrops that

consumed others

in a serpentine fashion.

faces fixed on a

faceless space.

i on my knees already

ash, you posy-pocketed--

dancing like mad.
*The Blue Flower was used to symbolically represent the infinite. It was a movement of German Romanticism spearheaded by the poet Novalis.
Onoma Apr 2018
she drew a blush
from Yves Klein's
blue, after posing
the question:
can you make
out my art?
*Yves Klein, artist, concoctor of heaven's blue.
Onoma Apr 2018
lend me your exacting prayer,
and i will wear it faithfully.
your holy rumor will be spread
like baptismal oil, reflecting back
scintillating flames.
this life is one long day of worship--
throbbing blood against the world's
wide turn.
every time bones rattle their cage,
i'm slipped the key of a poem.
of which there is no safekeeping,
just the sounds of words picking
the lock--delight with me this
exquisite balm.
as i've lent you my
exacting prayer.
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