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Onoma Feb 2017
Disgorged grays work

their lathered sheen, heavy-handed

as the honks that lifeline thru

these late February trees.

Gotham speaking to its skull,

nevermind Hamlet.
Onoma Feb 2017
In their stuttering

whisper, crumbs

engender sparks...what

mouths could not manage.

Grist for relative mills,

measures broken against

blind eyes--square foot


Crumbled particulates of the

only feast.
Onoma Feb 2017
Weekend, shorn spoof head-to-toeing,
Sunday sobered...I saw
a squirrel sleep for the first time,
from a second floor, cozying
between pronged boughs.
Tiff-tough puff of a tail, spot-spread
by a breeze.
A split vibrational decision,
raring a decided tree--in this
cellular mockup city, NY.
Onoma Feb 2017
Fatherless Father/Son-less Son/Holy-less Spirit.
In triplicate.
Unofficially, Officially Signed.
Apertures and rooms...
capstone penetrated base,
base penetrated capstone.
Still life.
(is perfect)
Onoma Feb 2017
Why are you looking at me like that?
'So one day this tenebrous look will repeat on you as an
unsheathed star, and in the aftermath of that
luminous wound all the angels of my intent
will leak therefrom.'
'Having seen--your heart will assume that wound,
and my music will come out of your eyes!'
A music whose movements constrict, a time-lame
twine only a serpent may undo--you knew!
How went the all, how went its nothing...that diabolical tune?
I hear it through feeling, it's so haunting I look over shoulders
I never knew I had.
You left panning cameras half-blind, live with feed, to every
nuanced detail.
Your minute release of messianic trailers doomed to never premiere,
neglecting to bow your head, and proclaim: It Is Finished...)))
It was more than the lay of the land, such was your art of survival,
hence war.
It's messier than they story--when two human beings come together,
what's gospel cross references  googleplexes...all but to betray a lack
of designation...human, being?
The poppies are everywhere, I stuff their dreams!
I see hearts skewering hearts--lights out, lights in...their
truest sutra: "form is emptiness, emptiness is form."
Our decline was so steady, you said you saw the beauty in ugly...
so now we're both transfixed in near catatonia.
The poppies are everywhere...I see you chopping off your locks
at odd angles, listening to Tori Amos--hoping they won't follow
you cursedly...your face waxed in eye-melt.
So erriely sentient, surfacing glimmers of nonlocal breaks of news.
You roared down that Kansas highway, one foot on gas, the other on
dashboard...that flat, unending highway where we saw the eastern
sun set, catching our dust-black wind as detracted distance.
Where: "kyrie elieison, down the road we must travel" sooth-said through the radio...ahead, the poppy-pigmented end of the line,
warning the last of the sun sets west.
That night when we retired to that Kansas motel, we were never
more parched in our lives.
Yes, and like the pickled western crawlers you can purchase in some
gas stations...the devil was in the details, a poppy between his teeth.

Today, I fell into a dead stare on the sun, (unblinking) as I write this
the pen emerges from a neon-green orb, blotting letters.
As this sight settles...I will like to tell you how I saw the
sun rattle its rim, and flicker its pregnant bulges in messages,
that cradle ripples to havens of purity.
Today, here--now, the sun will set east nor west...with love, nor
The sun has set...the poppies pause for a moment of magnanimity.
Onoma Feb 2017
Glass brightly:
globus head, paroxsym
of a goldfish...fighting
to stay conscious
of water.
Glass darkly.
Onoma Feb 2017
Were you well as sunlight's ascendancy left darkening footnotes everywhere?

Their cerebral pitch and polish--
non compos mentis, were you well?

Stalactited as Nostrefaru's leaking enamel...emergent, crooked shape of a shifting focal point overspread to no more of itself.

Your sun hissed as it plumbed its depth...covert feelers circumscribed the injunction of tongue caught at speak, bifurcated and serpentine.

Wherefrom runnels of india ink ran, corresponded with stones to their haphazard period, numb with duplication...broken down nervously.
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