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Onoma Feb 2017
Earthier tones daub him/her...stuck upon their backs, arms overhanging a plinth.
On opposing ends, as the gnarled nubs of a broken olive branch--
forsworn to polarity, they extend a foot upon each other's fig leaf.
Mid the dead of adroit forestry, the more they think into silence a meandering blood reads them.
Naked not because they've forgotten clothes to two as one...just laying there to recall something--the bed's become a plinth, art implores make of, break of.
They just lay there, as if violently spit from the egg-shell
white of dashed ******, blank love letter.
Cigarettes rise...freeze for a bit, then rest at their sides--smoke cut up with endemic tension.
They could say something to get out of this...but they don't.
Onoma Feb 2017
There, pinch-perfect--
shadow-wrested beak
of fingertips, secure a soured
grape, first of a series.
Thrown in a perfect arch...
purple with majesty, slower
than motion, upon that coven's
cut, colored: Bubonic Brown,
Liche Purple, Catachan Green,
Scab Red, Red Gore, Blood Red--
in fine rot...heart.
Stiller than life upon shellaced wood
floor, begging the perspective
press of grapes underfoot.
Let blood drink.
Onoma Feb 2017
Tundral-ticks of splitting floes--
below, darkrooms where a polar
bear developes.
Onoma Feb 2017
Torpor went about
doorsteps, writhing
for full feel.
Each motion overextended
in hellish laze--who chose
this concatenation to knock
these knocks?
Whose flamed tips forcefully
enter, inscribe smoke upon
a doorway's horizontal beam.
Come, everything that can
happen, is happening to me
as you leer, magnify your
favored pore.
Plus or minus, please perceive--
this equals the same set of responses
in Equal Measure.
Reverting to one another, as a moistened
line that slides a blinking eye.
Onoma Feb 2017
Pi~lated by Pontius to an undisclosed location--
we traded presence, as the fruits of labor.
Half-eaten...the ratty dark-lets of our pits--
eyed forms of survival.
You the better for, I the better for...with our
overgrown estates of separation--(spare us the
We were made for this, weren't we?
Who got in front of a beam of light first--you or I...
seems like something I would have done--nonetheless,
therefrom the race.
More naked than two millennia of winter...whoa,
aye--glory baby, glory!
Eye contacting and out, out and in, sheets
bathed in volumes of water.
We tried to ****** one another in a fit of passion...
so what.
A passion that swore responsibility for whatever it
may, or may not what.
I was the burning mascot of your dormitory for
three and a half years, illegally--sharing a single bed,
cultivating my poetry.
You Adam-ed me...I Eve-ed you--we watched the apple
go red, we both bit--chewing it to the core, mouth to mouth.
As our jaws tired, we noticed the poppies everywhere...
the poppies are everywhere, we cried!
Black, covetous mass, black--sleep bedding sleep, closing
skies--opening grounds.
The poppies are everywhere--we began to horde grace,
deadpan our burial grounds in plain view, something
went amiss.
We played with frames, instead of obliterating the de-vice...
for faces lost in time, adoration.
Where's the reserve to suffer this rich knowledge--everywhere
is your womb, all-seeing and blind!
The poppies are everywhere...I pose upon the ground--
offer tragic gestures, feel me!
No, it all must be exhausted--human genius must be bested,
made the fool--it must be so.
Air after air of convincibility booted--left, right and center stage.
Clay in cold light, natural of its own...that's what we should want
for one another, shouldn't
We wanting more, as someone we may never know--let alone
one another.
Take that light, and work it to forgiveness, that is possible I
believe...the poppies wink.
Funny thing of the two shall work far less for that
forgiveness, nearly not at all--******* inequity!
No...the schema's perfect--karma's debt, as served, perfect.
Stay in that truth, but the Truth is too big...the poppies are everywhere.
My head wraps around it like a whirling dervish--though no planet
dizzies...this is no matter of intellect but Heart.
The butterfly that's pinned--becomes the pinhead...spare me!
If I am she, and she is one and all, who spares who--from
what and why...the poppies pock affirmatively.
*First of a series of poems, as in that vein, under this title.
Onoma Feb 2017
Young with hour,
swapping magic
wing for wing--

Ontologic ring,
wane orange with origin.

Wan with sigh,
as time breathed through
the mind.
Onoma Feb 2017
That baby in
the crib's a bald-headed
yogin...bundled and concept less.
Freer than spacial fatigue--till bound
by bond, driven mad by the
solidified partition of the world,
weeping for words.
A carousel of canaries become
a yellow equator, to the baby's
Raphealesque head-disc.
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