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Onoma Apr 2015
Live under these lights tour de force--
an atomic roar had you at: I.
I of scrimmaging ghosts, the obsessive
vouchsafe of the material world.
Coasting torn landscapes, places of wedge
and sleep...with a flood of eyes open.
Upstanding I, ****** in memorabilia--
with thought's filament flickering...
what's seen is heavied as to be believed.
(((I))) has repeated on itself to populate our
marvel...we're everywhere.
Onoma Apr 2015
Might I bid you farewell: madame, sir?
It is in such a way of my ways that
this farewell's come.
The presence of my absence rests
everywhere...will you feel it?
Madame, sir...are the pair of you
disinclined to gather my absence?
That is, has our supernatural
acquaintance minded the material
script, merely minded the material
If so, I should take this moment, as
it surely takes me, to propose my
It is such farewells that ferry us to
the supernatural, it too will mind
its script.
It is when it has minded its script...
that you will know the presence of
my absence.
Onoma Mar 2015
A glass elevator



the oversimplification
of plainclothes

  Mar 2015 Onoma
K Balachandran
Eyes, eager fish, in deep Himalayan blue, splash and swim
the ultramarine sky of the mind, gets color coordinated, in resonance
wind from across the ranges, incessantly chant  guttural "Öm"
gently spreads waves, that on ears, vibrate as music,divine
our feet get liberated from mind's control,  the trek becomes us.
Eyes now, turn swifts, fly to the valley extending to horizon,
teeming with flowers of every hue, profusion of orchids,
rolling white clouds above,create *tantric patterns
of grace, swirls, swoops,scoops, somersaults,the trek goes on.
Melting ice, fits well on the conical brown mountain tops,
a white bodice, perfect cover for her lovely peaks,
angular mounts gleam in the limitless avalanche
of light, an impulse for benediction is palpable.
Simple folks of village, on the way side
in flowing colorful dresses *****, tall poles
festoons of bright colors, joyous prayer flags   flutter in wind
proclaims festive spirit, they vigorously wave.
Now heart overwhelms, sings the paeans of
a sky that changes it's face from blue to white
and sometimes, a hue so bleak, deep gloom,
on red brown earth, sun light prances around.
The grass bed then transforms quick,
mind drinks the dense benediction peace brings
that coils inside the soft blue waves, beating within and out
Himalayan blue has taken us in to it's embrace
bird songs ring along the path of ancient sages,
who went in to the forest abode to contemplate, never returned,
became one with the hum of cosmos, they walk within us.
*Tantra-an esoteric practice which use" fractal diagrams' of complex geometrical formations  as a means to create resonant vibrations, to the level of cosmic energy,as a means to raise to higher consciousness.Tantra makes use of "Panchamakara"(Five Ms in Sanskrit)which are "Madya"(wine):"Mamsa"(meat),"Matsta"(fish)"Mudra"(esoteric gestures)"Maidhuna"(Ritualistic ***), as taboo braking elements to reach higher consciousness.This is the less travelled path and hence called "Väma marga"(Left hand path)
Onoma Mar 2015
Do wager these untoward
motions--that what errant way
of soul they spend be sanctified.
By God's pin-up sun...whose
overtly apologetic moon shall
bear its skull forever more.
We that reared head...over and
above--shallow and below.
In keeping with us--Coming has
fulfilled itself.
What more to ask the God of our
That the thing that God left, is as
God left it...a promise to a promise.
The way of light, way of dark--never
went back on their word, we attest...
infinite and self-congratulatory.
...Let us we pray in our
keeping, effortlessly so.
Onoma Mar 2015
All other seasons usher their expectant Mother--
lay her down, and let her be.
Her's is a great birthing...paean of the eleventh hour.
Air blown lukewarm, honeyed...showers soft as
tears that place the face of growing significance.
Inbreaking rumors of life to be, the exultant charge,
moment of creation split green, thus created to divide
but moment ago where none was.
Early fires of greenery...the irony lost on nothing--
the harshest season precedes the gentlest.
Analogous to the truth of hope, where from the dead
of winter...a flower.
Broken open its color as tangible light, to it--the bee's
figure eight prayer, partaking thereof.
The rampant crisis of consciousness creature to newborn
creature, all immersed in the golden wave of renewal.
It's as if a standing ovation burst in a monastery...
what's been withheld in the making is withheld no more,
Mothered by Spring.
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