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Onoma Jan 2015
Eskimos have many
words for snow...
so they may
what fell from
the Realm of Forgetfulness.
  Jan 2015 Onoma
Who am I that seeks to know
in relation to another
the self I wish to identify,

when it is only from the larger
scope of living Earth
I feel not a need to compare…
though contrast of Elements
exist and mix to many of
varied form and kind,

that each constitutes the All
Is known through the One

and from this view
what makes of relation but
an ancient natural Knowing
from which the Spring moves
forward the River that
flows out to Sea.

A Body much bigger need not compare…

into all parts shall flow the living Life
from this Reservoir,

so what more must we search for
from an Essence beyond compare…

when the answers we seek to know
have always been there.

*in difference yet alike
I grow tired of the self doubting that circulates in and out of my mind...questioning every idea of who i am.
I must remember it is not through the incessant comparisons I try to make that any real understanding of my true essence will ever be found.
  Jan 2015 Onoma
Came to me in a dream,
The internet of the unconscious
the place
where dreamers flee.

As I lay down,
Eyelids shutter's close
deep dark night falls,
Into the interweave
we are delivered,
Into the collective unconscious
we go
coast to coast,
In synchronicity's archtype's flow
where all the
heroic demons and fears
dwell and go.

Awake?  A dream?
A Balinese on LSD.
The boundaries fall
as the currents of the interweave
take us all.

When we hear a voice
we look around
see if anyone hears it too
otherwise how are we
to know
if it's a dream or if it's true.

The interweave a current,
We only enter unconscious
is it
when we are fully being?

We don't know.

We are swept along
on the night riding songs,
Our voices sing in
colors vivid, strong,
Sparkling in the black sky
lightning of consciousness crackling
the thunder of life
echoes in our ears
ripping us asunder,
To emerge
on another side
in another way,
Not too different,
Not too the same,
Irreversibly changed.

Our hands we hold
as we plunge, plummet
into the white current in
the dark sky
broadcasted to
the tumbling
the interweave
a transit to
you might imagine,
Don't fear,
Courage is here.

The imagination
runs so wild
call it what we will,
When we make our return
from the interweave's
milky way,
All we will
really know
for those
deep dark nights
when the eyelids shutters' close
after connecting
to the interweave
with each other was
This idea of the "interweave" did come to me in a dream. The internet we enter when we are all dreaming.
As I understand it, the Balinese teach that the dream world is as real as the awake world in a nightmare you can ask your pursuers for a gift.
Onoma Jan 2015
Chimes are the
fingers of stars...
touching the wind
that's their breath.
Only magic knows best...
the moonless, sunless
sounds of nonlocality.
  Jan 2015 Onoma
Fall back into the flow
just let go
of your
Vortical Love
Tumble tuck
Drop kick down
the vacuum
Sea of me
Be Free
with our bodies
Sacred Space
In descent naturally

in all four
Aspects of Me.

Perfectly positioned friction
to spark ignition of your
fire spinning crimson
Cosmos Creation.

I will hold you tight always
never to fall too far
from my Embrace.

Then upwards in my arms
you go rising round and round
soaring swiftly up through space
climbing to your Peak of Power
Falling perfectly in Place.
and it keeps going and going and going and....
Onoma Jan 2015
The Dream tangles
and untangles strands
of light...
to Waken fuller frames
of Once upon a time...
as the panoramic view
Once smiles wide.
Onoma Jan 2015
Peace was said/unsaid
to the degree a phoenix
made a bee-line to the
sun before it rose...just
to: make face.
What a beautifully realized
ambush from all sides...
Happy New Year, Ye
Holy Combatants...may peace
by peace become Peace!!!
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