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Olivia L Jun 2014
Sitting on the old faded couch, burying my head and mind in a book
Blocking out your voices, tears, soothing sounds of comfort.
This moment cracked my views,
Shattered the window I looked at life through,
Broke the mirror I saw myself, and you, in.
I realised that you were human, and it scared me.
I saw that you could be hurt, broken, changed, and I didn't know how to take it.
Your emotions made me scared.
I couldn't cry in front of you, without feeling guilty about hearing your tears.
As the child I was, I expected life to be a constant,
That you would be there, that no voice would be raised, no tear would fall.
Because I was wrong, I learned,
That when you cried, I cried,
When you were angry, I hid in fear.
That when you left, standing by the window was futile,
And you would only return when you wanted to,
Not when I needed you.
Sitting on the old faded couch, burying my heart and mind in a book,
I shied away from your emotions, because I was broken.
Because of your voices, tears, and soothing noises,
I no longer knew who you were.
Old poem
Olivia L Jun 2014
"Just be happy,
And if you can't be happy,
Do things that make you happy.
Or do nothing with
The people that make you happy."

-Esther Earl
I need to follow this, actually be happy. No matter no what I hear, see, or think.
Olivia L Jun 2014
That's what I am
A little rough around the edges,
Because I don't want a perfect figure.
I wear what I want, and
Don't brush my hair
(Mainly 'cause there's no point.
It's so short it'll just get messed up again.)
I don't take kindly to being startled.
I flinch so bad
That people usually say:
"What the ****!? I wasn't going to do anything!"
And ask me what's the matter.
Nothing's wrong.
At least not now.
I've just learned,
That it's easier to get through life
A little rough around the edges.
Olivia L Jun 2014
Come in children
Sit and listen as I spin you tales of spiderwebs and moon dust.
Come in children,
Sit and drink the dew of night flowers, and eat the cake of fairies.
Watch my sky-mobile change the days.
Hear my old clock tick, and my chime ****** in the wind.
Come in children,
And stay
A poem I wrote some time ago.
Olivia L Jun 2014
When we rode by on our bicycles,
The leaves laughed.
As we tried to crush them with our tires.

When you and I cleaned the backyard,
The leaves laughed.
As we raked them, and I jumped into the pile.

When we walked down the wooded path,
The leaves laughed.
As we all hiked happily together again.
A poem for ma dad. Happy Father's day
Olivia L Jun 2014
Life teaches us lessons
That give us nightmares.
Lessons that nobody should learn.
Life teaches us that lies make up society
And that your heart is not safe anywhere.

Life teaches us lessons
That make us smile.
Lessons that change our lives.
Life teaches us how to stand back up
And that no matter how low you go, to find a ladder.

Life teaches us lessons.
And only if you learn from them,
Can you keep going.
Writing at 11:15pm... Probably not the best idea, but most of my inspiration comes at night.
Olivia L Jun 2014
Falling off of a bridge
Was not my idea of a fun night.
But then again, we were always too different,
To be comfortable together.
That may be why I let go
When you told me that it was
80 feet down
And the water would be like the ground.
Falling off of a bridge
Was not what I expected
But I guess it's fine.
Because you didn't catch me.
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