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Olivia L Jun 2014
I have absolutely no idea
Where that large stain on my ceiling came from
But it's getting larger every day.
It used to be only really the size of a quarter
(I measured)
But now it's the size of my palm.
I've asked my parents,
But they say its probably just from moisture.
It hasn't rained.
They say they'll get it fixed, but
A stain the size of my hand
Right over my bed,
Getting bigger every day,
Is a little disconcerting.
Olivia L Jun 2014
Watch the light leave us
Keeping us all in the dark
Until the day comes
Olivia L Jun 2014
Deep grooves
Cut into the
Oak table.
Marking days
Days dead
And gone.
And sunsets.
Pencil marks
Lightly drawn on the
Peeling walls.
Marking heights
Years dead
And gone.
And sunrises
Of memories.
Olivia L Jun 2014
You are one of the most amazing friends I've ever known
Because I feel happy around you.
You're a talented person who, to tell the truth
I often envy
Because you seem so brave
And know what you love in life.
You are so easy to be around
Making me smile
(I apologize for times when you weren't joking and I laughed anyways)
Your writing speaks to everyone
And inspires greatness.
Signature black sweatshirt
That I mainly only see you without in Biology
And awesome green glasses
(I really do like your glasses)
Mainly this poem is saying thank you
Even though it didn't really in the beginning
But yeah, it's a thank you, Ezra
For being my friend.
Poem for school, but I mean every word.
Olivia L Jun 2014
I almost forgot
What it was like to breathe in air
To be able to live without tears.
I almost forgot
But then I realized that you needed me
More than I could ever need you
And I stayed.
Because us, together,
Might just keep us going

— The End —