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Curtis C Aug 2018
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what if's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Not all tears are bad
Some tears water your land of unlimited Being
All tears wash fear away, when you let them
Tears like rain, afterwards there is light shinning bright
Don't stop the flow. open up and let it go...
Ha, this is what I tell myself as I cry myself to sleep...
Sweet dreams.
Curtis C Jan 2018
What truly makes your Heart sing?
Are you missing the Good you have or just focusing on the stuff you want?
Do you know what it would really feel like to have what you want, all of it?
…have you missed it?
Would your Heart continue to sing if you did not get all that you want?
What do you Require to keep that song (Love) in your Heart if you do not get what you want?
These are a few questions I have been asking myself.
What do I Require?
Does it change what I want?
Just looking at what I have NOW!
Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
Curtis C May 2018
When Thank You just doesn't feel like enough.....
Today I kept thinking about all people in my Life who help me, stand by me, support me, Love me, let me be me and open up to all I have to give.  
Thank You just don't feel like enough.  
I Am so Blessed!  I Stand in Gratitude's Light...Bright Light!  
Whatever the change, the choice, the adventure...I Am Backed.  
Sometimes it's just a note that say..."Love You!"
Sometimes it's just a feeling!
Most time it is so much more...much, much more.
I Am so Abundant!  Soooo Thankful!  
What do you say when, "Thank You!" just doesn't feel like enough!
I Love You with No conditions....No Limits....We share such a Glorious Power...Love!
Tonight I say...Thank You! without the limits that I Love you with.  
Sending hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!  I Celebrate You Now and forever!
Until I find something Bigger to say...Thank You with unconditional and unlimited...
LOVE!!!! In every present moment...I Love You and Thank You!
Good night and have a Great rest of the night!
Curtis C Jul 2017
I Shouted; "HELP!...HELP!...HELP!"
But not a sound, from them or one.
.....I heard it in my head but not in my world.
What a strange day.
Curtis C Nov 2017
Wherever we start from. Whatever we're going through. we must find our own Happiness; our own change from that point, that perspective.
we are each on the journey home, noone is ahead and noone is behind. Joy is where we creative it. Love is everywhere. Good surrounds everything, every person, every situation...Live Life with Your gifts. You can't live someone else life, only your own.  Find yours and Live it!!!
Much Love, happiness, joys, kisses, hugs and Big Smiles!!!
and the celebrations continue....the choice is yours how...choose wisely!!!!
Curtis C Nov 2017
I’ve come to like the question…”why?”.  I realize that when I ask, “why?” I need to look within and ask; “What is it in me, that sets this alarm off?”  For me “why?’ is and internal alarm to be aware and check the choices, not good or bad, just more info to work with as I continue on my journey.

So, today I am Grateful for the, “Why?” and the awareness that it brings.  “Why?” helps me to see and work with the facts but Live in Truth, which gives me the choices to make or change as I move forward.  Oh, “why?” also reminds me of all the reasons I LOVE YOU!

Curtis C Aug 2018
...With me today.
Putting worries aside today.
Throwing it up in the air, seeing where it lands and start for there today.
Dancing in the rain, singing loud and wrong and laughing because I can Today.
Tears of joy today.
Releasing, stepping back, watching and loving today.
Always there and not seen today.
Accepting where I am today.
Loving every moment today.
Because I truly only have Today!!!!
Curtis C Dec 2017
Wondering and wandering, thinking (sometimes to much), Gratitude, Blessing, trusting, having faith, understanding, not understanding, moving forward. One day at a time, One step at a time always finding that smile and making it a Big Smile!
Remembering that some people, situations, things are only temporary in my life and even the leaving my only temporary. There is/was a reason and having that faith that it is for bigger and better to come, teach and share.  Dealing with the hurt, the joy, creating happiness and knowing that it's all within ( a inside joy) and will and can change.  Remembering the sensations and remembering that they are used for many different things, in many different ways.
This process of living, being on this journey, walking different path. So much, we think, we have to deal with....the ups and downs of the ride.
But always remembering that it is a day by day, moment by moment thing.  One step at a time, One thing at a time continuing to move forward, trying not to label and judge.  
See Wondering and wandering and thinking (to much). All apart of the process I'm, I know.  
anyway, I shall continue: doing the journey, celebrating all, trusting, understanding, not understanding. Being Grateful for the Blessing, moving step at a time with a Big Smile!
...and Loving, being Loved, sharing Love, being surrounded by Love because it is everywhere...Being ONE!!!
Deep breath, creating Greatness (we all do) and celebrating !
Tons of Love and Big Smiles My Lovely!
Curtis C Aug 2017
up, up away...time for getting my day started and see what adventures and experiences are at hand. my word for today...flaw(ed),  a feature that mars thee perfection of something...that sums us all up, That's who we are and in this one little word show how Great we are and brings us forward. Because no matter what; and totally the same, a flaw to one, a joy to another.  none of us are perfect but we are Wonderful, Amazing, Awesome, Enough, All, Oneness, Working from our Individual, to our Oneness...How Beautiful!  Embracing the flaws and not using them as excuses. One of my favorite meaning I found, is the last one: (obsolete) an outburst of strong feeling...Why obsolete? Maybe...something to think about.
I Love You Amazing Ones!  a flaw to one, a Great joy to another...Beauty in the Oneness!!!!  HAVE A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!!1

1. a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault:
beauty without flaw; the flaws in our plan.
2. a defect impairing legal soundness or validity.
3. a crack, break, breach, or rent.
verb (used with object)
4. to produce a flaw in.
verb (used without object)
5. to contract a flaw; become cracked or defective.
   a sudden short gust of wind; squall: a spell of bad, esp windy, weather
2. (obsolete) an outburst of strong feeling
Curtis C Feb 2018
Releasing feelings,
Focusing on sensations,
Reviewing points if reference
Moving things to different levels,
Some up, some done.
Earnings things as they are,
Not how I want them to be.
Going to that point of happiness within,
Hanging there.
Lonely but not alone.
Being Me with and in Love.
No limits,
It has been a day but,
I Am
Andso so it is.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Expectations - disappointment
Judging, labeling - self fear
Assuming - don't like what you see about self
Projecting - all that you have assume and putting self thoughts on To others.
Good and bad - same stick, stay in middle for balance
Creator - You
Responsibility - owning up to what YOU have done and created
Accepting -  yourself as you are, others as they are and working with what you have done.
Releasing - letting go of things that are not good for "your" highest good. Keeping things that move you forward.
Grateful - being thankful
Love - Our SuperPower. We came here with it and learning how to use it.
Opening up - seeing all the good that surrounds us.

Just a few things going through my head.
To be continue...
Curtis C Jun 2017
You ever have one of those days that everything is going good but things just seems out of place?
That was my yesterday...a Great day but an out of place day. There were times that I felt I was just standing in the wrong place.
My lil inside voice kept saying, "keep going, you're fine. You should be here. Keep moving." it was a Great day!!!! I'll just keep moving and see what happens!
I'll be happy, loving, grateful, focus and ready for an adventure. I'll share what I have and be open for what's to come. I'll celebrate everything and enjoy it all. I listen to understand, not just to reply.
I'll create something and make sure it's wrapped in good.
Oh, I'll study my lines!!!!
Today I shall find playfulness in all I do.
We are all here for a reason. Sometimes we my not know why but stay!!! It might be just so you can have a little fun. So, smile, laugh, Love, be happy and just have/create a good **** day for yourself.
This is Your day to create as you wish...
Don't runaway for it, you have the stuff to create it...DOIT!!!
Love you, BIG SMILES and shake that thang!!!!
Curtis C Apr 2018
Yesterday I Stopped. Not because things were bad or out of sorts but because it was time. For me, the time to look at or look back at my life is when the sun is shining. Okay, yesterday I was partly cloudy but enough good to keep me smiling...I have a good life and good people in my life. I've come from and through a lot of **** but I am standing here now.  I've said, goodbyes or see you later to many people and things. I will be saying goodbyes and see you later to many people and things to come but in this moment I'm here, we are here. I Love and care for others, sometimes to much but I am who I am. Some choices I've made or making will have to be changed but that is life. But I am here in this moment.
I Love this post because it reminds me of something I was told many moons ago:
"You can not make a mistake...they are choices. The best choices you can make with the information you have at the time but when you learn stop and make the changes to make thing better. To do better."
Ms. Minerva (my Grandmother)
I realize you do make mistakes, when you know better and don't make the changes to do better, Be better...that is a mistake. Yes, I've done that too. But, as I've said before, "I am here now." Knowing who and what I am, making the choices to change for the better...I hope.
So yesterday I Stopped, so today I could shine!
So, You have a bright and shinny day. Make choices and changes for the better...not mistake. Know that You are loved and there are people and things on your side. But the biggest thing is for You to be on Your side and Love yourself big time!!!
Have a Grand Day. Wonderful Adventures. Keep creating the Greatness that we call Life!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
You are enough!

As you look at the big picture of your life,
Like a painter, you must do a section (moment) at a time.
Fix the mistakes. Maybe change direction.
You might find a better way to approach it.
Find the right light to work in.
Not listen to every opinion and just do the best you can do,
With what you have to work with,
Until "Your" picture comes through.
The final choice is always your.

Remember, in each moment You have everything you need
To move on to the next moment.

The last agreement of the 4 agreements
Always do Your Best
Curtis C Mar 2018
So today move forward, share and give Love, a smile, a hug. Create Greatness. Adventures...have an adventure today, several!!!  Maybe just stop, take a breath and enjoy that moment. Sure, plan out your day but follow your heart. Experience your experiences, take all you need to grow and move forward and release the rest in the flow.
Today be open, grateful, blessed and Love!!!
Okay now, Go Play because it's your day and you got all you need to make it Great!!!!
Love You My Babies!!!!!!!

— The End —