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Aug 2017 · 112
Take a step
Curtis C Aug 2017
Every morning I ask myself; what are we doing today and how?
A small voice...take a step.
If this is the last day; what will I do?
A small voice...take a step.
Will I smile, laugh, cry, Love and be Loved?
A small voice...take a step.
Will I make a difference in my Life and some else's Life?
A small voice...take a step.
What will this day Be?
A small voice...take a step.
A small voice...we'll never know until we get up, have faith, know, Believe, be Grateful and take a step.
Every morning I realize, you can't create Greatness until you...
Take a step
Aug 2017 · 102
I saw me today!
Curtis C Aug 2017

I saw me today!  All the colors reds, blues, purples and more was there.  I was there…I SAW ME!  I was shown I’ve always been, nothing has been lost, it’s all me here, now, in the present.  At around 5:03am, I got an email from someone I hadn’t heard from in 20 or so years – “you were my hero.” Another message “you are still my hero.”  I was there all those years ago, unaware but there, the me that is here now moving me forward.  I saw me today and the Great that I am said, “You have seen all of you yet.”  I saw the Love starting with me and ending with me and starting again.  I am the beginning and the end and everything in between…I saw me!  Abundant. Prosperous. Full of Love, joy and gratitude – ME. There was so much to see because I Am unlimited, unconditional, infinite intelligence and divine.  I saw me today.  I cried and laughed all day.  I kept going outside, into nature to get it, see it, be it the creative energy that is limitless – I saw me today.  All day things came in and out of my experiences to remind me, show me that I Am here, I was there, I am Love…I saw me!

I am where I am required to be everyday, this is where I will be everyday, in the present moment and there I will stay in the present moment seeing and knowing that Love is always there with me, as me, in me…
The beginning of a new path, knowing and award of it all...Love.  Thankful and grateful, blessed and release my words of good into the Law that always say….YES…right now…it is done.  Let the celebration began.
And so It is.
Writing from the past (2)
Aug 2017 · 171
Curtis C Aug 2017
Monday, September 24, 2012

1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end: to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
2. a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay.

We are all in “The Process”: a journey, living life, doing your thing.  It is all The Process.  We are individual expression of God working through The Process, together in the Allness as the Oneness, creating from our own perspective. Creative Energy, Divine Intelligence, unlimited Power, unconditional Love…The Universe…God.  That’s us in a nut shell, the Allness.   We are at different points, different levels, no one is ahead, behind, good, bad or any other label we us.  When we judge, place a label, think we are better it’s from our own perspective and when we do this, we place that label, judgment, thought own our self because we are ONE and when I see you….I see me and when you see me…you see yourself.  Okay, got that out of the way…

This is from my perspective.  When in The Process we see different things and we react to them from our perspective but we shouldn’t label them because they are what they are:  lessons, light, guides showing us what to check and change in ourselves (above:…a series of changes taking place in a definite manner:).  There are times in The Process that you are at one point thinking you are ahead and a thought, a word, a feeling touch you and you off to another point or level and thinking; “how did I get behind?”  DON’T JUDGE in The Process.  Not yourself or anyone else because it’s all on you when you do.  Someone may look like they are on top of the world, they are doing really well…you think, “WOW!  They are doing it.  I want to be like them.  I want what they got” but you don’t know where they are in The Process.  Celebrate what you have…Celebrate Everything you have because you never know what light and/or awareness you are being given or where you might end up in The Process.  Also, there may be someone looking at you thinking the same thing about You.  In The Process, don’t want what others have to the point that’s all you focus on because you could miss all that Goodness, Joy, happiness and abundance that is yours trying to get what they got.  Remember that in The Process, You are the Great that create your Greatness.  You and the source are one and all there is to be given and receive comes from that One Source….YOU!    You are the co-creator of Your Life…open yourself up to this FACT and this fact is TRUTH!  You are One with the Universe!

We are all in THE PROCESS…    

…to be continue…and changed
Writing from the past (1)
Aug 2017 · 108
Curtis C Aug 2017
...With me today.
Putting worries aside today.
Throwing it up in the air, seeing where it lands and start for there today.
Dancing in the rain, singing loud and wrong and laughing because I can Today.
Tears of joy today.
Releasing, stepping back, watching and loving today.
Always there and not seen today.
Accepting where I am today.
Loving every moment today.
Because I truly only have Today!!!!
Surrounded by Love. Being aware of the joys. Share a smile. Laughing, loud, hard and deep within. With all that is going on around me, there is always good to be found. I Am Blessed! There are clouds, some rain, a little wind but I've had all that before and still moved forward. I Am surrounded by Love. I wander and wonder, at times it feels as if all is standing still but I know the Blessing that I have, that I Am. If all is standing still, I will stand still in Gratitude!
I move forward, not sure at times where. There is some darkness but my light is deep within, always shining, I will continue the movement, surrendering, releasing and letting go of all that does not serve...standing open to all the good in my life...yes, even if it means standing still for awhile. For I am surrounded by Love. I give Love. I accept Love. I Am Love. I Celebrate the Oneness in me, All, ONENESS!
My thoughts that sends me off to sleep...we are surrounded by Love. We are Love. We accept Love. We give Love. We are one, connected to the Oneness of the Universe. Sweet dreams my lovelies!
Aug 2017 · 128
The Journey...A Celebration
Curtis C Aug 2017
The Journey - On Going; These paths - ever changing; The direction - always forward; The feeling - a Celebration of All, in All, with All!!; how we do it - together, separate but never and with Love; where do we end - We never do, we just continue to Grow!   Thank you...Life is so Grand and I Am so happy!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Have I stopped? And if so, why and what?
There have been times I've thought; what if you would have stayed, turned around, gone back, would it had made a difference?
Then I remember...this journey is as it should be. The choices that was made, were the choices to be made, at that time. What I wonder about is past, memories, points of references.  Here is where I stand today. Use the past, the memories, the points of references to make choices today but don't try to live them. This is where my life is now. This is where the changes happens, the choices for this present moment...this is the time to choose wisely for Life Today!
I Love You! moving forward one step at a time...
Aug 2017 · 130
Just Be...
Curtis C Aug 2017
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what it's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
Aug 2017 · 281
Curtis C Aug 2017
Today, nothing to say
Today, is just what it is
Today, being in the flow, working with what comes my way
Today, love is at the base of it all. If it moves up Great but if it's
             just apart of the foundation of it all, Wonderful
Today, wondering and wandering...knowing the adventure is
             the discovery
Today, HAPPY with what is, where I am, what I have
Today, the beginning, the end and the beginning again
Today, a low key celebration but a celebration none the less
Today, deep breath, a smile, maybe a laugh, a song, a dance
Today, no judging. No labeling. No comparing. No competing
             ...just being
Today, Today, Today
              I Love. I am Loved, I share, I receive
Today, is what it is
Aug 2017 · 145
A New Day
Curtis C Aug 2017
This morning I woke to a new day. There are things that looks like yesterday, feel like yesterday, acts like yesterday but it is truly a new day. For I am new to it all; my actions, reactions, my experiences, adventures and Love are all new, adding joy and happiness to the Glorious Greatness, I call my Life.
I know if I want change and not live yesterday, I must change and live today. "the past (yesterday) is only a point of reference, not a way of Life." I shall stand in the present moment with Gratitude; surrendering, releasing, letting go and open my soul, heart and mind to the good that is mine.
Today is a new day! I Love It and I Love you! Big Smiles, enjoy your new day and share your smiles!

As you take your next step into this day.
Know you carry all that you are with you.
You are You because of all you been through...
You Are Greatness!!!!
Aug 2017 · 101
Standing at the Crossroads
Curtis C Aug 2017
I've come to the crossroads just standing here,
So many directions.
Which way should I go?
What should I let go?
Where should my focus be?
Standing at the crossroads.
The music is so inviting, that way.
The dancing so lovely, this way.
And oh...the words.
The light so bright, all calling to me.
Standing at the crossroads.
When I started this day I had no ideal,
the crossroads were so near.
But I had these wondering, wandering feelings
I should have known...
So here I am,
my heart wants this way,
my mind wants that way,
and my soul is happy whichever way!
it whispers to me, my soul,
"You decide where our adventures lie,
take the step...
for all roads lead home.
I thought...
"you don't make it easy."
Jul 2017 · 152
A Day Of Wondering
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today is a day of wondering. A thought hit me; I thought the move from LA to New Orleans was a "major" change and then from New Orleans to was just a change, within "The Change". The Journey is "The Change". There are things, I admit, the scare me...(a sudden fright, an alarm, with little or no reason: a time or condition of alarm or worry.) Feeling it, experiencing it and letting it go...putting it back in the flow and moving forward.
So, today a day of wondering, surrendering, releasing and letting go, being focus and aware.  For me, that's is one of the ways to make it work...also adding tons of Love to it. Standing in Gratitude, right here, right now, in the present moment...scary and uncomfortable but very, very doable. This is one of my days to DOIT!  Smiling...
Y'all have a Glorious day! continue it one step at a time and sharing the good, love, joy, happiness, all that stuff with others.  BIG SMILES to everyone, hugs and kisses!
Jul 2017 · 271
Curtis C Jul 2017
Great Morning to all of You!
May the day bring Great joy to You.
May your adventures and experiences make you smile, laugh, love and see the Good that surrounds You and that's in You.
May you choose to move forward toward the highest.
May you show kindness and Gratitude.
May you just have a Good time and a Glorious day, Celebrate everything, enjoy all and have tons of fun.
Dance, sing...shake that *****!!!
Much Love to You and BIG SMILES!!!!
Get up, get out and DOIT!!!!!
Jul 2017 · 1.7k
Curtis C Jul 2017
FREEDOM....this came to mind while at work...I thought what is True Freedom? Do I have It? Have I felt it?  Freedom...if we have it, why do so many follow so much and never lead?  If we do have Freedom...why do we not see or stay with the joys, Love and Happiness in our Life?  Freedom...What does Freedom, really mean to You and Why do you try and take so many others Freedom?  
The thought for Curtis C the next couple of day:  Do I have, feel and see Freedom? How often and why not all the time?  What do I have to change to truly have this...FREEDOM!  Why, when I say the word...Freedom...I Smile? I am Grateful for the Freedom I feel, even if it's not all the's much better than, not feeling Freedom at all.  okay, breathe Curtis C.
GOOD NIGHT!  Get your rest and be ready for the New Day!
Much Love...that is my Freedom...Love!
Jul 2017 · 140
Curtis C Jul 2017 Believe in you and it makes believing in others easier. A daily choice that can take you a long way. A choice that we need to make each day. Dig deep in you and see deep in others, it's there but sometimes you need to go a little deeper to see it, feel it, Be It. No one can make you believe, they can show you stuff but only you have the choice too Believe and when You do...Its just BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I Believe in You and Me.
Jul 2017 · 85
no matter what.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Have you ever had those moments when you had so much to say but when the time came...there was nothing...just feelings and you didn't won't to label those. Well that's where I am. There's so much in my head and heart, I just need to find away to work with it. I "can" say, I Am Blessed. I Am Grateful. Standing in Great Gratitude and Love...okay, whatever will be, will be and I will work with it all...
no matter what.
Jul 2017 · 102
Curtis C Jul 2017
No matter who you are. Where you are. What you are. You need to stand and fight. Because you can be next, yes this will not stop with the Transban or healthcare or whatever else you think will keep you safe. We are moving back in history by leaps and bounds. These people, 45 and his crew are after everyone. Do not sit in fear but stand and be heard.
This country is ours. So don't sit back and whisper, "this doesn't affect me."
Don't wait your turn, put a stop to it now!
Jul 2017 · 348
"My" Perspective
Curtis C Jul 2017
It’s not that I don’t experience the dark side of things or I don’t have sadness in my life or any other form of fear…it’s that I have reached a point in my life, for me, that I have chosen not to live there long.  Positive-negative, dark-light, sadness-joy, fear-love are the same stick, just different ends.  There is not one without the other but we do have the choice of which end of the stick we will stand on.  At this point my choice is to stand in the middle, closer to the positive, Love, joy, light end of the stick…that’s where my reactions come from.  
I was told once, “no matter how dark things get, there is always light because you are there.” I also realize that; “no matter how light it gets, there is dark also, because I am there.” All of it is me, but I have lived in the negative, dark, sadness and fear and it wasn’t good for me, it just wasn’t working, no matter how I tried to make it work. Soooo, I moved to the middle  and things got better, than a little pass the middle  to the light, joy, Love, positive side and thing got to feel a lot better…within me where it truly counts.  I found a balance for me!  Days became better focusing on the ups, hanging with the good experiences of the moments, standing in some light.  There are still those moments when I think…”I want to slap the taste out of their mouth.” But in the next moment I think; “will it move things forward? How good would I really feel and for how long? You will be right where they want you to be and not where you want to be.”
I do see, feel, taste, hear and experience it all, but as I experience all, I choose to let go and move on from there. Now, some I do hang with a little longer but in the end, all of it, every experience positive or negative is put back into the flow, to be returned bigger and better.  I choose to stand on the love, light, joy end of the stick…standing in Gratitude for it all, every experience.  So I continue on my journey, one step at a time, with all its ups and downs, working hard to choose wisely…well, that’s “My” perspective.

(Written 2014 - still stands today)
Jul 2017 · 115
Curtis C Jul 2017
Whenever I get in this place, that unhappy place, I remember this statement.

"Unhappiness is created whenever you are out of alignment with the present moment. "
            ~~ Echart Tolle~~

It's like a lil golf cart that carries my through my thoughts. I pass by the Love going in and coming out. It takes me to my place of Gratitude where I see the faces of those receiving and releasing Love and more to me. I see where I've been and the places I can go. In the moment I know this unhappy time is only temporary and the Light shines and I continue my journey...I choose to have a Good day of adventure and creating.
Jul 2017 · 117
Curtis C Jul 2017
I'm not weird.

I'm a limited edition.
Jul 2017 · 111
Let it Rain
Curtis C Jul 2017
Thunder rolls across the sky
Heat is heavy all around
The rain will make it better…
I think.

A cool breeze across my shoulder,
Is the heat giving way?
Yes, rain today.

Another roll of thunder
A bigger breeze move the trees
A small voice…
What does it say?

Thunder, breeze, more heat.
Please bring on the rain.
Please I need it.
A drop, 2, more…rain, yes rain

Rain on my head, on my face.
Now, no one will ask about, my pain.
What a beautiful rain
Jul 2017 · 96
Let it Be
Curtis C Jul 2017
My head is so mad at my heart.
It’s ready to let go, move on but
My heart still Loves too much…
It says; “wait, please.”

My head watching the actions, “look at it, what is happening.”
My heart, hear the words and ask, “Just listen for a while?”
My heart cries, “Let’s find the balance between actions and words.”
My head….’NO, No, no”

This discussion goes on for many moments…

Finally my Soul speaks, with a deep breath.
Flowing through touching the head and heart
And in a whisper …”LET IT BE!”
Jul 2017 · 134
where is it?
Curtis C Jul 2017
I Shouted; "HELP!...HELP!...HELP!"
But not a sound, from them or one.
.....I heard it in my head but not in my world.
What a strange day.
Jul 2017 · 105
I realize today...
Curtis C Jul 2017
I realize today,
You are not the tag at the end of every thought.
I realize today,
Yes, you are in my heart.
I realize today,
I Love you still but Love me more.
I realize today,
I have let go.
Jul 2017 · 168
A new day
Curtis C Jul 2017
To wake up in the morning
And know it is truly, a new day.
To feel the changes but know not where.
All the step you have taken has brought you to this point of change.
But what has changed?
You won’t know until you have faced the day.
Trust you and accept you, no expectations, and no regret
Take the step into the new.
Take the feeling and sensations without the fear to begin
…a new day.
It is a new day for you to create.
Jul 2017 · 192
The Room in...
Curtis C Jul 2017
The Room in…
I walked in and saw nothing but it was all supposed to be here.
I search and felt nothing but there was supposed to be:
emotions, feelings, sensations, memories of adventures.
I walked in and asked but there was no answer,
it wasn’t totally dark, there was lights with the shades on them.
There was stories all around but words and phrases was missing.
I heard “it’s okay, there is Love, don’t go.”
But nothing, no one appeared…nothing.
I’ve been in here before, there was stuff: smiles, caring, fun, all that stuff that makes a day good.
So much is missing here…I don’t know if I should stay or go…I just don’t know.
If there’s nothing here for me, why should I wait? Why should I stay?
The actions and the words are not meeting. A room that was so full of Love and Light. Now, nothing.
I walked in and the stuff that made it good was gone.
…the Heart.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today like every other day is new...if we choose it to be. Yes, same job, same people, same...same...same....But!!! what happens if you choose to see you in a new and different way? If you accept that there are different ways to see your life and your world that you are creating? Yes, I know there is darkness around but there is also light. Good surrounds us All The Time.  Why not look for, become aware of and focus on that Good? Even when dealing with situations and other's don't have to deal with it all for the place they're bring it to can change the colors and put some light on it. Remember You are the creator of your story.  You dance your dance and sing your song.  You are creating Your Greatness to share with the World.
Have at it today and have fun creating it all!!! Love You My Babies!!!!
Jul 2017 · 190
Only One
Curtis C Jul 2017
The Universe, God, Source, The Divine, Papa, Moma, Allah, Jehovah, she, her, him, he, them, they, etc...A rose by any other name, still smells as sweet.
By your perspective, perception, belief, You see the good, use the good, spread the Love, for we are all Love and all One within that Love. The biggest sin is the misuse if that Good and Love that is in all of US!!!! There is no Us and Them when it truly come down to it, there is only US...All of Us are One!!!
Jul 2017 · 283
Good Morning
Curtis C Jul 2017
Good morning my Babies!!!
Have a Grand and Glorious Day!
Open up as you give and receive Love today,
Remember how awesome you are
Remember that Good is all around you, always
Remember you get to choose how and what you create
Choose wisely
Remember your uniqueness and no one can do what you do
Remember to celebrate you and Life, all Life
Remember how happy I am that you are apart of my Life and all the Love we share.
Now, wherever you are right now,
take a deep breath
Put a smile on you
Your song in your heart
And dance your way thru the Greater day you are starting to create now!
Much Love, hugs, kisses and...
Jul 2017 · 207
Curtis C Jul 2017
To walk this journey for many days and still find new ways to step upon the path

To breathe deep and learn so much in that moment

To smile at a stranger and have the blinding light of gratitude shine into your eyes for their eyes

To look into the eyes of a child and see the world of Love within them

To see a troubled soul and hear a voice say;
“It’s okay, it’s only temporary !”

To be reminded that your own situation is just another step on your journey

To stand at the crossroads and see unlimited possibilities

To remember, no matter how dark life my get there is always a tiny light shining…
Go to it and see how bright it become.

To have all this happen in every moment of your journey…

You know, you ain’t done yet…you have so much more to do
And so it is.
Jul 2017 · 212
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today, I am surrendering.  I let it all go and open up and let my heart sing louder than it ever has before.
No matter what others experiences are.  No matter what they think I should experience. MY experience will be one of Joy, Happiness and Celebrations.  Singing and dancing in the Truth and the fact that…I AM LOVE!  I know that every step I take is a step forward toward the highest Good.
I Am Thankful for the Love!
I Am Grateful for the Joy!
I Am Blessed that I have so many to share it with.

This is the experience I Live Today.
The Love I give Today and
Whoever, wherever, whatever I touch, take it and join the Celebration.
See It, Be It, Give It!!!!
And so It is.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Do you really know how to Love?
Not just say, I Love You but really Love
To accept the differences, to listen to understand, to not judge and change others. To not be afraid and suspicious because you know.
Do you really know how to Love?
It's not just a word but it's also the action. The feeling. Giving and receiving. It's taking our differences and working with them and creating Greatness. It's unconditional. There are no limits...
Do you really know how to Love?
It's knowing that we are Individual Expressions of the Oneness. Knowing that you wouldn't be here, if I wasn't here because our differences has brought us together to make the One...all of us together create the Oneness.
Do you really know how to Love?
Okay, take a deep breath and think about it,
We have some changes to make and remember we all have more to learn...
If we really are going to Love.
Jul 2017 · 140
Curtis C Jul 2017
You really don't know who you are or what you do...

you fight to change
but fight to stay the same.
you know how limitless you are
but argue for the limitations you live.
I know, I understand
It's hard accepting that you are love.
the kind of love that all want and scare to share
"what if I get hurt?" "What if they don't want me?"
What if?
                   what if?
                                            what if?

You don't trust yourself
but want all to trust you.
you have expectations of yourself
but say it's from others.
                          Stop It! Please Stop It!
let change happen
it maybe uncomfortable but that's okay
open to the Love...on every level
          Be Aware, Be Focus, Release if need be to more forward
Stop standing in the river of what if's, maybe's, I cant, I'm alone, lonely and say; "I  am scare"
embrace the fear, learn the lessons, it may hurt but at least you'll know what to change...if you want.
Realize that people move up and down to the level they feel comfort but know you have to be a little uncomfortable to grow.

You really don't know who your really are and what you do...
Don't you think it's about time to get to know you?
continue on in the process...
Jul 2017 · 273
Having a moment...
Curtis C Jul 2017
Having a moment of fear, afraid, not knowing. Breathing deep but heart still racing.
Anxiety over what feeling, emotions, sensations all control by my perception.
I haven't lost anything but in this moment it all lives.
I know that good surrounds me.
I know my SuperPower is Love.
I know I create my world.
I am aware and focus.
Open and ready to release.
Moving forward, comfortable and uncomfortable.
I am having a moment of fear, afraid, not knowing.
The process...
I also know, everything gonna be alright.
So I will let this moment be.
Let it release.
Because I Know there is good in everything.
So here's to this moment.
Jul 2017 · 196
Curtis C Jul 2017
Expectations - disappointment
Judging, labeling - self fear
Assuming - don't like what you see about self
Projecting - all that you have assume and putting self thoughts on To others.
Good and bad - same stick, stay in middle for balance
Creator - You
Responsibility - owning up to what YOU have done and created
Accepting -  yourself as you are, others as they are and working with what you have done.
Releasing - letting go of things that are not good for "your" highest good. Keeping things that move you forward.
Grateful - being thankful
Love - Our SuperPower. We came here with it and learning how to use it.
Opening up - seeing all the good that surrounds us.

Just a few things going through my head.
To be continue...
Curtis C Jul 2017
A lil boy came into my heart. I was feeling friendship that would never part. I Loved our morning talks, going out to lunch, touching base with each other and the connection between us, that was growing…friends/family. He thought he would learn things from me, he did, but I don’t think he realize he was teaching me, he was and I was surprise by his teaching myself.
I was watching this boy grow into a man, his confusion started with the question; what kind of man would I be?  Our friendship came under suspicion and he started believing the suspicion. Our talks became fewer, we didn’t share as much, laugh or smile as much. He got busy, there was less timee. We moved apart, he believe others thought. But I stand by my words: I will be your friend, even when it dark.  I know the Love in my heart is more than what is your part. I also know, the connection stands. I see that Great man in you and when he comes through, I hope I'm here to meet him.
Anyway, even if we part, there will always be Love in my heart and I’m here to help when you need and/or when you call. There will always be Love in my heart, a friendship that will stand strong and the connection too...for/with that lil boy.
Jul 2017 · 136
To a friend
Curtis C Jul 2017
What can I say but "I am here for you."
Don't accept the suspicions and others thought.
Also, step back and look at your own assumptions and projecting thoughts.
I know there's a connection and two lovingit hearts but what scared you so, that you kinda close your heart.
Nothing was said or done...I don't think.
Or is that the problem, all that went unsaid and undone?
I Love You like family, much more.
You maybe lonely but you are not alone.
Open your heart to the comfort around.
No judgment, no labeling or expectations is here.
Just a friend...simply standing with cheer.
All I can say is; " I am here for you. What am I to do?"
Jul 2017 · 209
Step Back
Curtis C Jul 2017
You know, every once 'n' awhile you need to step back, look at your life and take responsibility. Make some choices, make some changes, laugh, cry, see the good and Love that surrounds you and deal with the crap from that place. The only labeling and judging that happens from there is; will it/ is it good for me or bad for me, Will it move me forward, what lessons will I learn, what will I teach? Take the time to find your light in the dark place and share that light with others, so they may find their way. Remember you always have something/one to celebrate, something/one to Love, smile with, laugh with. Take a deep breath or 2 and listen for the answers to your questions.
I see your Greatness and I Love it.
Jul 2017 · 148
The ride...
Curtis C Jul 2017
The rides we will take in this process of Life, will always began and end in the same place but it is our knowing, beliefs and reactions that determines the ups and down of each ride, those conscious choices.  Things always happens through us and not to us.
So, buckle up and get ready for a great ride today.  Have fun, enjoy and know that the choices you make will be good and if not...change them.  okay, get ready to throw your hands in the air and yell, weeeeeeeeeee!
Love Y'all!!!!!
Jul 2017 · 133
Curtis C Jul 2017
I've done a lot of stuff in my life, been to many places and met so many Great, Wonderful and Loving folks. I get to do one of my passions, perform, plays, movies, TV, dance, sing, smiling while doing it and get others to smile.
The one Great passion I've gotten to learn and experience is Love. Learn is not really the right word because Love has always been with me but I opened up to Loving myself, other people, things, situations...just everything.
I Love to much at times, but that's okay because you really can't put limits on's unconditional and unlimited.
I share as much as I can and find there is still much to learn about Loving! I watch and listen to how others express Love. Though it's all the same energy, we all express it in so many different ways, on so many different levels.
Once I got this into my head, my heart, my soul, it made so many others things seem easy.
"What would Love do Now?"
This is the question I ask in every moment...even when I'm being a little ****.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Before I get my happy on for the day, I had to sit in sadness.
The thought came to me..."is this Goodbye or see you later?"
We have been talking and not, with distance between us, even thought we are close. Neither one of us did anything about it.
We had to have the connection but we were hiding at times. Time has reach the point of choosing for itself.
You have been making guest appearances and like a good audience, I've been waiting. But the waiting has to stop and your guest appearances have been getting far and few between, plus shorter each time.
Dear time, is it goodbye or see you later?

I will always Love You.
The Friendship with always be special,
even if it becomes a memory.
The Love, unspoken at times, was and is always there...but we are letting time and distance make the choice...
Is it goodbye or see you later?
You were/are a good teacher, though confusing at times.
You are good friend, though missing at times.
Some good memories, I felt, more to come, I hope.
Great times with smiles, laughs, tears and Love (unspoken), I will always have you in my heart.
Come back if want and/or need, call please,
Feel my loving energy that I will always send...lets not loose the connection.
Lets stay open to receiving.
So Mr. Time...
Is this goodbye or see you later? be continue
Jul 2017 · 97
Tell me your story...
Curtis C Jul 2017
Tell me your story
Let me hear your words
Not the story that others believe, from their perspective
But "Your" words, how you feel, who you are, what you think
Do you know your story, has it been that long
Or are you just re-telling what others have said you are
It's time to Live "Your" Life and not the life others have create for you
Tell your story, your words
Live for you
Be you
Your story
Your words
Your creation
Who You Are!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
No one should have to re-live their mistakes everyday or made to re-live them. You should take responsibility for your actions, all parties involved. Learn the lessons and forgive yourself and others involved in the situation. Mistakes are choices, when you know better, hopefully, you will chose better and grow and move forward. Reliving your mistakes or someone else's mistakes does no good because it can't be changed and you give it control over is what it is. You "can" heal from it. As I said, learn and grow from it. So, no blame, judgement, labeling, guilt but lots of learning, change, taking responsibility, growing, forgiving, experiencing the sensations, releasing and moving forward. And at some point, hopefully soon, you make it point of reference ( the past), not away of life. You Heal...
(Now, this is just my opinion. The things I do get pass things, along with my case, sometimes a lot of time. :-) It may not work for everyone but hopefully it will jump start something in you, that will work for you. But whatever you do remember; No one should have to re-live any mistakeof everyday.)
Jul 2017 · 231
Random thought - 2
Curtis C Jul 2017
As I sat out back this morning to start of my day...The worries came up on me: What am I doing? How am I going to do it? Why? Was this right? Can I? Will I? Change!!!!
I didn't stop them. I let them continue and I experience all the sensations.
Then, the thought came to me: What do I have? Where are you now? Deep breath and I let the worries go because I got LOVE!! I got a 100% record of making it because I am here now! I Believe and have Faith in me. The road is Rocky but it was full of stepping stones that helped me make it here today.
If today was my last day in this would be a Grand and Glorious Day because I got LOVE!!!
I have created, celebrated all/everything! I have smiled, cried, laughed, sung my songs and did my dances. I have forgave all/everything.
The worries will come and go. Hard times will come and go but Good will always be around. In those small places and in wide open spaces there will always be Good! Today, as everyday, I will focus on the Good. No labels, judgements, just taking the Good I got and creating more. It will get bumpy but I will walk on.
Today is going to be...No, it is a Great day...I got LOVE and all that comes with It!!!!
I share that LOVE with you today...
Take it and create Greatness!!!!!!
BIG SMILES, hugs and kisses.
Now lets keep this Party going!!!!
Jul 2017 · 198
Curtis C Jul 2017
As I sat out back this morning to start of my day...The worries came up on me: What am I doing? How am I going to do it? Why? Was this right? Can I? Will I? Change!!!!
I didn't stop them. I let them continue and I experience all the sensations.
Then, the thought came to me: What do I have? Where are you now? Deep breath and I let the worries go because I got LOVE!! I got a 100% record of making it because I am here now! I Believe and have Faith in me. The road is Rocky but it was full of stepping stones that helped me make it here today.
If today was my last day in this would be a Grand and Glorious Day because I got LOVE!!!
I have created, celebrated all/everything! I have smiled, cried, laughed, sung my songs and did my dances. I have forgave all/everything.
The worries will come and go. Hard times will come and go but Good will always be around. In those small places and in wide open spaces there will always be Good! Today, as everyday, I will focus on the Good. No labels, judgements, just taking the Good I got and creating more. It will get bumpy but I will walk on.
Today is going to be...No, it is a Great day...I got LOVE and all that comes with It!!!!
I share that LOVE with you today...
Take it and create Greatness!!!!!!
BIG SMILES, hugs and kisses.
Now lets keep this Party going!!!!
Jul 2017 · 1.9k
Curtis C Jul 2017
The water was so hot I had to run cold water into it just to sit down. The temperature of the water and my body came together and a calm rushed over me. As I picked up the razor, my heart beat slowed down instead of getting faster as I thought it would and I made the first cut, the razor was sharp. With the calming water around me I didn't really feel it but I knew it had been done as the water turned red.
I take the razor into the hand of the wrist that I had just cut and make a slice into the other wrist. I felt this more because I was loosing my strength in the hand of the already cut wrist and had to put more pressure on to make the new slice.

I sit in crimson red water and a Wonderful Peacefulness came over me. I was feeling calm and sooo Peaceful and felt some joy in it all. Felt joy that it was almost that moment when the Greatest Peace came to me, I knew it was almost done...

At this point of Peacefulness, the alarm went off.
It was just a dream, my dream. But that Great feeling of Peacefulness was still with me in that moment.
I hit the snooze but I could never return to that truly Peaceful place.
There was Great Sadness with me that morning and joy in knowing the Peacefulness was within waiting.
Curtis C Jul 2017
This week I was re-introduce to the label “Frustrated”, I didn’t really enjoy it much.  I need to do a little inner research and put things back in their place. (It’s my reaction that I need to check, not their actions.)  Remembering to just do my best where I am and keep celebrating me and the Good Times…It’s all Good, it just take a moment to see it sometimes…

Sooooo, I’ve decided that, this is the beginning of a week of focusing on celebrating everything…No labels, just taking it all where it is and know that it’s happening for my highest Good, even if I can’t see it right now.  Saturday to Saturday, celebrating and enjoying my experiences and knowing that it’s all going toward my highest Good and it is apart of the Creative, Loving Energy we call Life…anybody wants to do it with me?  Have a Great week no matter where you are and I’ll be sending Great, Loving thoughts your way!!!
Jul 2017 · 189
Curtis C Jul 2017
Starting my day very quietly. Clearing my mind and knowing another wonderful day is ahead.  I feel it is going to be a long day and I am choosing to enjoy every moment of it and leave myself open to every adventure, the new ones that will start and the ending of some old ones.  Knowing that all that I require and want is there, waiting for me, surrounded in Love, happiness and tons of Joys.

I am always celebrating the Freedom of my life. But with the 4th of July coming up I am truly focusing on Freedom, not just in what I have but in who I am…the Freedom to be me! The Freedom to Love.  The Freedom to walk and stand tall.  The Freedom to change and grow.  I celebrate this fact and know we all have this Freedom to be who we are and take the actions to move forward toward the highest Good.

This week really focus on the Freedom that we all have and use to make conscious choices in our lives and know that our choices and lives are based in Love, Truth and the Freedom to just BE!  
Be aware and celebrate your Freedom to BE!
I Love You!
Jul 2017 · 140
The work ahead...
Curtis C Jul 2017
We have to work harder on not projecting our feelings on to others. Assuming what you feel, everyone feels; even if they will be different. Perspective and Perception will be different, even when we think alike. We are all at different points on this journey, with different experiences. Headed to the same place...No One is ahead and No One is behind, we are just where we are. Don't walk away, hide or ignore. Talk, be honest, don't judge and label, we canfigure and do learn something for everyone and we can teach something to everyone...Don't miss out! It could change your Perspective/ Perception, I give you a heads up, open you up to more light. Today, use your Superpower and Love, enjoy, have fun, open up...
There so much more out there.
Jun 2017 · 2.0k
I Am Ready
Curtis C Jun 2017
Whatever the day brings, I Am Ready. What ever the experience, I Am Ready. What ever and where ever the Adventure leads, I Am Ready...I Am Ready.

There are those days when you feel like..."What the hell!" but we breathe, take a step and keep moving, We are Ready.  The feeling come over us and we might feel like we don't know which way to good, just think; I Am Ready.  Ready for what comes my way...not saying it something I want. Lawd knows, it wasn't plan.  Ha, there are times I want to run the other way. But I, take a moment to breathe and I know I Am Ready.  Today, I Am Ready for the day, the experiences, the adventures, the Love, Joy, Happiness and all the Laughs.  There maybe be a tear, confuse, anger, sadness but I Am Ready.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I Am Ready for what is place before me in this moment to moment journey. Oh, and if I'm Ready...You are too.  We just have to make the choice to face it, feel it, work with it and let it all go back into the flow and be Ready for the next...moment by moment, step by step.  Sooooooo, climb on, buckle up, shake it out and...I would say get ready but guess what: You are Ready...always...just go with it, it is a good ride!  Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Jun 2017 · 234
Curtis C Jun 2017
Why keep trying? When did it stop or was it ever?
                   Action, words, smiling, laughing, tears.
                             Not the same, all the same, perspective.
                                    Today - new. Same old thing? Maybe, go.
Why stay? Sorry. Not. Sad, happy, kinda, not sure.
Light, where's the light.
                                   Understanding...trying. letting go...trying.

Believing, continuing why?
Two trying, good. One trying, not so good.
Not a lie. Just a story...not the whole story.
One day Great Love. Next day Great Hate...they are so close.
             Come here. No to close.
              Back away. To far.
              Don't go, stay.
Get it right. Don't know what's right but get it right.

Do you have to be abused to love? Put down, ignored, made small?
Don't think I can do that but at least I will know.

Assuming, projecting, judging, labeling...who are we today? Who am I today? Who are you today?
We have the right. Choices. Change...but grow.
Rules change. The game. When change happen in your game, let others know.

To much, stop now. No think, stop now. Just light...light the way. See the way. Move forward. Smile again. Good day. Laugh again...let go.'s all an Adventure.
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