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Curtis C Apr 2018
Life never stops until it is over.
The day of our birth, we start to Live, it was the day we began our journey to the end.
Each day we say hello and goodbye
Each day we are full of joy and hurt
Each day we rise up too or stay and wait
Each day there is Love and fear
Each day we begun and end.
Life never stops until it is over.
So lets choose:
Each day to smile when we say, hello and goodbye
Each day to accept and release the joy and hurt
Each day to rise to the light and stay for the Love
Each day to find balance between Love and fear
Each day to begin again
Each day LIVE!
Life never stops until itis is over.
So Live till the end and
Create more of the Greatness that You are.
For you are Life. Life is Love. So You are Love and Life!
Think about that and Smile....
Curtis C Apr 2018
Yesterday I Stopped. Not because things were bad or out of sorts but because it was time. For me, the time to look at or look back at my life is when the sun is shining. Okay, yesterday I was partly cloudy but enough good to keep me smiling...I have a good life and good people in my life. I've come from and through a lot of **** but I am standing here now.  I've said, goodbyes or see you later to many people and things. I will be saying goodbyes and see you later to many people and things to come but in this moment I'm here, we are here. I Love and care for others, sometimes to much but I am who I am. Some choices I've made or making will have to be changed but that is life. But I am here in this moment.
I Love this post because it reminds me of something I was told many moons ago:
"You can not make a mistake...they are choices. The best choices you can make with the information you have at the time but when you learn stop and make the changes to make thing better. To do better."
Ms. Minerva (my Grandmother)
I realize you do make mistakes, when you know better and don't make the changes to do better, Be better...that is a mistake. Yes, I've done that too. But, as I've said before, "I am here now." Knowing who and what I am, making the choices to change for the better...I hope.
So yesterday I Stopped, so today I could shine!
So, You have a bright and shinny day. Make choices and changes for the better...not mistake. Know that You are loved and there are people and things on your side. But the biggest thing is for You to be on Your side and Love yourself big time!!!
Have a Grand Day. Wonderful Adventures. Keep creating the Greatness that we call Life!!
Curtis C Apr 2018
My world has changed so much and it is a good thing.  Today, I choose to be aware of and embrace the changes that are happening in my world.  Working with the uncomfortable and unknown, being co-creator in each moment and staying in the continues flow of the creative energy.  Always remembering “To change is to grow and to grow is to change.”  My world stays the same with change because Love and Truth is my foundation.  I see all the facts of my experiences and I surrender all, letting good of stuff, no judging and opening myself up to all the Greatness there is.
I am Love.  I am Truth.  I learn and share.  I stand in Gratitude, very Thankful for everything and Blessed, knowing the Oneness of us all.  Knowing the abundance and prosperity of my Life, I release my word into the Law of yes, knowing it is done.  I celebrate the change, sing songs of the growth and dance through all the sensations, to stand in the light of Love and Truth.
And so it is.
Today...Wonderful experiences, friends, lots-o-fun and Love all around.  That's my day, what's your day going to look like?  Have a Great one and I'm sending you all some Love!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
"Happiness is an inside job.  Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."
~ Mandy Hale

No one can make you happy and you can't make anyone else happy. I know we say that; "oh, you make me so happy!" Or "You made me cry!" But the fact is, they didn't and can't. No one can make you sad, mad, cry or all those other emotions.
NOW, something they are or they are doing might have sparked that place within you where emotions have lived forever, in You. But who wants to hear; "You just sparked the emotion of happiness within me!" It kinda loose a bit there.
But I said all that, to say this; stop putting that responsibility on others and stop taking that responsibility on to yourself, for others. It becomes the blame game. It puts expectations on to people and yourself that you know won't happen unless you choose to accept their actions and words...disappointment is what you will face.
When you feels these emotions...You take actions to release or enhance. Experience and feel what you are going through, talk to each other. Take what you need to move forward and release the rest. Some people don't want to be apart of or responsible for your emotions, they're having a hard enough time with their own.
Be a light, a guide, a source and together we can and will create on some level, love, happiness, joy and yes some sadness and angry but we will find away through it all without blame, projecting, judging and all that other stuff.

All of you my Babies,  have sparked those emotions of joy, happiness, much Love, angry, sadness, tears, and all the rest of that stuff in me but I am here and I feel and know (?) that you are close to me, too! We are creators of Greatness, we are the teacher and the student and we do this by working together as One, listening to understand, not just reply!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!
Have an Excellent rest of the night!!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
I wish I had the terminology to explain how my heart and head works together. There are times I don't...just don't know what to say...
So, until that day, if it ever comes, I will work with what I got and understand when someones choose to move on.
Curtis C Mar 2018
Between yesterday and today with all the ups and many downs, in this moment at this time, today I cry.
I cry not because I'm sad but because I Believe.
I Believe in people and the magic within them.
I Believe that one day, in a moment, that they will see the magic and Believe to.
I Believe that many will know as I know that Love is the strongest power...unconditional, unlimited Love.
I Believe in a moment that we will welcome kindness and good, not be suspicious of it and the ones who give it.
I Believe in the tears, the laughter, the smile and the good that surrounds us and in a moment others shall to.
Because it magic...
When you see the magic, you will know all this to be true.
Also, you will know that magic is all around and even in YOU!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
...Starting with yourself!
The process...journey is ever changing, even when it all looks the same.
Forgiving and accepting, moving forward, change/growth, Loving (giving and receiving). Learning something new everyday. Don't judge or label it. Open up to it and see where it takes can always choose to change if it doesn't work for/to your good. Share all you have learned and experience, for where you have walked can light the way for someone else.
I want to walk where you have walked. I know my experiences will be different for yours but to be where you have been, left your energy to guide the way is a great comfort to me.
I will make certain the paths that I have walked before you, will have my energies to light your way and Love to wrap you up to keep you safe.
It will be so exciting to sit and talk to you about all we have learned on this journey!!!!
Thank You!!!
What a Grand and Glorious Time it will be.......
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