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 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
"Mere seconds in time
specks in space"
Kristy Renae Dalton*

We are seconds and specks,
you and I...

We meet, crash into each other,
mingle and coalesce.
Not knowing where we'll be
in the next.

We exist in one another...
But never together.

A perpetual dance
between time and matter.
An eternal struggle
to share a plane.

You and I...
We live as nothing but
mere seconds in time
and specks traipsing in space.
Thank you Kristy for inspiring this piece.
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
We can never
rewrite history
and the future
is impossible to pen.

When the present
bears only anarchy
in the darkened,
tainted hearts of men.
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
Inner Demon
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
He used to walk with life in his stride
He used to strut with a heart full of pride

These days see him stumbling every so often
These days see his eyes vacant and sullen

So I asked if there was anything bothering him
So I asked what is it that made his light so dim

He tarried, then answered with conviction true
He tarried before he finally answered, *"You..."
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
Doug Potter
Nothing remains,
not  one  rhizome,
stem, or hairy root

travels, shoots, or buries
itself during barren  fall;
only  impending winter

resides in my garden
this unpredictable season,
and it is waiting for spring.
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
The Dedpoet
What is your reality really?
Is it the clarity of familiar things,
A toast to the success of monetary
Accomplishments that weigh
Just as much as the opinions
Put into them?
   What makes a rich man so rich?
Possession or the value one or all
Put into said possession?
   Is a billion dollars more valuable to
One person than the love one has
For their child? Or is it possible that
We have been taught to value money
As survival in a chasing of the tail?
   I was was told that is just the world
We live in, that that's just the way
Things are, yet the very fundamental
Being of humanity is to change,
The struggle for it and the ability
To do so.
    Yet here we are, chasing tails
So to speak, and the very concept
Of " living a better life" has become
The mantra for the struggle.
   The struggle is within ourselves,
The fact that we are living as a species
On a doomed path, regardless of belief
Or faith, that the end is inevitable,
That we must live a life together
Yet the very success one has
Is set up to be solitary,
It has no bearing on thy neighbor
Because one gathers success towards
Themselves and their circles.
  Is this a preaching?
No, it is the truth we live in,
That we see, that we cannot change.
Why can't we change our selves,
Our greed, our hunger, our animalistic
Nature that has only become sophisticated
In brutality and not shed like history?
   Because we need struggle.
The truth is the suffering in which
We live everyday is delivered by ourselves.
   We have accepted the experience,
That " higher" learning is the route,
And we chase tails.
   What is real then?
Well, that is your perception,
That which your heart tells you is real,
Your reality as a poet takes you
Outside of yourself,
   That lets you see the sad truth of our
Species, and yes, our doomed nature.
   Live die repeat.
Is this a sad rant of a depressed insomniac
With too much time on bis hands?
Does it make it any less true?
Why state this if I'm not doing anything
About it.
If you have read this in its entirety
Then I have.
Wake up,
Your world is what you make it,
Not how you take it,
Live free of circles.
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
Mike Hauser
Still waging in the wonder
Of how I ended here
From my tender beginnings
To a path that's never clear

With a dog named Bruno
And a cat called Mars
Chasing after each others tails
In and out between foreign cars

A shadow at my feet
That follows me around
Sneaking up on me
Silence its favorite sound

And show tunes from the 50's
Playing over in my head
From My Fair Lady, The King And I
To the Music Man

With a sticker on my window
That shows baby on board
And me being single
I have to wonder what it's for

I always arrive for Fridays
On late Saturday night
All by myself
On a two seater bike

I've got a spitting image
Of who I used to be
Now that I look at myself
I hardly recognize me

I go around in circles
From the left to right
Always walking backwards
Trying to slow down time

In this desert life of mine
I'm my own mirage
Where what I hope to find
I also try to dodge

Most of my days are spent
Trying to make sense
And if you care to count the change
Could you tell me what the cents is
 Nov 2016 NuurSeraph
working in partnership with the Earth
I gulp down water, breathe air
eat her fare, am gently touched by her beauty
in flower and fair maiden.
and I feel the wrath of Man, an angry tongue
single killer punches to the face, dead children
blown to bits on my wide screen TV, in ever
realistic high definition I can dip my eyes in their wounds.
and between all this i might give some money to a charity of choice
while being sold more stuff repackaged into something i just do not need, but hell its an impulse buy and i just need to feel better about myself.
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