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a tower viewer careened by a tourist,

trying to find their center.

the adverse effect brought on--somehow

being too scenic, a fake hyperrealism.

which becomes the irrational fear of concurrence.

not unlike: 'G*d you scared me, i didn't know you

were there!'...

as so the tower viewer remains positioned by

sudden disuse.
 Feb 2019 NuurSeraph
when even the

idea of freedom

loses itself.

an animal is

powered, an animal

is spirited.

moving within you--

without you.

wild enough to

know everything,

and be done with it.

as from a baseline

 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
With animal pull
nothing and everything
eat through their dividing
line, till they
become one another.
If by now exhausting
one another, they
become inexhaustibly
one--which would you
favor in kind, having
mind to discriminate?
That is, which comes to
mind first?
Will you be righted by
the right answer, wronged
by the wrong answer?
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Sometimes when the sea
is a calm occasion, and a
wind ripples in an unbroken
I pause, and see salt poured
upon untold wounds--thereupon
diving in head first.
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Crowning canopies
of trees,  mid monotonia
to their wood, huddled
in prayer.
Cobwebed against the great ultramarine Eight--
brittle scintillas, gloaming
to vespers.
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Throat gone for...

would word,

word forsaken?

Ascribed to no language...


in a Void...

hallowed they be.


cast unto them...

by them.

Surreptitious incantations

occasion Being pause...

throat gone for...


would word, word

such a

*In worship of every primal, sacred syllable that has emerged from silence.
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
A nimbus spreads
toward the rim of
a puddle...
legs hopping its
saintly sun,
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
This you say, without
saying, is my frame--
racked by what is
not brought forth.
Triptych of self...reserved by
the momentum of evasion.
Not to outstride holy company.
Compounding the brilliance
of what was stole away from.
As if a face for every
face, that could not bear
its image.
Driven to outposts which
are eyes more naked than
love at war.
So much of self at judgement,
none the more self to judge
having seen.
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Being made to remember,
held to signature upswells
in the depths of unmeaning.
How near, in truer
sense--beyond madness to
minister logic to an uncut
event, yet cut.
Pieced together in hope
of netting mortality, harboring
the breath of life as if a
Willing what will not, being
made to remember--being
made to forget.
As soon drawn, as erased...
the fronting forefront.
Whose change has its own memory,
so perfect it's changeless.
Beingness cut front to back,
back to front...side to side,
top to bottom, bottom to top.
Uterine cave torch lighting
isolated events bound for
seas of sequence.
Mind's eyefuls of the whole in a
simultaneity of remembrance,
and forgetfulness.
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