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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
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Sister !

Soft and true the sweet song

And you appear !


The path of the One Step

Starts with a vision of the 1000 Miles


Gentleness !

You've taught me all I'll ever need to know


We made a promise

You and I


We made a promise together

To heal the world !

The promise remains but the world died

Sister !

We got real thirsty on that road


Seen too many brave ones cry


In the center of town

In the manner of a traveling show

The simplicity !

Everything was known


Days tumble

People  fall

Still I love you for your love

And for the children in your eyes

And for the way you held them close

So that they all might grow
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Your mind is a rocket ship on a cosmic trip
Thoughts like beautiful blossoming wild flowers in the garden of your consciousness
Free and disciplined simultaneously
The alluring nature of the universe is drawing you deep into its beauty
Fractal hieroglyphics and shifting sacred geometry sitting in the inside of your eyelids
As I’m standing in the wild winds of the wonderland of your imagination
Ancient souls of this contemporary world; life sparkles from the inside like a celestial diamond.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Twenty-five trips around the sun and feeling as if life has just begun
Solar consciousness experienced within botanical biochemical synergy; quite an exothermic symphony
External Prajna helping the light body activate; seeing sacred geometry in a pineapple and longevity in an apple
Metaphysical abilities blossoming like the flowers in May; interconnected connectivity emanating from the colorful array
Idiosyncratic and unpredictable mind; sublime thoughts in a polka dotted realm, infused with light sitting under an ancient elm.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Dancing to the universal chorus
Exploring the depths without drowning in them
Rituals feeding the mind, nurturing the body and spirit
Flushing the body of sickness; breeding increased levels of synchronicity
A renewed sense of empowerment; mind void of thought revealing a soul full of wisdom
Growing a heart full of love and a mind to explore within this human encasement
Rejoicing in the music of its existence echoed through the realm of eternity
Ascending to a higher vibration; the light of a new world
Creating heaven as a state of mind
Wondrous journeys ahead for those walking the path within
Soaring through all dimensions along the frequency of love
Exquisite, enriching experience; into the quiet of morning, radiating like the sun, the transformative journey has just begun.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
White butterfly passing by
Fluttering on the slightest breeze; living life full of monumental ease
As we grow older our true beauty shows
Blessed are the pure in heart; metamorphosis of mind, living in a start of divine art
Creatures of change emerging with greater wisdom and endowed with grace
Feeling the sweet embrace of a woman’s hyperspace
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Jessica Golich
Tribal drums and the sounds of hums
Lucid traveling through inner dimensions
Rising out of the mind and into soulful redemption
Breathing fire and emptying this human canvas
Reaching an inner space through the practice of tantra
Seeking for the purest, highest quality of life; grounding into a giver of gentle light
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