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Sep 2014
Dancing to the universal chorus
Exploring the depths without drowning in them
Rituals feeding the mind, nurturing the body and spirit
Flushing the body of sickness; breeding increased levels of synchronicity
A renewed sense of empowerment; mind void of thought revealing a soul full of wisdom
Growing a heart full of love and a mind to explore within this human encasement
Rejoicing in the music of its existence echoed through the realm of eternity
Ascending to a higher vibration; the light of a new world
Creating heaven as a state of mind
Wondrous journeys ahead for those walking the path within
Soaring through all dimensions along the frequency of love
Exquisite, enriching experience; into the quiet of morning, radiating like the sun, the transformative journey has just begun.
Jessica Golich
Written by
Jessica Golich  Detroit.
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