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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
SG Holter
The prices of food in Norway
Are so high now, an honest
Construction worker has to

Rummage around in expired-  
Dates bins and good value

Not to get broke on
Pay day.
I used to hate it; feeling

Poor. Now it's a sport.
Working Man vs.

Thank God my father
Makes beer and wine.
He grew up in post WWII

Norway. Flee market ninja.
Never seen a credit card bill.
Chain saw samurai.

We grew up warm in winter.
Never went to bed

Not too many toys.
Patches on the knees of all
But our Sunday best pants.

Thank God for the high
Prices in this

They teach us to calculate.
To treat foods and things
With the respect they deserve.
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Daydreams play out
on a screen before me.
Lavish in many
laughable moments ~
teasingly just out of reach.

Treats on a stick, skipping ~
They frolic about, to and fro
the children know
to jump and then fall
flat in the snow ~
Arms go up and down
Legs go left and right
Sweet Angels they are~
Such playful delight

Day dreams are real things~
as much as you wish them to be.
I look forward to making a few snow Angels, myself :-)
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
why must everyone tell each other what to do all the time
can we not coexist in love and peace
like we were meant to? can we not simply
work toward a goal, without mindless power play
or unnecessary roughness? we are human,
we are human, we are human, is all I hear, reasons
and excuses given for our misbehavior, our lies and harms;
it's only human nature! they cry as they steal and cheat
it must be human nature, says the violent criminal,
sadly, it is human nature, sighs the priest:
these are not good enough- this cannot be good enough
for if your heart calls you to love and you feel it then why haven't you?
every human's heart is made for and of
love, community, friendship, socialization-
that is what we are and that is what we need
we are clearly striving for good, we are clearly beautiful,
we are clearly searching for the truth
human nature cannot be evil if its most earnest desire is good.
yes, we are human- but we were made for better things.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
the skid marks left from your brakes
spoil the surface of the Moon
and now Mars suffers your robotic probe
while all your gazers allow for no privacy
Humans really are the colonisers
dressed up in white coats
Leaving no stone unturned, detectives as well
putting it down to scientific endeavour
When we , the rest of the Universe, looking on
have seen the mess you made of the Earth.
Put more thought into things than you must.

Do it for yourself.

Few will care,
let alone notice,
but who does
shall appreciate it.
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