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I want to go somewhere far
Somewhere calm,
Somewhere now.

I want to escape
from reality
from you
and from me

And just lay there,
eyes closed
quiet sound
and the wind
blowing against me.

Is it too hard?
just to escape
leave everything
so far away.

I suddenly find it,
peace and quiet.
Is this reality?
I am happy.

but then I see,
it was all a dream,
I am still here
In this house full of tears.

All that is left,
a memory held,
the tear stains
and the scars that remain.
This is my very first poem, and my first lenguage is not English, so be kind :)
I walk the world with thoughts of you
In every place I go
Your voice is on the winter wind
Your footprints in the snow
And every tool I try to use to scrape you from my mind
Cuts your name onto my tongue
And beats me till I'm blind
I layed my head upon your knees and breathed the air you breathed
I cut myself when you were cut to know just how you bleed
Now as I walk this empty earth with nothing but a face
To breathe me and to bleed me
Until I leave this place
 Feb 2013 Nicolette D
Drawing things I cannot see,
Too the strange things,
Coming from,
the albino dressed pavement smoothed,
Bedroom walls,
Braille textures,
slipping like termites,
or a strange smell,
dancing from the dusty old lady haired vent,
on the ceiling,
Braille raindrops,
escaping from your,
soul window sill,
gets in the room,
and we light cigarettes,
purple scented totem poled candles,
with out near future,
and dripping on the wooden counter-top,
which we dip our fingers into,
sticky like petroleum,
sticky like the sap from a forest broken snapped,
tree limb,
which we tasted,
which we ran danced hollered and orgasmed,
like the melting candle,
like the sapped,
broken kansas public tree limb,
and i,
took off your,
orange dress that you stole,
though only a few dollars,
i called bonnie,
you called me paradise,
though we danced gleefully,
in the slums snout snarling broken home windows,
***-holes,untied shoes,untied fathers,lovers planning paradise,
inside the blue 80's oldsmobile,
with the stereo turned low,
low like the quiet hummingbird song,
of making love,
in the cold night,
under trees,
that was old,
and had probably seen many lovers,
come and go,
as its Fall leaves grew wings,
as its,
winters balding scalp,
scattered away,
like a field of dandelions,
or the birds,
that flew from nests,
only to fly south,
or like wise boxcar boxcar dharma bums,
sat on telephone wires,
at the intersection,
where two lovers planned paradise,
in the back-seat,
of a blue Oldsmobile,
and the night,
holy night,
and i,
**** mind wonderer without wings,
or sad singer leather boots harmonica whiskey drinker,
and Her,
white as stars,
dancing in a blind choreographed orchestra,
in the sky,
even the highway,
has no exits,
to see this performance,

So i sit on a rock,
smoking a cigarette,
with a Fools smile,
as I,
watch beauty,
from the Key-hole,
that is,
If only life was like
Nail polish.
Once it cracked,
All we need is a new coat.

But sadly,
We can’t cover ourselves
With more coats
Or add a new one.

But we try.
We try our best to
Cover ourselves from
The rest of the world.

We hide under covers
Of hard shells,
Making ourselves seem
Tougher than we are.

But the true is,
We’re all just
Cracked and faded
Underneath it all.
He was my everything,
My everything and all.
He left and I had nothing,
Nothing at all.

He always had those eyes,
Those storm colored eyes I loved.
His brown hair was untamed,
Always a mess.

We used to spend all the hours together,
Never getting tired of each other.
Now we can’t,
Never again will we.

I said I would risk my life for him.
He promised me the same.
Little did I know,
That promise came true.

I used to wrap my arms around him,
My everything in my arms.
Now I wrap my arms around nothing,
Nothing at all.
You’re bitter like beer and strong like wine
You burn like whiskey but I like it just fine
Sweet like brandy but harsh like gin
With just one taste, you make my world spin
I know in the morning I’ll wish I was dead
I’ll cry over you until my tears run red
But still I want more, just one last sip
Cause I’m addicted to your liquor-stained lips
Dear, __
This is a story I’ve been longing to write to you
A story of truth and heart break
Nearly a year I have been lying to you
And for nearly a year it has been eating at me
Gnawing at me from the inside out
Like a pack of wolves feasting on a hot summers day

Dear, __
I dare not reveal your true name
Lights flicker around me in anger
As I still suppress my feelings and anguish
I keep quiet to prevent drama and demise
I keep quiet so I won’t hurt you
I keep quiet, I keep quiet
But this monster longs to break free

Dear, __
I’ll keep this empty space for you
And many others will try to fill it
Feeling their name meets protocol
Just because the space is bigger than your name
Doesn’t mean it is where they belong

Dear, __
I would breathe the air you breathe
Give you my breath if you asked
Gauze you wounds and stay with you till you’re better
In sickness and in health, I would not leave your side
Give you my pulse, my heart, my being

I am still looking for a way to tell you
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
 Feb 2013 Nicolette D
I dreamed about you last night.
I dreamed that you and I were dancing on the stars.
You spun me around and you felt so strong.
I wish that I could see you again.
Just one last time.
I wish I could sleep forever.
I wish I could always dream of you.
I want to hold you in my arms like I used to do.
But most of all, I love you.
The bigger the risk,
The more exciting it is.
There’s a pull to the dark
In everyone.
Those who ignore it
Will end in heavy indulgence.
Those who embrace it
Will use it to the best of their advantage.
And those who fight it?
Well, kudos.
That’s a challenge like no other.
Falling in love
               with you is like
waking up to bright yellow,
             peeking through sky blue curtains,
warmth caressing  
streaming hair on a soft pillow.
         It is subconscious smiles from
                 lulling visions & the murmur
of loved ones in the living room on Sunday.
         Loving you is the wafting scent
                  of your favorite blueberry pancakes
                           & the crackle of meat on a griddle,
        the peace of an afternoon
                      surrounded by loved ones—
                                 half-awake & still dreaming.
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