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दिल का क्या है जनाब
लग ही जाता है,

तुम थे, तो तुम्हारे सहारे,

अब,तुम नहीं, तो तुम्हारी यादों के सहारे,

वक्त गुज़र ही जाता है।




The agony of heart is,
It manages to live somehow !

When you were there it survived by your presence,

Now that you are not there,
It's managing with your memories...


Sparkle In Wisdom

The agony of heart is,
It manages to live somehow !

When you were there it survived by your presence,

Now that you are not there,
It's managing with your memories...


Sparkle In Wisdom
Riches of palace were mistaken for home by you,
I gave away my life for relations that mattered.

The day you opened the gates of palace for people to visit my grave,
My spirits left the place without remorse.

The only difference in us was,

You thought richness to be life,
I found LIFE to be RICH!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Our actions are reactions
we get in return...

Love give love...
Hatred gives hate...

Smile returns smile ..
Anger returns anger..

Choose your actions to
make a better world ..

Sparkle In Wisdom
Oct 2018
#Grooming my kids nature for future

Sparkle In Wisdom
All is well
All will be well.
When we are kids,

Alphabets are broken pieces
lying scattered in the book,
when woven together
creates a sentence,
a story
our name.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Amidst endless cyclones
I kept moving with
dreams in my eyes,

Without stopping
Without bending
Without tiring

I just kept walking
Always moving..

I heard voices
But I kept walking
To achieve my dreams

I moved forward
Unknown roads
Unknown twists & turns
Unknown crossroads
Unknown hillocks

To achieve the impossible
To set an example
Filled with positivity
  in my heart..
Telling always it's
Attitude that's important

I kept moving

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
What did you say...
Am I a human or an animal??
Let me ask the same thing to you...
Are you not an animal??

Why do we call ourselves,
Greatest of all,
Supreme than the rest?

Why do we consider us,
The intelligent tribe,
The species with communication power,
With knowledge and wisdom..?

How do we underestimate
The memory of an elephant,
The hearing capabilities of horse,
The sense to smell of dog,
The power to live for ages of trees?

Why do we judge other living beings and rate SELF the best??

Do we ever think how animals communicate?
And what do they talk?
Do animals call us HUMANS too??

Did we ask a dog,
What do they call us??
Do they all call themselves dog??
Does dog ever call us HUMANS??

Did we ask a donkey ever,
What name had they given to us?
Are we intelligent enough for them..?
Do they call there naughty kids ...
Oh insane humans!!

What do they talk about humans?
What do they feel humans to be like?
Do they consider us the same intelligent as we feel for us?
They think we are
Fool, insane, adamant..
And make us a laughing stock..!!

Whenever you call someone an animal !!

Are we all not the same,

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Random thinking, if animals had language that we understood.
It's time to be little considerate,

It's time to learn to accommodate,

It's time to teach empathy,

It's time to nurture giving,

It's time to heal from within,

It's time to practice sacrifice,

It's time to give the food
from our plate,

It's time to share smiles with tears flowing
on cheeks,

It's time to live life simple,

It's time to acknowledge our neighbours,

It's time to remember we are becoming part of history,

Where future will ask questions for our actions,

It's time to preserve our deeds,

It's time for Google to store the stories,

Of all the good the humanity did,

It's time to raise above all the past examples,

Of best deeds of mankind ever,

Just be kind,

...And the pain will go away!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Pandemic diaries
It's that time of the year..
When it's supposed to be me time
The day I left my single life
And entered the coupled zone..

It's that time of the year
When I want to pamper my self
The day I left my care less self
To become a responsible partner..

It's that time of the year..
When life opened it's arm for me
New horizons ..
New adventures..
New difficulties..
New challenges..
All my text books failed to give me
An idea on how to prepare
For what's in store for me
After I come onboard..

It's that time of the year..
When I celebrate getting married..
On this day some 15 years ago...
I became Mrs. Of my Mr....
And life has never been similar again..
The carefree girl is no where to be seen..
The lady thats me today is so totally changed..
But, I love the new me..
The all grown, "wisdomised" me!!

364 days of a year I decide to be grown up,
Giving my kids commands and advices,
And getting up for my duties
But today is the day
I want to celebrate
Just like, I used to celebrate before being married,
So reasoning and all patience
All wisdom I want to bury under the carpet..

It's that time of the year..
When I want to celebrate, dance and party...
For becoming Mrs.... Of my Mr.
back then...!!!

Happy anniversary !!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
November 2018
#not my anniversary... But of my cousin...!!
Wish you a long happy married life sis.
That feeling of anxiety,
When the intution is strong,
Of something wrong
About to happen,
Somewhere, unseen,
but close enough to hurt,

When mind goes
topsy turvy,
Heart skipping a
The nerves on
restless path,
The feeling that takes away
the calm,
The endless walking,
The thoughts going berserk,
It kills the smiles,
It makes life hell.

Spiritual readings,
Diverting of thoughts,
And still the
Palpitations continues..

And then
One day,
Sanity returns,
Flutter ends,
Silence prevails,
Storm has gone
No harm done,
that day


Sparkle In Wisdom
Artificial world
Under the sun...

Living beings started living
on this mother Earth,
Under the sky,
Covered with trees,
Iluminated by stars,
Path shone by Moon

All natural things gives
the strength
For one to
Live and Survive...!

Then came humans,
We created an
artificial world ,

A world of

False lights to replace stars,
False cover to replace trees,
False roof to cover sky,
False routes to cover Moon,
False AC to cover breeze,
False TV to cover nature,
False need of money
to cover freedom,
Slowly they became
slaves to it's own inventions.

Why do we have to live in boxes?
Sprayed with artificial colors,
Tiled with glazed tiles,
Comforted with useless furniture...!!

Life will not be
So uncomfortable,
So distressing ,
So meaningless,
Artificiality is taken off..!!

No poor, no rich
No big, no small
No black, no white,
No brown either...
No castle, no huts,
No schools, no illiteracy..
Just humans

Under the sun...!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Be real, be natural.
A gifted soul

The beauty resides
in the soul,

The one who
understands this
is pristine.

The one who
imbibes this
is ageless.

The one who
absorbs this
is a Mahatma.

A beautiful soul
reverberates sounds
harmony and peace

Sparkle In Wisdom
15 March 2019
Lock down everywhere,
Quarantine is the word,
Nations cutting ties with other nations,
World at stand still,
Just trying to be safe.

Are we becoming a bordered state,
Turning borderless finally?

A world with no boundaries.
#covid 19.
Messy hair,
Messy dress,
Mess all around.

Kitchen sink,
Kitchen top,
Filled with leftover
Brownie cups.

Bed spread
Soft toys,
Wrinkled bed
sheets adorned.

Living room
All around.

You hear happiness around,
A house like this is peace supreme,
Don't judge by mess abound.

The lady is not lazy
The lady still
loves to dress,
The house
But it's just,
She chose to make
her house friendly
To her little
toddler's reach

So the baby can
enjoy her care
free days,
With Mommy
by her side,
The baby
not worry
about all the
mess she

She wants
Being Mom,
For a little
more time

Sparkle In Wisdom
24 Jan 2019
Dedicated to all new Mom s.

Passing through the greenery,
I felt,
That not everything is dull and dry,
That after every dry phase there's life again,
That "hope" in life makes person live,
The belief became stronger with each passing turn.

My life may not be in the best phase,
But soon the season may change,
I had lived all through this,
Can't I wait a little more
For brightness to shine again.

Dreams I have plenty,
And some day they may get through,
Though today everything that happens is turning out wrong,
But soon my dreams will flourish,
Soon I will get all the felicity
And I will also be the cause of joy for all.

Sparkle In Wisdom

and everything
That happens in my life
Is created by the God.

All the goods I have,
All the bads that ever happened,
All was designed by God.

I cannot take credit
of my wisdom,
Nor I owe anything
to my ignorance.
All was destined
the way it's happened.

One can plan good for me,
I don't give them credit.
One can plan evil for me,
I don't blame them either.
They are just the mediator between God and me.

The time they spent on planning the good or evil,
I can assure them, God was with them at that moment.

In His presence they planned,
If they wished me well,
God might have blessed them too.
If they wished me ill,
God might have
written it for them.

They are just mediators
in the life I live,
They can benefit by
thinking about me,
Because when they
think about me,
God reaches them too, through my thought.

It's just not about me,
It's about everyone
walking on the road,
Dog, Ant, Fly, Lion,

Why be proud of achievements?
Why lose heart
over losses??

Sparkle In Wisdom

Get up, get going,
It's not that tough.

Throw away, move away,
They are just thoughts.

Shut your ears,
Close your eyes,
Soak your voice,
Shout your heart,
Clear your mind,
Love yourself,
You deserve to be
RULER you are!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Fight the ugly thoughts away.

Let's not others
demean you,

Don't value them more
than yourself,

It's you who matters,
Rest all are trifle.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone,

You live for yourself
not for them,

Give yourself the
trust you deserve,

Pamper yourself
with your love,

Don't give anyone the power
To break or make you,

You are the ruler
of your life,
Don't let others control
your life.

If you don't want
to do anything,
Lie back and relax,

Take the rest your
body needs,
Take the nap your
mind needs,
Don't let others force
you to break your sleep,

And remember it's you
who chose to sleep.

And then,

When you have rested,
When you are fresh,
When you are calm,
Come out of your cocoon,
Bloom yourself in the beautiful human-being
you are,




Always be the ruler you are!

Because you deserve to be the ruler you are!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
It pains me,
It tears me,
It troubles me,
Deep...deep in there..!
When you call me,
When you ask me,
When will I come...

It disturbs me serious..
I cannot answer,
I cannot promise..
It hurts ..
deep ..deep down there...!
When you ask
Will I be there for your birthday..

It shakes me hard
It's a bad thought..
And it pains me deep.. deep down there..!!
When I think of all the letters I receive,
When I miss the moments so cherished..!!

But it makes me proud..
The thought of being of some purpose, meaningful..
Me at border,
Protecting you, our home,
Protecting our country, our motherland..

It effects my peace..
Yet, it makes me strong too...
All the pain of missing you little one..
All the pain of loving a fellow friend...
Gone now to home to Rest in peace...forever...
Fighting and guns, Commands and demands..
All make me strong each passing moment ..

Though all of it pains me...
Deep.. deep down there..!!

It sure does make me strong too..!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom
#Wrote while hearing a song in a old Hindi movie... Border based on 1971 India Pakistan war...
# The life of soldiers
# The families of soldiers..
Sandeshe aate hain,humein tadpate hain. .#Movie #Border..!
When a rose bud is born... It slowly raises it's head...
Like wise was my tiny baby s sleeping closed eyes.. deep in sleep..

The stark deep red rose bud comes out of the green...
The same was the brightness of my son... Spotless, shining, serene..

The bud blooms,
That bright, glowing, strong petals
Likewise was the skin of my son... Like a shining sun..

But alas we love the young buds a far too much
We cut it and put in in vase
I am here staring at a bud like that in a hospital,
From behind the glass wall I am staring both.... I am reading innocence of both...

In NICU, my son is sleeping, lost in between the pipes which is giving him life,
The bud too in the vase thinking of it's mother...yearning to be in arms of it's mother..
The *** that holds it's mother out side.. Is also waiting for it to return...maybe!!
May be scared to bloom another bud....
The pain of losing is thr for both of us...
To loose is easy
To live in uncertainty is not...

How does a new born baby feel...I  know not...
How to satisfy day old baby s hunger ....I know not..
How is a 6th day* celebration done I know not...
How does it feel to bathe a new born...I know not...

What I know though
Is that my new born is sleeping in NICU
I have been staring him from glass for past one month
I will wear clean, sterilized clothes am ushered to be near him..
For few seconds... Once in 24 hrs... My maternal love becomes alive...
Though I go near him, cameras are thr, I cannot touch him, I can feel his breathing..I can see him sleeping...
My hands behind..
Face covered with mask..
I gaze at him with blurred eyes,
I give him love of both his dad* and myself...

Just for that moment...
Both of us again stand behind that glass wall
We show our son to all those who pass by
We hide our tears behind our smiles..
We stand again in wait thr...

When I took my month old baby in my arms for first time....
He is still the same, he looks still the same...
How are these wonders of universe, the creators..
How can a colorful life become color-less..
Each day, each moment some where a new bud is born..
A new creation everyday...

Sparkle in Wisdom
* sixth day...a celebration done in India.. done after 6th day of birth of new born... When they start wearing new dresses..

*Daddy was not allowed inside NICU.. Only I was allowed to go in. Once a day for few seconds.

I translated this from the original nanhi Kali... That I posted in Hindi...

The original I wrote after 5 years of birth of my son... While I remembered... The time spent in hospital at his birth.

When someone hurts us,
They are more pained themselves,
We should try and forget and be strong to forgive them,
To let both grieving souls heal.

Hurting others is not the action of an individual,
It's the soul that is tortured,
The bird in the cage is restless,
Its flight strained and flutter endless,
Those who try to touch the caged bird
Be ready to get hurt, and hard
It's not the fault of the bird and so we don't fight the bird,
We know why we got hurt.

Know why someone hurts us with words
Let the caged soul be free and relaxed,
Let the healing take its course,
We will see the person happy again,
In their attempt to become free they might not know how many souls they had hit,
Don't remind them, don't hold grudges,
Give them the second chance to live,
In this journey of souls moving,
Let the free soul just live

Sparkle In Wisdom
Heavens celebrate
Silver gates,
Silver flowers,
Silver crowns,
Silver tiaras,

Silver curtains,
Silver gowns,
Silver capes,
Silver drapes,

Shining blossoms,
Fragrance filled,
Echoing smiles,
Pearly clouds,

Angels clad in
brightest silver,
Fairies dancing around,
Harp with it's
silver strands,
Playing it's tune and sound.
Flute echoing from
far behind,
The ambience full
of cheer.

Stars assembled to bedazzle each and
every turn,
Moon brightens the nook and corner of the big heaven,
You are running around in the pristine silver attire.
Today's your 16th birthday,
Celebrations are planned in heaven, my dear!

All the Gods and Goddesses are invited,
Cakes are bigger than the tallest tree,
Trees are laden with chocolates and truffles,
Eateries bright and silvery too.
Making the atmosphere prestine and pure.

It's your birthday
dear son,
Celebrations are planned in Heavens!
Mom & Dad sends you love, hugs and kisses,
They wish you the
best of today
Lots of love travels  your way down here from,
The Earth.
Celebrations are planned for your birthday in Heavens.

Sparkle In Wisdom
My son Aayush had his birthday today.
He left for heaven 5 years ago.
Did I notice little birds early in the morning,
Flying and hopping, chirping and tweeting..
Different families of birds chirping..
Brown, yellow chested, black with long tail and orange beak, house sparrow too,
Hens and ****'s crow too...
All are busy talking
Do they ever listen too??

As a child I remember,

I Came back from school and twittered about my day,
Each evening my family sat around each other,
And all had to speak at once,
None of us there were listeners..
So what one could hear was lots of twitterati..
My mom just said hmm and hmm..
Never really heard my endless stories..

My brother was gem...
He always heard..
Don't know how much.. Though
Each sentence of mine ended
.. Is it not bro?... And yes said he always..!

From those carefree twittering to this day,
Life has moved so much..

Life always moves, one always grow,
From constant chatter to a deep silence.

And so

I wonder do birds ever become silent..
From Cuckoo to Wisdomed Owl
From experienced Eagle to the chirping house sparrow..
Do they too grow silent when old??
The early morning chirping,
Is it from young birds??
Are the old one just saying hmmm
Are they listening ?
Or are they talking?
Ever wondered what happens in birds world??

Though nothing much changed now in my house..

We still speak at the same time
We hardly have ear for other's stories..
But now we don't speak our heart out..
We are not those chirping type anymore,

We speak about our performance,
We speak about our achievement
We speak about the praises we receive..
We give our Wisdom,
We give our advice..

But we hardly speak about ourselves..

Sometimes, I still long to be that child again..
Twittering my tongue constantly..
Till my mother yells "Shhh! keep quiet"
And my brother says.. I am listening.. you say..!!!

Alas, life moves on, life always make one grow..

Sparkle in Wisdom
# life

Mood swings from bright to dull,
As is the weather today,
Raining like my eyes, smiling like my lips,
Standing here, I can say, nature and me are same today.

The reason of my lost smile is unknown,
Why my eyes are wet is yet a question,
My thoughts moving around my past,
Where there was happiness, joy, and love spread everywhere.

Today even after years have passed,
I feel those memories afresh,
His face calm, sweet and charming,
His laughter echoes in my eyes with his eyes assuring.

I know we will not meet again,
Will his memories bring the shine again,
The loneliness of my house and my dreams,
Will it be filled with his essence again.

His thoughts are always with me, confronting me,
His caring words are always there fir me to lean upon,
His warm touch on my hand is still alive,
If, not he, his presence is always felt with his fragrance filled deep in me.

Sparkle In Wisdom
You conquered my heart and ruled forever..!

Timeless,  Priceless, Period..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
My admiration of my favorite film star.

The journey is never ending
yet each day is filled with love.

Treasures unfold daily.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Life of a CP child & their parents.
Many firsts - smile, sitting, turning, rolling, crawling, crooning... And so much more.. ❤️💕

The dawn after the mayhem,
The life after the death of life,
The pain to see yourself alive,
after loosing every single family,
The heart seeks death yet the brain chooses to live,
The hunters are still there,
Searching for your body and soul,
They want you dead or burried alive,
And in that despair you crave to live.
To live to be able to search your loved ones,
They are dead all gone,
Yet, to find their remains and give them a final burial,
To be able to live through all this,
To survive and move on,
To see millions killed not by strangers but by own people,
By people whom you grew up,
The loss is more powerful,

The cries yet to come,
The hurt is intense,
The emotion yet
to settle in,
The change is indespnsable,
But to move on is yet
to register,
The killers calling your name,
You holed in the washroom,
Trying to save yourself,
Yet, cursing to be alive,
The bloodiest human action in current history,
But, life has to move on,
And yes, you need to live and move on...

Sparkle In Wisdom
(This is about Rawanda holocaust, I read a book by "Immaculée Ilibagiza
Left to tell"  in 2010, the pain kind of stayed with me forever.)
Tiny legs
And tiny hands,
And the thick crop of black hair on your head
Small little nose
And cute red lips
You were born with loaded sweetness...
Twinkling eyes
And twitching ears..
You were born with loaded passion and possession..

The day I saw you ..
I got entangled..
In your beauty and shine...

With day one of your birth
My sweet doll,
You have assassinated the whole me....!!!

Again came the day one,
When you went to nursery..
Cute little legs walking on its own
Smile turned in crying
Twinkling eyes briming with tears
The first good bye I can't forget..
The first good bye you never did...
The Splendid Care School where you and me
Together we learnt our phonics & abc's..

With your journey of nursery,
I repeated my basics too

With the first year of nursery
My dear,
You have overpowered the whole me..!!

Today again is the day one ..
When you start your primary school...
Bright white shirt, green checked skirt...
And shining in a deep green Blazer...
You set the whole school ablaze...
You dazzle with your charm
You smile and run along...
Happy yet again with
Twinkle in your eyes..
You turned around to be so mesmerizing charm...
Spreading laughter and warmth .....

I will wait to write yet another ' day one' when you enter secondary School ...
Till then my dear one you bedazzle me with your magic...

With your first day in primary
My enchantress,
You have entrapped the whole me..!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Sep 2018.
My daughter's first day's in various life stages.
Drench us knee deep with high words of your experiences,
Fill our heads with your tender words,

Let us have our glass of wisdom,
From the words that will flow from your memoir,

This side are we, meek with folded hands awestruck...
That side be you... Our shining star..

Sparkle In Wisdom
# today in the full moon day, we in India celebrate "guru" poornima... Which is reverence of our teachers both physical and spiritual...
Who gives the adjectives of beauty?

Fair, slim, slender, beautiful says who?

We have seen dark girls getting married,

We have seen fair girls house being broken,

We have seen short, fat, thin, tall, curly haired, silky haired all getting married with time.

We have also seen girls being victim of defination of beauty.

We have seen Girls being victimized for being ugly at birth,

We have seen plain featured ladies taunting and finding faults in young girls.

We have heard remedies for fairness in turmeric, gram flour, saffron, almonds, potato, lime sandal,

We had heard the stories of Cleopatra and her beauty,

We had seen Rani Padmini dying in fire for beauty that she had,

We had seen girls being victim of acid attacks,

We had seen fights and wars for a beautiful dame,

We had also seen
An unseen beauty of
A five year old
16 year old
50 year old
90 year old
A goat
A cow
Being *****, tortured and killed,

Powder, cream, glow for face, acne on face and scars on face, bloated belly are these adjectives to bringing remedies for beauty correct?
Who gave the right for these even to be labelled?

It's high time we should kick the definitions of beauty.

It's time to change the defination of beauty,

Do what the heart says and create own "defination of beauty".

Sparkle In Wisdom
Sometimes I wonder
Who is walking with me
Holding my hand with each step
My path may have potholes
My road may be hard
My life may be troubled
My life may be in tough situation...
Each time I rise in morning
I feel a 'Divine Presence'
Who make my walk effortless...
I see the potholes
but suspension are too strong...
I don't feel any ****...
The 'Divine Presence' takes care of me...

No praise is needed
No prayers needed too
No Thanksgiving either
No mention of Him too...
No rememberance...

Just one thing I do..
I feel his presence beside me,
I behave, as if someone is watching..
I respect, everyone around me
I smile, always...

No reason is given to start a quarrel,
No objection is taken at someone's betrayal..
To live with perfection is not easy..
But in presence of 'The Divine'.. it's just so easy.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Sep 2018
In transition,
A body holds a possession,
A beautiful dress..
Gets praises for the beauty,
It fades away and ruined
Thrown in garbage in the end...
Merges in soil to become one...!

Ever imagine the value of it
In your eye?
In others eye...?

Is not the same
we are into?
Our SOUL got
a "DRESS" in our body

We forget and nurture
the body,
Dress it double
Decorate with colors
But it will fade away too..
Pass away and merge
In soil to become one

Don't bother of the body..
Or other wise...
All are just
Fancy colorful dresses...
Any BODY has no
LIFE of it's own...!!

Praise the Creator
Believe in Him
Decorate the humanity
Fulfill the life

Nurture the SOUL..
Do the best in one life time
In this big world
Of beauties and dreams,
I dreamt my life
To be carefree and in ease,
As a small girl
My dreams always became true,
As teenage the tender age
Hurdles arrived and by age they grew.

Charms of life gave me a call,
Shattering my dreams in pieces they fall,
And aah! Now what a pity of me?
I am here collecting each of my dream.

I try to join them and once again,
I want to believe, but, in vain,
That life is a carefree thing,
And the world a beautiful place
In which you can still dream.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Old poems found in attic... Couple of them are still worth my read... Sharing them with my friends here... _()_
In the corner of the room lies the old vase,
Always decked with freshest of flowers,

The old dried flowers
are removed from
the vase,
To adorn the dustbin outside the house.

Is it not how humans behave in
their own life too?

Only freshest
relations matters,
Old ones are always
shown the door!

Sparkle In Wisdom

Loving care...
Sleep tight,
Or a
night sleep
after a fight..

This night we slept together,
In morning you are gone..

Life's so unpredictable,
It's hardly decipherable,
Difficult to digest
You are gone,
We will never fight again,
We will never cuddle again,
We will never laugh together again,

Why, is life like this?
Why don't we both with expiry date?
Why are we not prepared for the worst?
Why do we have to live alone?

Sparkle In Wisdom

Loving care...
Sleep tight,
Or a
night sleep
after a fight..

This night we slept together,
In morning you are gone..

Life's so unpredictable,
It's hardly decipherable,
Difficult to digest
You are gone,
We will never fight again,
We will never cuddle again,
We will never laugh together again,

Why, is life like this?
Why don't we both with expiry date?
Why are we not prepared for the worst?
Why do we have to live alone?

Sparkle In Wisdom
Agony and Pain,
Filled in the eyes,
Gaze seeing beyond..
Future is unpredictable
Life is futureless
You, My Farmers you toil the soil...

Year after year,
You keep on working
Tilling the land,
Sowing the seeds,
Waiting for the rain..
And watch clouds pass by...
The shower doesn't happen,
The seeds don't germinate,
The crop doesn't turn up .
Yet again,
One more year of despair...!

The pain in eyes..
Hurts the heart
Lips always smile..
They have a task of,
Explaining your child
About how next year...
We will buy
New dress
New toy
New shoes
New bag

It's been years since your child saw anything new...
Since your wife bought a new dress..
You anyways are not even in list...

The family understands..
The years foods is collected,
Bare minimum...
Child education should continue
The loan goes

You cannot bear the thought...
The farm being in mortgage..
You don't know what to do...

You are tired,
You decide, as your neighbor..
You shall too end your life...
Go away in peace..
Away from all these...
Hurt is too much
To bear,
Pain is too much
To wear,
Life is miserable
Lips refuse to smile..
Child s haunting eyes,
You can't decipher...
You end your life....
Your wife now bears it all...
All alone...
Life continues....!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
Being a Father is a special being...
only father can understand...
or a child can understand....

When a mother is carrying a child in her womb...
for 9 months...
a father is carrying his child in his brain...!

when a mother is taking care of covering the baby all night...
Father is busy arranging the roof over that room where the baby will sleep...

When a mother is busy teaching the baby first letters...
Father is busy arranging funds for the best school the baby will study...

When mother is busy arranging food on the table..
Father is busy making sure the groceries reaches the house for the family to feed...

When mother is lovingly saving child from getting scolded from father for some mischief or other...
Father is busy making arrangements to make sure the child can be prepared to live a boarder's life in hostel....

All those moments when a child is getting cosy with mom...
loving mom to the bottom of its heart....
father is making sure the bond stays like that ever...

Having a father is a privilege,
having a father as rock in your house should be appreciated,
taken care of & loved...!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
#Just for father s...
Our life has moved ahead,
From little tiny red beans,
And little talking birds,
And we have welcomed home,
A beautiful little pet

She just walked into our home,
And became part of our
My daughter, Tini,
Christened her
Our very own Mini....!

A white and grey baby feline,
Is a sure live toy,
Who likes to walk in between our legs,
Giving us joy,
A furry mass of ball,
Whom Tini refuses to free,
She picks her back and dosn't let it flee.

Life has become more easy,
In this new house,
Which now has started to become 'old house',
With stories weaving around inside
The house is becoming a novel indeed!

But I need to wait,
Till I pack to return to home land,
These tiny two TINI, MINI
will throw big tantrum,

When Tini demands to take Mini,
To the world she belongs and calls home,
To explain the reason
My life will go upside down,

I am yet to find a proper excuse,
That will not beak my daughter's heart,
And which will make her understand,
That life has to move on...!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Just 10 days back, a baby cat has started frequenting our house, and my daughter and the cat are inseparable.

Idea to bloom and become a success,

Idea to materialise and make its history,

Idea to grow and become an identity,
Will take its own time.

Idea will
Ferment in the basement.

Let years be added to its creation,
Because when it will be bought out and exposed to the world,
It will be the timeless creation,
Aged to perfection,
With years added to its fermentation.

Like an age old wine
It shall too shine.
And with it it's creator too will shine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Did few alterations to my poem Journey of an Idea.
Festivals of my
land are

Filled with

The brilliance of colors..
The elegance of attire..
The resonance of lights..
The flamboyance of richness..
The essence of laughter..
The sense of happiness..
The fragrance of love ..
The immence feeling of Joy..
The exuberance of festivities..
The relevance of celebration..
The Perseverance of culture..

Its all about
My Motherland....
My India..

Yes !! Its that time of the year
When 1/7 th population of the world
The Festival of Lights..
On the dark night of No Moon ..
The whole country is filled
with lights..
From earthen lamps and LEDs

Celebrate the win of
Good over evil..
To celebrate
The homecoming -
after the win..

The brightness of lights..
The purity of air..
The brimming faces..
The laughter echoes..
Elders, kids, adults
all come together,
To fill the land with
Sparkles and Divinity....

Diwali it is !!
Diwali it will be !!
The festival of love..
The festival of respect..
The festival of sharing..
The festival of caring..
The festival of loving..
The festival of giving ..

The young kids rhyme..
We teach them by action,
That we want them
to remember...!!

Happy Diwali..
The festival of lights..!!
Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
#Sharing #Caring #Loving #Giving... Four golden words I taught my daughter very early in her childhood..!!

For the first born of the family,
For the one who led the stock,
For the first born who a set the bar high,
For the naughty siblings to try,
For the first born who taught us to smile,
On all occasions big or trifle,
For the first born who cared for all,
Be it elders or small,
For the first born who have a naughty chuckle,
Always filled with mischief and tickle,
For the first born who full- filled our wishes,
No matter the extent of dreams we dreamt,
You, the first born had done it all,
That a elder sibling can ever do!

Here's a direct wish from heart,
For the first born of the house,
With whom were born Mom and Dad,
Who created Uncles and Aunts,
Who made the Grand parents proud to be called by their names,

A wish for a sweet happy birthday,
A wish for good health and joy,
A wish for name, fame, success and shine,
May all your wishes come true with time.

Happy birthday dear eldest,
Happy birthday dear sister!
Love you loads,

Love you always for everything you did.

Sparkle In Wisdom
The loss of worldly things can be calculated,

What about those emotions that went with those stored things.

The ink on letters were erased away in flood,
The old stored letters washed away too.

People are crying for the loss of
their house,
I had left my heart long ago.

I had been living a life of
Love, I had left long ago.

I was engrossed in life full of responsibilities,
Did not had time to remember my memories.

Today the whole city is filled with flood,
They are crying for their loss.

But I had lost my beloved's letters, poems, memories,
And today I am crying for the loss
of him.

The relation was lost long ago,
Emotions got water burial today,
For that loss of mine
I got the freedom to cry today.

Sparkle In Wisdom
(A translation of Hindi poem Sailab)
(The speaker parted ways with her beloved, got married and was living with adjustments in new life for years, in flood she loses all her belongings but the most painful was loosing old letters of her beloved.
She did not get freedom to cry when she left her beloved, today under the disguise of crying for lost worldly things, she is actually crying for her long lost relationship)
For them life is to,

Show off,

This is an identity of politics.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Grow up and become what ever you want,
Just belive in God.

Don't bother the size of your dress,

Don't bother if you laugh out loud,

Don't bother the decible of your voice,

Don't bother the gap in your legs,

Don't bother about the weight you gain,

Don't bother to please your elders,

Don't bother the shade of your lip gloss,

Don't bother the glow on your cheek,

Don't bother the demands of your boyfriend,

Don't bother before you unfriend toxic people,

Don't bother to explain your actions,

Don't bother even if you are wrong,

Don't bother about anything if you feel you are happy,

Be happy for yourself,
Satisfy yourself,
Dream for yourself,
Just live for yourself.

Don't cheat yourself.
Don't cheat anyone.

Sparkle In Wisdom
You are a unique
Amongst common,
Don't waste your time
explaining your self,

Your list of good
deeds is humongously big,
The commoners
is just too shrink.

To find a flaw in you is not
there habit but a source of there life,
For them,
To become like you is
just not possible.

To wipe you off from the
canvas is their try,
To imitate you is impossible.

You are unique in house of common,
You are a model of God's

History is witness,
God always chose tough
exams for special people.
Just you keep praying to the
One who created you.

He will do the debate,
HE will be guard,
Court will be His,
Witness will be Him,
Counts will be His
Conviction will be His!

You are UNIQUE amongst Commons
Definitely, life be
For you!

Life will never be this way for you,
But, in HIS COURT you will be the ultimate winner!

Sparkle In Wisdom
7 Feb 2019
Dream !
Dream !!
Dream !!!
Ever wonder
Why dreams matter?

Do we dream fiction,
Or we dream our fears,
Or we dream our aspirations,
Why do we dream at all??

Sometimes of
A drowning floods,
A ruined fort,
Babies playing around,
A chaos, a commotion,
Sometimes of loved ones
Who are long past dead,
Sometimes of the ex-lover,
Who had once been our friend.

Day dreams,
And sleeping dreams,
Subconscious dreams,
And coma dreams,
Next life dreams,
And death bed dreams,
Near death dreams,
And God vision dreams,
Dreams to see us on top,
Dreams achieved against all odds..!!

I wonder
Is not our lives,
A God's own dream?
And that's how we
move around HIM!!
Some days are
happy another
too heavy,
When our whole
world goes
Topsy turvy.

Just like scenes of our dreams,
If we become characters of HIS dreams,
Doesn't life become better understood??

If we become part of His dreams,
Can we not better understand -
Why are we stuck
in between the sea?
Why is our town flooding?
Why did the accident
**** our loved one?
Or why did our baby die?
Why did we fail?
Why are we blessed
with success?
Or just the thought

This thought makes life less complicated,
To love,
To move,
To live,
To die,
The smiles,
The cries,
We are just HIS walking dreams,

And so,

Now we don't have to blame HIM for our hard times,
We just have to wait for HIS better dreams..!!!

Just a thought...
If God dreamt...!!
At thirty-six,
What have you seen?

At thirteen,
What your child had seen?

At thirty-six,
What the world around you had seen in you?

At thirty-six,
What did you give to the world?

At thirty-six,
What dreams are there that you aspired to dream?

At thirty-six,
What is left after you left this world?

Gone too soon,
Taken by virus,

Corona has taken
smile away,

Each Home,
Each City,
Each State,
Each Country,
Each Continent.


What did it leave behind?


Sparkle In Wisdom
A life lost, a soul gone, unknown to me, a relative of my daughters teacher, but the pain is real, the pain is mine, the pain I can feel, the loss I can imagine.

A life lost,
A soul gone,
A relative of someone,
A parent of a child,
A spouse of someone,
A child,
of someone,

Somewhere around,
Unknown to me though.

The pain is real,
The pain is mine,
The pain I can feel,
The pain I can relate,
The loss I can imagine.

The year has broken families,
The year has written history,
Around the world the loss is real,
The world has come to stand still.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Pandemic diaries
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