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 Aug 2017 NPt
 Aug 2017 NPt
oh boy
with long hair
and a wild mind
he was always there
never hard to find
he called me lotus flower
always okay,
even if there were stormy showers
and something didn't go my way
i keep listening to his music
in hopes that he wrote it for me
he cured my sick
and set me free
i miss you
 Aug 2017 NPt
Madisen Kuhn
 Aug 2017 NPt
Madisen Kuhn
Don’t forget to get away every once in awhile,
To lose yourself in a book
Or in the woods behind your home
Ride your bike into the sunset,
Sit on your front steps and count the cars passing by,
Lay on your roof and gaze up at the night sky,
Drive along backroads with the windows rolled down
Listening to nothing but the sound of rushing wind

I hope you take the time to be alone,
To sort through the cluttered shelves of your heart

I hope you take the time to be silent,
To close your eyes and just listen

I hope you take the time to be still,
To quiet your mind and experience the beauty
Of simply Being

In a world that tells us we should always be
Connected, on the go, and doing something worth sharing,
I hope you know it’s okay to
Disconnect, slow down, and keep some memories
Between you and the moment you shared it with.
 Jul 2017 NPt
To think of you- love,
is to invoke a hurricane of passion-
that  sweeps my sanity,
that bristles my lust,
spinning me my soporific life,
in a torrential effusions that electrify my entire body.  

To think of you,
is wilt away the discretion,
to lose all control,
run towards your cyclones,
that excite me,
that roar at me,
renders me languid,

Yes, that’s how it is when I think of you.
Is to feel strong gusts of desire,
which destabilize the gable of my prudence,
that enchant my mindfulness,
that plummets modesty,
that drags me to your ardor,
I plunges me, in the bursts of your passion.

To think of you-my love
is having to move my imagination,
due to the discernable trail,
that my trembling body leaves as evidence,
in my immaculate snowy sheets.


(mi huracán de pasión)

Pensarte amor,
es invocar un huracán de pasiones--
que me arrasa la cordura,
que me eriza la lujuria,
que me gira mis soporífera vida,
en una lluvia torrencial de efusiones
que electrifican mi cuerpo entero.

es sudar la vergüenza,
perder los estribos,
de querer tras tus ciclones,
que me alelan,
que me excitan,
que me gritan,
que me bajan y me suben.

Si, así, es pensarte.
es sentir fuertes marejadas en mi centro,
que desestabilizan el techo de mi prudencia,
que me hechizan la conciencia,
que empinan el pudor,
que me arrastran a tu ardor,
me funden en la ráfagas de tu pasión.

es tener que mudar mi imaginación,
por los visibles daños,
que deja mi tembloroso cuerpo como prueba
en mis inmaculadas sábanas.

 Jul 2017 NPt
South by Southwest
When I was young   . .
   I ran with the mustangs
When I was young
   I climbed snow peaked mountains
When I was young . . .
   I swam across the rivers
When I was young . . .

When I was thirty  . . .
   I was first time married
When I was forty . . .
   I was a new father . . .
When I was fifty . . .
   I turned over a century

When I look back . . .
   I think of the rejection
When I think back . . .
   I see the sad in reflection
When I resign myself
   I see the ignorance and deception
When I look back . . .

When my time comes . . .
    I will walk in reception
When my time comes . .  
    It will be a new conception
When my time comes . . .
    There will be no fear of suggestion

But when will no longer matter then
 Jul 2017 NPt
 Jul 2017 NPt
everything's breaking
and i'm running
to the only place
i've ever known
to the only place
i've ever called home

i'm running to you-
it's time.
 Jul 2017 NPt
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Jul 2017 NPt
Jordon Rivir
Ode to a Poet(writer)
I know you,
All alone
4am is when you feel most at home.
I feel you,
Blank page, full pen,
I see you,
Looking at a page waiting for a tale to unfold,
When it starts, it flows,
I am you,
Hiding away, writing my pain,
Escaping reality,
Day to day,
We are art,
In the way we move,
We are the dreamer's and believer's
Pad and pen in hand til our dreams come true.
C. Tyler
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