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 Nov 2012 NDHK
Anon C
Falling hard for someone I hardly know
I think of him and then my heart clenches
The way I feel for him , I want to show
But when I'm close, I stop within inches

I don't want to hold it in much longer
If I do I'll explode from head to toe
Maybe I'll say something to be stronger
It's not as if he'll hate me, be a foe

I step closer to him, voice calling out
My mouth snaps shut, my legs frozen in place
I have lockjaw, what is this all about
I can't step closer, my heart starts to race

I will wait for him to step toward me
What if he won't come, then we'll never be
Ah to be 16 and have a crush. It never was.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Anon C
If I did not need
Food for fuel
Drink to quench thirst
Sleep for my mind
Love for my soul
I would endlessly walk
With this song on repeat
Majestic mountains
Scorching desert
Freezing rain
Singing trees
Forever basking in the Earth's eternal beauty
 Nov 2012 NDHK
 Nov 2012 NDHK
My door frame is easy to break

it bends in half,

if you blow on it

and there’s left over gum

in the cracks

from all of the ***** mouths

of people who tried

to blow my house in

(it’s probably because so many have gone

that allows for so many to come)

If the walls have any color,

please let me know

When you get inside you’ll see the floor

covered in thumbtacks

that have fallen

from the memories that were once pinned

to my walls

but have since blown away

by the same breaths that had blown in my door

(I wish I had the heart

to pin them

back up)

If the walls have any color,

please let me know

If you manage your way into my kitchen

you’ll find

tea bags

and charred kettles

that I used to burn my words

when my mouth got too hot

(I always mess things up when I speak)

If the walls have any color,

please let me know

Please excuse the honey

smeared to my furniture

it was used to make guests stick

who were anxious to leave

from the moment they arrived

(I think the scent of insecurity

wrapped in lavender oil

sickened them)

When fuming,

after the guests turn away

I gag myself

into my pink toilet bowel

to allow the memories,

that have rotted in my gut,

to roll out on to


tea stained tongue

So please use the bathroom upstairs

If the walls have any color,

please let me know

I do not live there anymore

I had to run away again,

to get away from these rooms

that once cradled my innocence

(the frame has grown weak from carrying such burdens)

If the walls have any color,

please let me know

you’ll find me underneath the floor boards
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Lover of Words
Like those eyes,
Those sparkling fireballs of burning light,
They give me hope for humanity,
And I look at them and it's like all the air I ever had in my lungs was punched out,
Now I can't even inhale anymore,
She's standing there looking at me,
Making it so **** hard to breathe,
But I can't stop staring…
Even if I lost every breath in my body,
My eyes could never get enough of looking into hers
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Anon C
I Was Right
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Anon C
Starting to be afraid of what I feel
Ignorance taking control of my life
Trusting so quickly, what the hell's my deal
Setting myself up for much pain and strife

God, I must watch my step, I'll fall too fast
I don't want to feel that sorrow, that pain
Can't get hurt again, I'm healed now at last
Can't make the same mistake over again

The world is dark, how could this love be real
In case it isn't I must watch my back
I hope it is true, this love that I feel
Why would it be, all else in life is black

Please dear God, don't let me hurt myself twice
Can't take it again, please help me alright
I wrote this some odd years ago. Turns out I was right. Also at a time where as you can see I was a bit religious. Not so much the case anymore. Spiritual not religious.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Lissa Heli
Show me all the scars you have,
and the stories behind them

I want to see the scars on your fingers.
And hear about all the demons you had to fight off with your bare hands.
did you win?

I want to see the scars on your back.
From all the people who have ever hurt you.
And how I vow to not add to that collecetion.

I want to see the scars on your heart.
well i can't see them, but i can assure you i feel them.
those are the scars that hurt the most and im  sure some of those wounds are still open.

And i want to see the scars on your face.
those distinct markings that give you your features.
those marking that say you were not afraid to get up close and get hurt
for a reason you saw fit.

Will you show me all your scars?
I wont try to fix them, i promise.
because i know some of them you hold dear.
you can give me any scar you want though. i want a reminder of you.
i wont flinch, it won't even hurt.
Im used to it, so cut as deep as you want.

Darling, show me all your scars.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
K Balachandran
Wanton breeze,
                       ­            Romeo,
                      ­                 your
          ­                                                up
              ­                   me jealous.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Ish Bautista
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Ish Bautista
I can see you're scared
Pieces of you are scattered
But I will fix you
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