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Aug 2017 · 265
Big Penguin Aug 2017
My heart and mind are confused,
My love for you knows no end,
I try and treat you like a Queen,
But it's meet with little messages,
And somewhat distant when we are close,
We use to snuggle and tease,
We use to hold and kiss all night long,
It's nice when you message me,
Even better with alot of pics,
I want it to be the way it use to be,
With all the teasing and holding,
Talking like best friends and having fun,
With the way you lite up when we were together,
And even when we made stuff up just to see each other,
You know I love you with hearts all around,
You are my Baby my Princess...
Jul 2017 · 236
Big Penguin Jul 2017
If I was to stop breathing would you care,
Will I forever be left walking through life alone,
Distance from being born to death is never determined,
It is only a wrinkle in the fabric of life,
We determine little on either outcome,
As we struggle day to day,
Life is just passing us by,
Try and help anyone you Can,
Love everyone you Can,
Leave nothing for death to take,
Except for your empty shell so your soul is lifted...
Jul 2017 · 243
Big Penguin Jul 2017
If you are loved embrace it,
Show them all the love you have for them,
Don't be afraid to open your heart,
Boys and girls both like to be showed,
Tell them or show them how you feel,
Even the greatest hearts need reassuring,
Never take love for granted,
Because one day it could be gone,
Hold, Feel, Embrace, Touch, Show, LOVE...
Jul 2017 · 204
Big Penguin Jul 2017
My world is complete with You,
I want you in my world and all aspects of it,
You are my happy and my serenity,
Together we are unstoppable,
That smile is like the sun on the horizon,
It is my reason to wake up everyday,
Just like I hope I am yours,
You'll always be my first thought and last everyday,
Your my future and nothing can change that,
I hope I'll always be yours until my last breath and beyond...
Jul 2017 · 193
Big Penguin Jul 2017
I say I'm fine,
But it's killing me inside,
Truth is it hurts,
Hurts when your not around,
Kills me to over think and worry,
I'll love you till the end of time,
Hopefully you will do the same,
You are the one who holds my heart,
And I am the one who holds yours,
I hope you still love me like the very first day...
Jul 2017 · 197
Fallen Hearts
Big Penguin Jul 2017
There has been some who gave All,
Some who gave their last breath for us,
Men and Women protected us without wavering,
Some by the air watching above,
Some by the water we take for granted,
Some by the land we walk by the lives they lost,
We have freedom from the sacrifice they made,
Honor the fallen more than the holidays,
Help the vets that need it more than they'll ever ask,
Provide a shoulder or a hand to a wounded warrior,
Never give up on someone willing to give their life for you...
Jul 2017 · 199
Big Penguin Jul 2017
As heaven falls to raise us Up,
Hell come up to take our sins,
We live our lives to our best,
Mistakes are often made,
But from mistakes come experience,
We love with all our hearts,
But with love comes heartache,
Some people will tear us down,
And some will lift us Up,
Weather all storms and blossom in the sun...
Jul 2017 · 246
Big Penguin Jul 2017
Mesmerized by her beauty,
And the curve of her smile,
Those eyes that you melt in,
Captivated by those legs that brings her near,
Stunned by her hair that shines in the Sun,
Overjoyed when she says those three words,
Honored when she grabs your hand,
Heavenly when she cuddles in close,
Euphoric to know she said yes to you...
Jul 2017 · 149
Big Penguin Jul 2017
I worry that you will stop loving me,
I have sleepless nights overthinking,
Teary eyes and quivering lips,
I worry I'm not good enough,
I hope I do everything right for You,
I'd move mountains to make you happy,
Cross through hell to see you smile,
I want to be the one kissing your lips,
I want to be the one to say I love You,
I do all of this because I love and care for you...
Jul 2017 · 159
Big Penguin Jul 2017
Her eyes glimmer like a snowflake in the Sun,
Her face is what dreams are made of,
Hands that make the day melt away,
Warm hugs that piece you back together,
Legs that lay over you like a blanket,
A body of a beautiful Angel,
The voice that comforts you with love...
Jul 2017 · 199
Big Penguin Jul 2017
Watering eyes,
Drowning soul,
Withering heart,
Paralyzed mind,
Quivering knees,
Tortured lips,

Captivating eyes,
Floating soul,
Loving heart,
Mesmerizing mind,
Shaking knees,
Passionate lips...
Jul 2017 · 310
Whats love
Big Penguin Jul 2017
As we sit and ponder,
What's love to each one of us,
Is it a necklace or a trinket,
Picture or a drawing,
Or is it something much deeper,

Is it a senseless act of kindness,
Or a walk with rain drizzling down,
A selfless act of sacrifice for love,
Talking on a porch late at night,
A warm cozy fire snuggled next to the one,
Just sitting together and watching a movie,
Taking a little day trip with their hand in yours,

Love is whatever you do to make the other half feel special. Perspective of love is in the hands of both parties. So make them feel amazing everyday and make them smile constantly. Never make them feel any less than amazing or special. Make them the biggest part of your world, because you should already be theirs...
Jul 2017 · 197
Big Penguin Jul 2017
Am I forever bound to be alone,
Sleepless nights no one to hold,
Giving everything that I have,
Am I destined to be a doormat for love,
Should I stop searching,
I give my heart and soul to the one,
We give all the love one person can give,
Probably why it always hurts so much,
Tear soaked pillows knows our pain,
You can just feel your heart shatter,
If I give love it's with every ounce of my heart,
We just hope they love the same way,
Because when they do it's true love...
Jul 2017 · 333
Big Penguin Jul 2017
Together anything is achievable,
Weathering storms and toxic ideas,
Those we have to watch with a heavy heart,
Astounding memories that we make,
Some people we meet once in a lifetime,
Others we meet that last a lifetime,
Some we love for a short time,
Then their are one's that time is never enough,
Few that we want in our lives forever,
And even fewer we want in them forever,
So if you fond someone who treats you right,
Someone who never lets you down,
The one that makes you smile,
Doesn't cause you pain or mental anguish,
Hold them tight and never let go,
For not everyone you meet is gonna bring you that smile that lights you up inside...
Jul 2017 · 169
Big Penguin Jul 2017
I love without barriers,
Care with no worries,
I'm bound by everyone I care for,
Always wondering if I should stay,
Or move away and distance from everything,
My heart shatters with every thought,
My eyes water thinking of the losses,
Mind wanders and tears everything apart,
Would it be better if I disappeared,
A little place away from everyone???
Lonely heart
Jun 2017 · 246
Big Penguin Jun 2017
As I walk through life,
Like Dust in the wind,
You have to wonder if you matter to anyone,
We try and do good for all,
Don't you just feel like sinking and falling,
The ever crushing daily journey,
With no end in sight,
We fight for everything we have,
And fight for things that we can never achieve,
With the hopes that one day everything will change..
Jun 2017 · 174
Big Penguin Jun 2017
Withering sadness,
Shattered hearts,
Lost souls,
Mourning eyes,
Quivering lips,
A heart to big,
Love to large,
It must be you,
The World hates,
Nothing done wrong,
Cared to much,
Empty feeling,
Bottomless pit,
What to do when no one cares,
Jun 2017 · 202
Big Penguin Jun 2017
As I walk with an open heart,
Riddled lies and endless hope,
Perception fades like morning fog,
Mindless zombies and soulless ghosts,
It's not a wonder why the world is a mess,
Never-ending cycle of hopeless hate,

Let love just guide the way,
Give the day hope without fear,
Let the lies float away like a leaf in the wind,
Kindle up conversations with care,
Set a quest for love at every turn...

If we all made a positive impact on one person a day, it may be the day they don't think negatively on their life. Let's start a notion of love, and hope it spreads like a wildfire.
Jun 2017 · 527
Big Penguin Jun 2017
Burning rage and endless hate,
Engulfing sadness and despair,
Paralyzed souls and hearts,
Drowning minds and crying eyes,
The world tears us all apart,
We tear each other apart with no remorse,
Lift one person at a time,
Quiver a lip of sadness with love,
Say words that don't poison the soul,
Nurture the mind and heart,
Don't drag a soul down lift it up,
Stop the hate and rage,
Spread love and happiness and a little peace may follow...
Jun 2017 · 193
My Heart
Big Penguin Jun 2017
Once in my mind
I'll always be kind
Once in my heart
This is were you'll never part

Once in my heart you'll always be
As long as there's a beat
There you will always be.

Once I say you are loved
Then loved you will be
As long as you and I breath
You will always be
As my heart will always beat
For every beat is a beat for you...
Jun 2017 · 238
Endless Road
Big Penguin Jun 2017
I smile because I'm happy with helping others,
Laugh because of the joy I bring to you,
Making the most of my kind heart,
That's what I do is spread the love to all,
I'm destined to be alone for now,
One day my heart will be fuller,
But till then I will fill the hearts of others,
I'm a misunderstood person with just a kind heart,
It takes one person to realize my heart is true,
It will be nice to find the person that looks at me and says I found you...
Jun 2017 · 188
Big Penguin Jun 2017
Though my hand is empty,
The heart is full of love,
My mind is racing,
Our souls are searching for another,
My feet are walking in what seem like circles,
Gazing eyes just looking for the right one,
Heart  beats faster and faster when see,
Palms are sweaty and the mind is exploding,
Could they really be the one,
Just then they look at you,
Do they feel the same way,
Trust your heart and soul if they believe at least try...
Jun 2017 · 393
Big Penguin Jun 2017
Hopelessly walking through life,
Quivering heart and soul,
We look for love at every turn,
I wait for love to find me,
As my heart isn't ready for another,
I will always help everyone I can,
One day my heart will be filled,
For now my heart will be for everyone else,
My mind will be the helping hand for others,
My lips will be the sound of joy and kind words,
For love is ever evolving and people need it more than ever...
Jun 2017 · 228
Big Penguin Jun 2017
As I walk through the day,
All I do is stumble and fall,
I have no idea what tomorrow brings,
We all have things that move us from day to day,
Heart are a fragile object,
Make the most of your day by supporting hearts,
Propell others through their souls and smiles,
Never be the one to shatter their hearts and minds.
May 2017 · 188
Big Penguin May 2017
Endless Beauty,
A Single smile,
Opening hearts,
Priceless emotions,
Happiness within,
Never-ending Love,
Emotional words,
Piercing smile,
Loving eye's,
Beautiful soul's,

My daily journey to love the world is never complete without one of these. It's not about finding Love, it's about showing the world to love.
May 2017 · 303
Crushed Heart
Big Penguin May 2017
I was dismantled by single lies,
Drowning in life's endless rage,
Tormented souls and endless dreams,
Quivering lips and tear soaked cheeks,
Sinking into a bottomless abyss,
Crushing waves and hate filled eyes,
Shattered dreams and painful memories,
Why does my heart have to be in so much pain???
May 2017 · 208
Big Penguin May 2017
Melting Sun on Oceans horizon,
The Moon kissed morning dew,
Sparkling Jems chiseled stone,
Glistening stars miles away,
Northern Lights in the sky,
Fireworks exploding in the night air,
Blue water cascading across the rocks,
Shimmering green ocean water,
I see all these wonders lost in your eyes,
Endless beauty those eyes control...
May 2017 · 197
Heavy Heart
Big Penguin May 2017
You think it's funny to spread rumors and lies,
Never thinking of the people that lives are changed,
The way's others see or veiw them,
What started as a lie now has others questioning,
When all is done out of hate and drama,
You crushed the heart and soul of another,
Just so your life didn't look so miserable,

He does everything for everyone with no remorse,
With a big heart and endless smiles,
All he looks for is the better in every human,
Measured and judged at every turn,
When will they realize he is just trying to see smiles,
With no I'll intent just a little love,
In a world that needs it so bad,
Couldn't we all leave bigger smiles and open hearts???
May 2017 · 181
Big Penguin May 2017
As I drown in life's endless sadness,
It's a never-ending twirling nightmare,
You grasp for anything you can,
And come up short at every turn,
Whispering winds and twisting vines,
Winding ways and withering hearts,
Drowning eye's and crushing dreams,

Weathering the volatile storm of life,
We torment our heart and souls,
Demanding almost every ounce of life,
Quivering the bones with fear,
Diminishing our fears with tears,
We all hope it's not a fool's love,
Happiness is something we crave,
Mesmerizing dreams and endless love...
May 2017 · 1.1k
Big Penguin May 2017
As I wake everyday life seems to drag me down,
It just seems like I'm a never-ending pawn,
I try hard everyday to stay above ground,
But it seems like drowning and my arms are bound,
I can't help but to think that my life is quicksand,
And it seems like everything I do I'm just not landing,

My head and body fights for air,
It seems like there is no end near,
People look on with crossed arms,
I can see in their eyes my darkest times,
Feels like they're pushing me into the ground,
Would they ever notice I'm no longer around,

It just seems like I'm in my own quicksand,
Would anyone ever give me a hand,
Or am I in this fight against the hourglass,
Only time can tell and I only hope this will pass,
Until that time I'll be here in the quicksand,
Hoping someone or something will give me a hand...
May 2017 · 248
Big Penguin May 2017
Happiness can be a passing smile,
It can be that walk to nowhere for miles,
The thought of someone kind,
Or simply someone who keeps you in mind,
It can be a simple hug,
Or it can be a beautiful bug,
It can be the breeze blowing around,
It can be a simple flower on the ground,
Or it could be the smell of rain,
It could be that your heart is no longer in pain,

Happiness can be kind words,
It can be found in deep in the woods,
Or it can be found in daily talks,
It can be found in almost everything that walks,
The thought of someone no longer here,
Or the love from someone nowhere near,
It could be something that isn't real,
Or it could be everything you feel,

Happiness can be anything you want it to be, or need it to be. Don't judge one person to another, not everyone finds happiness in the same things. It's okay to have multiple things to make you happy. That way if one can't bring you happiness one of them may. Happiness in life is different from one person to the other. Don't forget to spread the happiness as some haven't found theirs yet. I try everyday to spread happiness and kind words.  Some days it's meet with good smiles or amazing words. Sometimes it feels like I'm just standing in quicksand, or its taken the wrong way but I'll try everyday.  HAPPINESS CAN'T DIE YOU HAVE TO LOOK HARDER SOME DAYS ...
May 2017 · 240
Big Penguin May 2017
This goes out to the women who gave us life and supported us.

She gave us out first breath,
Even if it was the final for her,
She nurses us with everything she has,
When we cry she pulls us near,
She is by our side through the years,
Through Bad days and good days,
She will always be there to push the demons away,

With knowing someday someone will take her place,
She does it without complaints or haste,
And asks for nothing in return but love,
She is the first one to hold your heart,
Even after someone else stole yours,
She will always be there to calm your soul,
Even after she is gone she is always a dream or memory away...

We love our mom's with every ounce of our soul, and no matter how much we show her. We can never repay her for all the love she gave us. Show your mom how much she means to you today. But don't let it stop on Mother's Day make it last the year. Because tomorrow is never promised, make her feel loved everyday.
May 2017 · 228
Big Penguin May 2017
As I look upon her face,
I know she is forever my happy place,
She is the smile that makes my days worth while,
I will walk by her side for many miles,
She stole my heart,
I hope she lets me steal hers,

One day I'll make her a part of my world,
But for now she is the biggest part of mine,
She has no idea that she is absolutely beautiful,
In my eyes there is no one that compares,
I don't see anyone else around when she is there,
Because she will always capture my eyes,
God made her perfect just for me,
One day there won't be the two of us,
Cause one day we will be one...
May 2017 · 288
Daddy's Hero
Big Penguin May 2017
As I lay her down to sleep,
One day i am gonna weep,
She is my little baby girl,
One day she will grow but will always my pearl,
As she grabs my hand with her little Fingers,
My heart melts and tears begin to stream,
This little girl has my heart even in my dreams,

As she grows the bond grows more,
I can't believe I'm the one she adores,
She says I'm her daddy and everyone else is a zero,
She has no idea that she is my little hero,
Every time she looks my way with that smile,
Even on a bad day I can't help but melt for a while,

Now my baby is almost sixteen years young,
I can't believe how fast the time has gone,
She doesn't know it but she is still my little hero,
Please let me reach double zero,
So we can create so much more together,

One day she will make a great mother,
Someday I'll have more little Fingers,
One day I'll have to give her away,
But for now I want her to stay,
I'm not ready to let her to go,
I can't believe I'm crying writing this poem...
Apr 2017 · 238
Big Penguin Apr 2017
When I see you smile even if not at me I can't help but smile.
Because for everytime I see you smile I can't help be realize how lucky I am.
As long as your smiling with me I am the happiest person on this planet.
Your smiles could melt a thousand miles of Ice, and everytime my heart.
Some of your insecurities are some of my biggest loves and happiness. 
But you heart and soul is the biggest part of the reason I love you.
And it is the reason that I will never need to find another.
Because I have my Baby, and only eyes and heart for my Baby.
The day I fell in love with you, is the day I started dying inside.
Because I realized that I can only love you till I die, and I should've fell in love with you sooner.
What I'm saying is that I am so in Love with You...
Apr 2017 · 316
Big Penguin Apr 2017
Angels are shown to us in different ways
Some are put in our lives so we don't stray
Others are put in our way so we never fray
Some are there to make us say thanks & pray.

Some Angels are a furry pet
Some Angels are fallen but never gone
Some Angels are never seen but we knelt
Some Angels make our hearts melt.

Most Angels are here to test
Some are here to make us last
Others are here to never let us rest
And you I never want in my past...

I hope My Angels never leaves
Because I never want my heart to un weave
You are a part of my heart always now and forever...
Apr 2017 · 205
Big Penguin Apr 2017
Drowning in tears,
Never-ending fears,
Broken-hearted and know one knows,
I hope that it doesn't show,
Wasted thoughts and heartfelt walks,
I wish I could open up and talk,
I walk with all smiles,
This could be an adventure that lasts for miles,

Family is always caring,
And all my friends are always sharing,
My love for all is enduring,
The thought of love is always reassuring,
I'll get through all these tears,
For you I'll shed no more tears...
Apr 2017 · 210
Big Penguin Apr 2017
Hollowed dreams and running eye's,
Shattered walls and broken hearts,
Endless darkness and closing walls,
Pain so heavy you begin to fall,
Darkness is starting to consume,

But then the sun rises and begins to warm,
Then she takes you into her arms,
She is the one you need,
She will be the one to take you hurt she is your queen,
Never be the one to break her heart,
Never be the one to tear her apart...
Apr 2017 · 280
Big Penguin Apr 2017
When she grabs me and pulls me close,
I still can't believe I'm the one she chose,
We pull each other closer and we stare,
I'm lost in her eyes like the morning glare,
I run my hands through her hair,
I could get lost in her eyes they are my perfect pair,
My heart is gonna explode out of my vest,
She lays her head on my chest,

She holds my hand and I kiss hers,
I kiss the end of her little nose,
She looks up and gives me a smile,
That sent my heart up 10 miles,
Butterflies don't explain how I feel,
She makes me feel like a runaway wheel,
I grab her waist and pull her near,
I whisper I love you in her ear,

She gets a little smile and a little teary,
And says baby I love you every second of the year,
We got up and we hugged,
I had to do something my heart was being tugged,
I backed up and got down on my knee,
I said baby I loved you to eternity will you marry me,
She said on one condition love me even after we die,
I said baby I'll be waiting for you in that big ol sky...
Apr 2017 · 648
Big Penguin Apr 2017
Your body and mind may be battered,
Your heart may be shattered,
Love can make you feel like you died,
When all is wrong you just want to hide,
This is the time you have to fight,
Or you will not make it through to many nights,

Keep your heart hopeful,
Always keeps your mind joyful,
One day someone will see what no one else did,
And your heart will be cheering like your inner kid,
If you build to many walls,
You yourself may just want to fall,
Promises get broken and lies are told,
But someday you will have that hand to hold,

We all have to go through bad emotions,
Just to see that we can survive the motions,
Love hurts and some love burns,
But at the end of the day we hope we have a turn,
We all look for perfection in relationships,
If we get caught up in perfection nothing will shift,
Look for inner beauty and flaws,
This is when you will sit back and say awww,
Not all love is perfect and pristine,
Look for inner beauty and flaws and you will find you king and queen...
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Empty Hand
Big Penguin Apr 2017
My hand is empty,
My heart is always full,
The love towards each other should never dull,
The darkness of life brings us down,
Kindness to others will help us not drown,
Always look to bring someone to smile,
Never be the one who causes there demise,
There is so much negative in the world today,
Let's show the world we are amazing day by day,
Let's lift each other through the negativity,
And give reasons to smile and create longevity,
With a little love and affection,
We can all feel some satisfaction,
Our hands may be empty of love,
But our hearts can pour into each other with love,
Let's be the reason for affection,
And not the cause of senseless infection...
Apr 2017 · 293
Warm Hearts
Big Penguin Apr 2017
My heart may not belong to another,
I write the poems for girls and boys father's and mothers,
I write from the heart, mind and my soul,
For this I can't forgive or control,
I care for everyone I meet,
This is another way to reach more than with my feet,
I spread kind words and love and emotions,
These poems is just a never ending locomotion,
People may think I'm writing for someone,
But these are writin for everyone,
I hope if you need your heart to be plugged
May these poems fill you with warm hugs,
Because hearts are fragile and some things you can't buy,
From the love of a single warm hearted guy...
Apr 2017 · 283
Big Penguin Apr 2017
She thinks I have eyes for others,
When they're all for my brother's,
I could go blind with the thought of her as mine,
She is the only one I want in my mind,
The only one in the world for me,
I will gladly show her on my knee,

There are other girls just not for me,
I only have eyes for her and she will see,
Because I would gladly show her every year,
How much my baby is my only dear,
My heart only beats for one and that's you,
We have two eyes one is for me the other for you,
I would draw my last breath to say I love my girl,
And I'll wait for you on the other side waiting to hold my baby girl...
Apr 2017 · 262
Big Penguin Apr 2017
She grabs my hand and pulls me near,
We could sit and cuddle for a year,
Her breath on my neck,
The thought of her near me now I'm a wreck,
We are lost in each others eyes,
Her beauty reminds me of the morning sky,
We drew each other close our hearts are gone,
Our bodies were two now there's one,

We can't remember how to talk,
Our lips show us how to walk,
Two bodies still one cuddle till the morning dew,
I wake up and see her sleep and I know it's overdue,
That's when I give a morning kiss,
Knowing it's gonna make her smile it's all to bliss,
I fall in love with every word or every look,
For our hearts are locked away in a book,
One day I hope she is my wife,
Cause I'm gonna love her for the rest of my life...
Apr 2017 · 319
Big Penguin Apr 2017
As a year has gone bye,
The twinkle for you is always in my eye,
My heart aches for you to be by my side,
Can we just go somewhere and hide,
For the twinkle for you grows stronger every day,
I can't wait for you to take my name,
For that will be my first day I cry,
Cause the the thought of you as us will never die,
But until that day we say I do,
Everyday until then is my new favorite day with you,
My heart is yours and your heart is ours,
My eyes don't want no other cause they have yours,
I can't wait to start our future,

Because until then everyday is torture,
But everyday I spend with you is worth a fortune,
Baby you are absolutely my world,
You make my heart and soul just a whirl,
I fall asleep with you in my dreams,
You make my heart just turn into cream,
The sight of you makes me get butterflies,
Without us I just cannot justify,
I will love you until my final breath,
Without your love there is no breathing,
You say you are not a beauty,
I don't know of anything or anyone more beautiful...
Apr 2017 · 278
One Smile
Big Penguin Apr 2017
There is only one person that I want to wake up to and put a smile on her face.
Just the thought of her places a smile on mine.
My future is looking brighter as long as she is there.
The best part is all her insecurities she has about herself are some of the biggest parts of her that I love. The warmth of her right by my side is one of the greatest feelings.
She is the reason I wake up with a smile and the smile in my soul.
I hope I have her heart and soul, because mine is all hers.
I want years and miles and a ton of smiles.
I want our hearts to never part, and our lives to be one until the bitter end.
I absolutely love my baby and she is the twinkle in my eye.
Dec 2016 · 597
Sunrise and Sunset
Big Penguin Dec 2016
The most spectacular and beautiful natural beauty is that of the sunrise and sunsets. These are the most natural spectacle of raw beauty and can take your breath away every time. In the morning you can watch the sunrise and instantly have a smile on your face and excited for what the day can bring your way. And at night you can watch the sunset and all the problems melt away and you have all you can do to hold the smile back.  These two things always puts a smile on your face and never wonder about beauty. No one ever judges them when they are not perfect, and love them every day without flinching.  Natural and perfect in every shape and every color, so look at life through the eyes of a Sunrise and Sunset.
Dec 2016 · 421
Big Penguin Dec 2016
When I see you smile even if not at me I can't help but smile.
Because for everytime I see you smile I can't help be realize how lucky I am.
As long as your smiling with me I am the happiest man on this planet.
Your smiles could melt a thousand miles of Ice, and everytime my heart.
Some of your insecurities are some of my biggest loves and happiness. 
But you heart and soul is the biggest part of the reason I love you.
And it is the reason that I will never need to find another girl.
Because I have my Queen, and only eyes and heart for my Queen.
The day I fell in love with you is the day I started dying inside.
Because I realized that I can only love you till I die, and I fell in love with you sooner.
What I'm saying is that I am so in Love with My Queen...
Dec 2016 · 327
Glass Heart
Big Penguin Dec 2016
I'm sorry I can't be hardened ***.
But as you know I have a heart made of glass.
I love to make everyone around me smile.
That is the one thing that makes it worth the mile.
But when I love it's for keep.
I don't play with love because that's just cheap.
But when I give you my all.
I will always be the one to fall.
People often judge way to fast.
One thing is for sure, and that is my love will last.
When I say you have my heart and soul.
Everyone else is just like the water flow.
Don't ever think that I'm not going to care.
Because next to you is the first and last pair.
I want to walk you through life one way or another.
Because you have touched our hearts like no other..

— The End —