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706 · May 2014
A Thousand Dreams
Shell McCutchen May 2014
A Thousand Dreams
I've Dreamed of You
The Memories I Can't Erase
A thousand Songs
You've Sang To Me
In My Special Place
A Thousand Kisses
As Sweet As Honey
I'll Admit I Can't Resist
A Thousand Chills Go Down My Spine
With Your Touch it fills So Fine
Please Don't Stop
I Want to Say
But Then I Awake
There I Lay
A Thousand Dreams
You've Gave To Me
I Wish I'd Never Wake.
614 · May 2014
Love Your Imperfections
Shell McCutchen May 2014
I  Love You
For that Imperfection

That Imperfection
That draws You to Me......

That Imperfection that doesn't let u see
the flaws in Me ..............

If life was so Perfect
as One would want it to Be
I'd never have You next to Me ...............

I Love You
For that Imperfection
In Your smile
In Your Mind
When gone Wild ..
In Your silly Man Child ways
Cuz with that bad good wouldn't stay...

Your so Damm good at being Bad...

I Must Insist .....
I Can't Resist ......

All Your Imperfect Ways
Seem so Perfect to Me....
i feel like i didnt end this right and may change it later

— The End —