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 May 2013 Socally Picter
Half of the time it slipped my mind
I'm not ignoring the thoughts
Pouring out of your membrane
I noticed the game change when you decided to stay
I must say
I never thought we'd still be here
I'm still feeling the same fears
I remember you left before
We've been here before
A million times before
So of course walking towards the door seems logical
If I didn't know
You'd probably go and chase me down
Before I even stop to catch my breath
So what's left of the path you choose to take
Avoiding the wrath of your previous mistakes
And if for heaven's sake
I choose to find the meaning in what the hell I've been doing with my time
Half the time it probably slipped my mind
What we were fighting for
Because I ignore the voice telling me to hide from the boogie man
He only wants to hold your hand
He'd rather keep you in complacency because he is content
Creeping on me
Sleeping on me
I guess because my pillow top is comfy
Pillow talk is humming
Something tells me these words sound untrue
But he knew
**** he knows how to unlock my secrets slipping in and unveiling my soul
How long will it last
Lust ain't the meaning of love
Taking your word for it ain't the meaning of trust
And if I'm honest I'd say you don't know me at all
We having only existed in the space between these bedroom walls
If these four walls could talk all they'd have to tell
Is a story of a romance that grew aflame
And the lovers who turned to looking for an easy escape
Because neither of them knew how to say...
I love you
I didn't mean anything
Nothing I said mattered
I could lie and say I hate you
But it would hurt me more than you
Forget it now it's done
Now no one is what you've become
Is sitting on the bench
while forever stretches
on the road dividing you
and her.
~Lacus Crystalthorn 2013
 Apr 2013 Socally Picter
Amber S
you were prodding my back earlier,
pressing fingers into knots,
snaking though worries and muscles
smacking palms against coils,
rattling old ghosts and sore tendons
I gritted my teeth.“poor darling, poor darling”
push more, I whimpered
“poor darling
will these ever leave?”
a doctor could possibly,
but I know what she’ll say,
stop lifting, stop worrying so.

I think my demons find my way into my spine,
and they entwine through osseous
but, I want your fingers on my back,
your knuckles thrashing me until I scream,
because our love is like you trying to destroy these
you attempt to destroy what cannot be destroyed,

and I love you more every time.
 Apr 2013 Socally Picter
 Apr 2013 Socally Picter
I can taste the metallic warmth in my mouth as I bite the inside of my cheek and stare out into the quiet, foggy morning.
I cringe at the thought of the unavoidable dullness that lies ahead and my mind becomes clouded with an inexplicable angst.
“Maybe today will be better,” I whisper to myself with a longing that immediately stings my insides and leaves me aching the rest of the day.
Not sure if this is even a poem..?  
This wasn't meant to describe my day, I actually had a lovely and quite productive Monday believe it or not!  Perhaps I was just trying to portray a different character, I'm not really sure.....
 Apr 2013 Socally Picter
You sweater has been in my car
for a year, I accidentally used it
at the beach but it still smells like
you, so maybe when I'm braver
Maybe when I'm stronger, maybe
when I'm better, I'll take it out.
(c) Brooke Otto
To like me.
Even try


I say
"I don't know why."

It's just
Guys like

Playing with my heart.

'Bad news'

I knew it from the start.

Like you

To like

Don't you
I'm afraid sometimes
Afraid that I'll say the wrong thing
Afraid of the pain you'll surely bring
But I tell you I'm brave
And I tell you not to worry

I'm lonely sometimes
Lonely like I'm the only one with eyes
Lonely like my eyes are the only ones that cry
But I tell you that I'm good
And I tell you I can see

I'm sad sometimes
Sad because I'm lonely and afraid
Sad because I'm not as strong as I say
But you still think I'm tough
And I still protect everyone

But I'm happy sometimes, too
Happy because I'm lucky to have you
Happy because you seem like you are true
So I'll smile all the time
And act like I remember fun
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