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916 · Mar 2016
Minara Mar 2016
The melody's chased by the rhythm
And thought contemplates finding expression
Form needs to hold onto something
Heaven has got a burning confession
Infinity desires one night with limit
Limit's proposed eternity to creation
Freedom just tied herself to *******
Love had her first taste of destruction
556 · Mar 2016
Everyone walked away
Minara Mar 2016
While some of us talked of peace
Others were quietly polluting
While some of us made a living
Others were busy looting
While some of us were dancing
Others built a world for excluding
While some of us were dreaming
Others held rifles; saluting
While some of us started running
Others were busy shooting
While some of us lay bleeding
Everyone walked away.
393 · Mar 2016
Minara Mar 2016
Thinking about you
Is all the meditation
I need in a day
* a quiet contemplation on Love, while having a chai latte...
390 · Mar 2016
Minara Mar 2016
while washing my feet
by the foot of the mountain
winter touched my soul
354 · Mar 2016
A clean break
Minara Mar 2016
With his last cold breath
The Samurai's sharpened sword
Discarded her head

— The End —