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I have been there
on the edge of nowhere and everywhere
where my senses were screaming
and the real was like dreaming
only faster and wilder
never wished it to be milder
just jumped on the wagon
and ruled the skies like a dragon

I was there for a second
and since then my soul has beckoned
take me back let me explore
take me back for I want more
and the dragon inside wants to fly
but I stay, I do not even try
those adventures I still get in flashes
and I try hard to steer clear of crashes
Letters on a screen
Injected words rush through veins
Feed my addiction
Dizzy and disoriented
I tumbled
And whirled
And tumbled
Gently glided
Through the hole
I fell into
I stumbled
Hurled myself into
Possible doom?
What would await me
Through this tunnel of temptation?
Would it be 9 rings of Hell?
I thought I felt the fires already
Burning from below
I thought I heard the tormented souls
screaming from the pits
Would there be spiders?
Tricky with
Cobwebs binding me
In terror
Or would I find Alice?
She did send me
The rabbit
And I could not bear
The temptation
I needed to go
Seek magic mountains
Enchanted forests
Wild beasts
And wonderful places
Even if
The journey would take me
Through hell.
                   Spread across sheets

She is
Sweet tickle of suspense

Nerves transmitting
of adrenaline

As I           enter
read         perceive


Letters like opiates sent through


Syllables become
words become
Sentences become
Unthinkable      to separate


Impossible to leave
seems jealousy driven

Fuels my

my creation

improbable scenarios

Impropriety.    (     )     fantasies

Unfit for real life.
And I awoke
As if from a dream
Of perfect happy people
Living perfectly happy lives
In their perfect houses
With their perfectly tended gardens
And their perfect unmoving faces

I awoke in a strange
Yet familiar place
With lively and friendly people
Living crazy but funny lives
In their untidy houses
With their weedy and overgrown gardens
And their warm and welcoming faces

I awoke happy
To escape the horrible dream
Of that land where I didn't belong
Where I constantly slipped
On smooth surfaces
Cracking my own varnish
And thus letting the poison in

I awoke
in a place of merry forgetfulness
Where the crisis could not reach
Through the barricades of community
Hammered up with fluid nails
And jolly storytelling
Of a distant but beautiful land
With perfect and happy people

I awoke
feeling strangely at home
Though an alien, treated like family
No strings, no expectations
I awoke and was recognised
By strangers but friends of my soul
I awoke this morning
Never wanting to sleep again
My daughter
The superhero
Just told me
How she made
The London Eye
Out of helicopters
With their rotors
Broken off
And a gigantic wheel
Much bigger
Than herself

Of course
It's much bigger
Than her
She's only 4 ;)
based on something my daughter Ida told me one day on our way home from nursery 6 months back
Dried youth
Peels off
My face

Like paper
Of touch
Of years
And beauty
What would Adam have done
Had he spotted the snake?
Would he have cut off its tongue
To prevent the mistake?

Would the world still be bliss
Had our Eve not been tempted?
Was there something she'd miss
Which the snake just preempted?

What would Eden have looked like today
Had it not been for apples and lies?
Would we never have been lead astray
And thus never have found our demise?

What would Adam have done
Had he known
That the tree in the middle meant light
Cast 'pon business that was not his own
And forever filled dreams with fright?
I met her at the library

She was wandering the aisles

As usual

Browsing for a friend

It was her favourite place

But she was crying

Silently at first

She pulled out random books

Opened them and threw them

Increasingly violent

She emptied the shelves


She finally collapsed

In a pile of books

All empty
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