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Tattooed across his handsome face
Was a life of unfortunate stars
On his forehead were many a trace
Of the fights he had picked in bars

But it wasn’t just fighting in bars
That had made him his ominous tattoo
As a child he had smashed neighbours’ cars
Ramming into them sky high on glue

Hanging out with this guy meant trouble
He would never obey any laws
All the stupidest dares he would double
Breaking bones, smashing teeth, cracking jaws

If you see this guy, please, look away!
If he’s noticed you, run for your life
Every line on his face leads astray
And you don’t want to mess with his wife
Slithering silently
between blank spaces
of fragile fabric
of fiction
and real reacting
it slips in
an idea
between dreams
like an unseen hand
And it floods
the mind
with irresistible
irrelevant to reality
but real
a window ajar
cold body likewise open
the devil creeps in
 Mar 2013 Michael W Noland
Your nails were
soft pink crescents

they chafed
along my cheek.

You plucked
the silken petals

watched them wither
at your feet.

I fed you dandelions,

Picked stems
from your teeth

with my tongue.

But in the creases

of your mouth,

I saw the weeds of doubt.
Inspired by Shane Jones' "Lightboxes."
 Mar 2013 Michael W Noland
Lit by sparks, debris in flame,
I could not meet his eye.

Your gaze was coal along my spine

burning me alive.

We swayed on lukewarm asphalt
futures scribed across the sky

I closed my eyes against the night

And felt your footsteps shift with mine.

I arched my back against your breath
you rasped, "can I cut in?"

Your lips against my lobe

left me taught and thin.

The glow of sparse-lit flares
your fingers worked against my skin

a desperate moan escaped me

at my gasp you flushed and grinned.

Knuckles clenched along my hip
bare feet weak on a damp road

the bodies parted, our gaze persisted,

swallowed pain and my eyes closed.

Because you are not mine

I am not yours

we had one night,

and yet no cure.
First poem entirely constructed with specific format and rhyme. Let me know how I did.
 Mar 2013 Michael W Noland
When I awoke last night
a dire wolf
was howling down below.

Six hundred pounds of sin
grinned, at my window.

The wind was fierce an' cold
I clutched to fear alone.

So I took a breath
and all I said
a quiet, "come on in."
Thank you Grateful Dead.
 Mar 2013 Michael W Noland
Remember our first kiss

your lips were hard and urgent

I searched so long
for another mouth
that felt like yours.
 Mar 2013 Michael W Noland
He's playing the harmonica,
Drums and cymbals too,
An accordion between his hands,
Bells upon each shoe.

He entertains the passers-by,
Coins land in his cap,
They gasp to see so many things,
Done by just one chap.

A mother watches, unimpressed,
I think with good cause.
For though she's doing more than him,
She gets no applause.
Dedicated to mothers everywhere!

(Apologies to those who have seen this before, but I thought I should re-post it for Mothering Sunday.)
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