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I think I'm losing my mind.
Maybe the lack of sleep…I don’t really know.
It always comes back to the fear & anxiety,
The rage and the sadness…
Drifting in and out of the past and the present.
I’m doing everything I can to keep from hurting myself tonight.
It’s been brewing for over a week now,
I don’t know how long I can keep it at bay.
It sits behind me, taunting me, breathing down my neck,
* “Nita, you know you can’t resist me much longer
Just do it – you’ll feel better, you know you will.”*

But it’s lying!
I may feel better for a few moments,
Maybe even a few hours, but it’ll all be back.
I don’t want to cut myself,
I don’t think I have the energy to deal with the blood and the band-aids
I don’t think I can even stop the bleeding tonight.
As much as I want to see it, to feel the pain,
I’m doing my best to hold it at bay.

Back to the wanting to give up stage.
Why does it always come back to this?
No one believes me – no one believes that the boogey man – he really does exist.
He is here! He comes here all the time, but no one believes me.
Therapist thinks I just need to “self-regulate” my emotions,
I need to “self-soothe” myself back into the present.
F@#k! At the “present” I don’t even know what year it is!
He is here!
He is around each corner, he is right here!
And he is clawing me, ripping me apart, limb by limb.
There isn’t much left – I’m in pieces already.
But no one will believe me.
Each day more pieces of me fall to the ground, neglected, forgotten.

But no one understands.
I want to rip her out of my body!
I scream at her,
“Leave me alone, you stupid whiny baby!
Go **** your thumb or whatever it is you do and leave me alone!
I hate you!!”

But no one gets it.
**** happens!
And when it does, some of us can’t deal with it!
It’s not manipulation,
It really is an inability to deal
With the overwhelming voices and feelings, hands on my body.
And yet no one cares, no one understands.

Does it ever stop?

How do others cope?

What the heck is wrong with me?

I took an internal inventory
And there’s nothing of value left in me:
He took my heart, my soul, and my body.
He destroyed my hope, my trust…what’s left?
you were mouthing beautiful words but
i couldn't hear them
it looked like someone put you on Mute,
but you swore there was something wrong with my hearing,
your words were crystal clear, loud enough,
and i believed you because maybe there was
something wrong with me and not you,
until someone came to me and said
"Why does no sound come out when he moves his mouth?"
Your memory
Nails on a chalkboard
The color of an orange lamp
Or the heavy paper stamp
On an envelope of illusion
Cliche delusion
I toss around these terms
Insides turned to worms
Squirming not like butterflies
Tell me what your money buys
Because it never bought me
I can't pick: hide, see, or flee
I long to be deaf
To a memory of the bereft
I long to be at home
And for my heart to be sewn
Whatever you do
Don't fall in love
At a masquerade ball
He'll destroy you
Mask and all
Beauty you cling to
A high light reel
Of the second base steal
Will replay in your mind
Whatever you find
Make sure it isn't love
At a masquerade ball.
 Aug 2013 Michael W Noland
He tasted like **** and cheap liquor
It was 5 in the morning
We were on the couch
Friends on the floor
Our bodies were close
And it was hot
Early morning light crept in
But I couldn't see his face
He kissed me even though he shouldn't have
I think I was still a little drunk
I got that feeling again
The feeling of being wanted
But it only lasted a little while
Until it was time to go home
And I knew he wouldn't think of me again
 Aug 2013 Michael W Noland
Tomorrow I'm going to the lighthouse
And I'm going to draw all the beautiful things I see
Because people don't take enough time to see it

They don't see the ocean as an enormous creature
They see it as a place to lounge and capture food

They don't see clouds as beutiful gigantic structures
They see a shield from their precious sun

People don't understand the beauty around them
People are so indulged in luxury and technology
That all they see are things they want to see
And the beautiful things are trapped behind the selfish human mind
Have you ever Felt so afraid,
That you can't ever stand being alone?
Have you ever felt so abandoned that the circumstances in your life didn't matter cause you would be depressed whether they were good or bad?
Have you ever been so used to feeling alone that you would choose to be by yourself besides hanging out with your friends.
You'd rather sink into the floor then walk amoung the halls of your own home.
Have you ever been so bullied so much that the words almost just become numb to you and you can barley feel the stab at your soul anymore because of it.... Intact  to you peoples hurtful words are a distraction from everything else going on in the world that's so painful.
Have you ever felt so stuck to the point where you turn to drugs orlook to the end of your drink to try and find the answer to all your questions?
Feeling so disconnected from everyone cause of all your past mistakes....
It's nothing new for you.
Then the people around you treat you like an object that needs to be fixed... Like they know exactly what you need only causing you to fall deeper and deeper into depression like there's no way out.
Feeling like your just a project....
Or that one friend that no body wants around cause you always need somebody to just vent to, never getting a chance.
People call you attention starved but it's only cause your always alone...
I know how that feels.
Your not a project.
Your not stuck you can move forward.
Your not attention starved... Anybody would do the same if they had to go through what you did.
You are you and that's perfection
There's this song I always listen to that no matter what the circumstances never fail to make me think of you. It has become a second nature, I think, for my mind to conjure you within its convolutions while my heart tries not to ache at the delusion, the images painted by the words sung into my ear as I close my eyes and see you here, here beneath the shutter of my eyelids. You turn my heartbeats into a rapid continuous explosion of dying stars. I spend hours staring at the ceiling trying to make sense of why everything seems to be a memory of you, I try to find clues in the pages filled with poetry about you, and all I end up realizing is that you are the color of dappled sunlight against verdant spring grass. And the long winding roads snaking across the city lights I only want to get lost in you.

There's this song I've just begun to get addicted to, and no matter how many times I listen to it the only thing it keeps telling me is you, or maybe that is all I can hear, with my ears deaf to everything else that should make more sense than your name being an endless chant that never fails to be a vise on my throat, a shackle on my wrist, and I know, I know that if I turned away from you I would always look back to see if you show any inclination of stopping me. Hope, dreadful hope, that I somehow matter to this boy who seems to see everyone as the same, or maybe he has simply listened to the same song too many times and he's tired of everything, I wish I could touch him. I wish I could be the lines on his palm tracing past stories in the dried-up riverbed of his veins. Or to be the candlelight in his eyes, love, I don't need a wicker, you're all I need to keep burning.

There's this song I once heard from somewhere, it doesn't have words in it but it spoke of you more than I ever do, as if the blanks where the lyrics should be were lines connecting the pinpoints of lights visible in your laughter, as if the musical instruments were screaming what I never could, that whether you realize it or not, right now I feel like I can love you forever. I am running out of words, perhaps somewhere, miles away from me you're singing yourself to sleep, and my heart begs me silent so I can listen to the tune only I can hear, only I can know that you are the note that spurs the crescendo of an angel's praying song, that even god will listen to the heaven of your voice.

There's this song I just heard today, there's something about it that makes me sad. But then again every good song always sounds melancholy to me, as if there's a filter in my ears that permits only the tears to seep through, locks all the joy out of my body, and I can't really blame it, because happiness is a poison to the bitter sea churning in the pit of my stomach. It will **** me to be happy, and you're the blade that slides neatly through skin, flesh, and bone, cleaves through soft sinew as if it's nothing more than paper to be torn, shredded, ripped open like a smiling wound. You would **** me if you could, and it's all I can do to gasp through the choking sensation of your name lodged deep in my throat, to let my chest be filled with echoing thunderclaps.

So sing, whisper, speak to me, let my name spill from your lips like a waterfall tumbling over the edge of a cliff, let it crash down to the ocean of my heart, let the wave tear itself apart so  I can breathe, breathe, love, let me fill you with my breath, let me live, I don't have to leave, though your laughter consists of ricocheting shrapnel from the explosion of your touch, your smile is the deadly curve of a bowstring drawn tight nocked with cupid's poisonous arrow, your eyes are two storm clouds spitting lightning and reverberating with thunder, you are death. The beginning and ending of a lifelong love story.
Sorry I keep writing in prose form xD
You have a dead heart
cold and lifeless
taking space in your chest
repugnant and rotting,
I can smell death on your skin

I tried to give you mine,
hands shaking and body breaking
I held it to your lips
and said swallow

But instead you spat
and kicked it to the floor
Because your dead heart
didn't understand what it was for

I tried to put it back,
cram it down my throat
but my little heart was weary
and lifeless
and now live, it just won't

You prefer your heart dead
the feeling kind, you never will be
but baby I liked being in love
what a shame it didn't like me.
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