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Micheal Wolf May 2015
There is still magic to be done
But not by this magician
Maybe it holds true
For I think some,
Magicians that is,
Are mere illusionists
Micheal Wolf Mar 2015
I crossed the street
I saw you
But no
You are miles away
But I was sure
I was wrong
My mind plays games
Is this what age does to a man?
Memories become now
The mind plays games
The heart always looses
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
As if only to tease upon the threads of our being
Fate and fortune play out the game of our days
Move by move, fashioned to please the player
Stun the observer and torture,  yes torture the pieces
The game now almost at a close as lifes sands ebb
Grain by grain dropping to oblivion
Odd many moves once played repeated but not anticipated
Yet with familiarity, the hurt, the outome, just the same
When fortune plays light shines upon the sands
Though they still decend, just not observed
When fates turn again comes, the only sound is that of the rushing sand
Is that all we are
Micheal Wolf Jun 2014
On leaving the supermarket my daughter held hand tightly and began to  chat about Santa as she had seen a man in a beard. She said I dressed as him and I pretended to be him when she was little.  
We laughed as I protested it couldn't be me I don't have any reindeer or boots and she shouted "Yes you did".
So who ate the mince pies?
Who left the snowy footprints?
See it was Santa!!
I heard a womans laughter.. then I knew you had been listening.
You smiled at my daughter as you got into your car and she said he is Santa!!
That was the moment you simply looked straight at me, smiled eyes wide and it was over.
You drove away.
A fleeting glance that lasted for micro second but defined me as a father.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Oh what a sweet smile
Hides the bitter betrayal of a lover
Your effervescence is brimming
Yet behind it all you are a loveless mannequin
Happy in the world of illusion you create
Selling snake oil is just the ticket
Selling a lie, as well you live it
Image everything, built upon a lie
In a cold mansion you wither
******* the life from others
Micheal Wolf Jul 2014
There is a wilderness
A desert devoid of all thought
Empty of reason
Abandoned by all but despair
Wanted by no man
And yet close counsel to many
Not here to be controlled
Placed upon earth for more
Written or my friend. Public with her permission
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
Finger paint my life,
as I painted as a child
Trees now bigger and intricate in style
Do you think that's were we went wrong
To much detail, branches and leaves

Oh Finger paint my life

I could finger paint triangles
Mum knew they were trees?
Aeroplanes had smiles
and way to many wings

Oh  finger paint your life

Cats and dogs looked like horses and sheep
But Dad knew what I painted
And all that it ment
So get out the paint and start again
Focus on basic and not over complex

Oh Fingerpaint your life

It isn't the details,  the finicky bits
Not how many branches with leaves at their tips
Look to the simple, look deep inside
Then paint with your fingers
A triangle at a time

Fingerpaint your life woo woo oo
Finger paint your life
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
There are no more firebrands
No Blasford Snells
No men of action like Oliver Reed
No Lawrence of Arabia, no Ian Sterling's left
Just rules of engagement and bomb what is left
Its war for profit, not freedom or cause
Politicians misplaced loyalty far abroad
No more the cries for England and st George
We die in the sand for another's cause.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Miss Marple interfering *******
Poirot  you walk like you filled your pants
Kojak I bet your teeth rot
Columbo for god sakes get a wash
Farther Dowling get back to your church
Sherlock homes is it time to shoot up yet?
****** she wrote and you bought it all
But now times changed and new blood reigns
Gene Hunts here and the city is safe
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Listened to a song by Ane Brun
"Do you remember"
The words are spectacular
Do you remember the early morning
When we went back to bed
We found our first positions
And every muscle rested...
How often the thought of that
Grabbing the moment while still warm
Diving back into bed
Back to where we left off
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Staring at the fire with the thoughts of you
They grow stronger the more I do
Looking deeper into the flames I see your face
there again
The flames flicker as the dawn draws closer
But your nowhere now, your not here.
The fire burns and the flames die down
Awake all night and now I'm tiered
Outside the snow falls thick and deep
For now I must sleep
Afternoon and Awoke the fire burns bright and warm
Can't see her face the image gone
The smell of breakfast fills the room as now she's home
Come to bed my lover your night shift done
Requires music
Micheal Wolf Feb 2014
Oh Eaton floods on the bankers belt.
But there was no money for anyone else.
Farmers drowned and villages awash and no politicians gave a toss.
But now there's money for all the chaps who voted "Dave" with loads of cash.
Tarquins house is under seige and Jeremys is now waste deep.
So call the army and the navy too Tarquins pond has overflowed!
The rest of you oh sorry but!!
The frackers want your land for nought!
Satire based upon fact
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
Sing to the tune of teddy bears picnic

If you go down to the town today your in for a big surprise
If you go down to the town today you wont believe your eyes
For every man that ever there was is ordering flowers today because
Today's the day the media says you have to!
Revenue time for florIsts, with over priced blooms everywhere
Xmas time for florists just pay them they don't care
For tomorrow morning when she wakes up she'll shake her head and think your a nut
And wonder why you ignored her the rest of the year!!!

Giver her a hug a tell her she's great 365 and not just today
And maybe take her for picnic!!!!
A cynical poke at media driven loving.
Micheal Wolf Feb 2020
Some days I get so wrapped up in the spiral of all I can't fathom or fix, I am simply lost. On auto pilot and no destination. The crew deserted and the fuel so low the engines failing. One day that will be too much. But we keep crash landing and walking away looking unharmed.
Looks are deceiving.
Micheal Wolf Aug 2013
I  knew he was cheating, the crafty ****.
A little discovery lead to it.
A box of condoms, and one was gone!
He said he only tried it on.
Tried it on now there's a joke.
Test drove it as well the lying stoat.
Being a lady I held my tongue and waited for my moment to come.
So there was I in the sky, twenty thousand feet to be precise.
I thought it fitting as we met on a plane, to dump the ******* the very same way!
The moral simple for all to see
I don't advise ******* with me.
Micheal Wolf Nov 2017
The fog refused to lift today
It knew it had a job
To keep the sun from breaking through
As sorrow filled my hometown streets
Micheal Wolf Apr 2013
I want to write a screen play
The story of a life
A journey to insanity
The weary inner strife
The endless days of torture
Night's of intense mental pain
The wishing you where dead
Yet clinging to life's vein
When sparks of love afforded
To be snatched away in game
Each tearing a little deeper
Your sanity deranged
Their victory proclaimed
Like chess played with neurons
On a a board that has no squares
A three dimensional prison
That exists inside your head
No solace reached in morning
Their tirade begins again
Retreating deeper inward
You worsen every day
Finally a knife edge
Stay or walk away
Berated for your failure
Each and every day
Survival is all that matters
Clinging to your life
Thoughts are so intransient
You smile as you cry
A hug could simply **** you
Your humanity's been lost
Others did not see it
Nor how you paid the cost
So if I wrote a screenplay
The story of a life
How would I begin or end
What words would I write
Would you see the meaning
And hold me close tonight?
Writing the inexplicable
An obituary to a victim of mental domestic violence
Micheal Wolf May 2014
Inch worm, inch worm can't measure marigolds
Because a firm owns them and the tape measure.
They own the soil, the land and water, we have no stake anymore.
0ne firm own the water, how is that so?
Is soylent green closer than we know
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
Ah yes the evening has an ending like a Barbara Cartland novel
His eyes burned into hers like sapphires
Glazed with the amount of special brew he had necked watching Bolton wanderers.
They had won, so he fought with fans instead of the Mrs
In the pub after the game he saw his quarry
She was a prize
His strong arms unfolded, her softly yielding body helpless as she was being swept away on a tsunami of passion
Well dragged outside with a bottle of Auzzie white.
The black eyes from his earlier exploits reflected on his away team polyester shirt in the fluorescent lights of the pubs smoking area.
Then he dropped his pants revealing a porridge gun capable of crop spraying.
Moments later she was awash with a spermiferois goatie after almost choking herself on a double portion of spangle after it fired both chambers
It was love!
Then the bell for last orders sounded and he was lost as to walking the Bourneville boulevard with her or grabbing a last pint with his mates.
It had been a hard day
But a true hero he did the Captain Oates and left with her The promise of captain's pie and a scotch was on the cards back at her place
But her night of passion was not assured
If Dibnah **** didn't strike as his alcohol to blood ratio was in the wrong place.
On Monday he would be but a memory
Next week it's an away game
She will miss him
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
What are the marks on your tummy mummy?
They're special my sweet it's where you put your feet.
I didn't walk on your tummy mummy.
I know princess it's where you slept, until you came into the world.
Oh mummy it looks so sore does it hurt?
No my love, not at all,
your sister left some there as well.
They don't look nice will they go away?
Oh no sweet pea they're here to stay,
to remind me I love you both every day.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
The wrinkles move as you smile
They tell a story of your life and it's trials
I've never seen a crow with feet that big
Your days in the sun are now your treat
Or curled up warm at my feet
You've reached the age were the body won't work
It fails to warn you your going to purge
But what goes on inside that head
I watch your eyes follow the world
Are you still running still chasing cats
When you bark in your sleep and your legs trot
It's all retrospective now as your gone
Both my faithful friends sleep under the ground
Dont know why I thought of you today
Maybe it's time to foster a friend
For dogs should pick you and not you them
For they know best who will look after them
Micheal Wolf Feb 2014
Tap dance for me on the hands of a clock
Hold back time "oh don't step off!"
Tango with me till the end of time
Haven't I already heard that line?
Run with me until your heart pounds
Then collapse upon the ground
Run fingers through my greying her
Tell me you will always care
leave footprints in wet sand
As we walk holding hands
Be all the thinks that you have dreamed
But most of all be here with me
FOR M and L
good luck
Micheal Wolf Aug 2014
Last night a million souls cried
The court jester has died
The details vague and matter not
We know it was his black dog
Micheal Wolf Oct 2013
For tonight and one night only
He didn't want to be lonely
He looked online and found a friend
300 quid to wine and dine her
Another 500 to get inside her
Upper class you understand
Not a lady of the night!
So meal for two, champagne and all
Then it was time to bed for sure
Paid in full and eager to please
She dropped herself on her knees
Then as a flash it was done
He'd been short changed
Pardon the pun
The moment  lost his magic gone
At least it was from his wand
She grabbed her coat off she popped
He went to bed now half cut
Another lonely night again
Mixed with foolishness and pain
800 lighter to rub it in
The moral here is plain to see
Love for sale ?
It just cannot be.
An interesting article on the pitfalls of the Internet *** trade hatched this little baby
Micheal Wolf Dec 2012
Cough cough cough cough
And now I get it
A subtle play upon words
A sarcastic delivery
Only those privy heard
I shall be giving four tomorrow
In under breath tribute
Just to lighten the day
Cough cough cough cough
To those who deserve
Micheal Wolf Aug 2019
I wish I could hang my mistakes in frames
Walk past them each day
To remind me of how not to do things again.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2021
Edward scanned the magazine and all its adds, till he found the one that caught his eye.
"Funderwear what ever you want."
Voluptuous and care free, will dress as anything for a further fee.
This was it! His repression over? He made the call, and sent the money over.
All excited showered and shaved he drove over to madam May's.
Up the path and through the door he made his way to the second floor.
A knock on the door and it opened wide, a voice called "Edward, Come inside!"
He entered slowly in trepidation and made his way to the master bedroom.
There she was dressed in a basque, just like he'd asked like a burlesque dancer.
Then the scream.


His sister said she was an accountant, she worked in the city and sent money home.
Now he knew, not the numbers kind, his image shattered and his heart now smashed.
She said she would refund the cash but begged him "Please don't tell the folks about this."
They had tea in china cups and were joined by Daisy who owned the rooms.
Daisy was all he ever desired and they chatted into the night. May left at 9 for her next appointment and Daisy took Edward too her apartment.
Morning came only once, unlike Edward the night before, as he and Daisy rode and rode.
He dressed and smiled and she kissed his lips.
Why had he never loved like this?
Daisy asked. Could they meet again? But somewhere else, and not in bed.
They met again, and then some more, they fell in love and so much more.
Daisy's name was really Jane and after a year they both wed.
Family dinners are never dull and Edward's life is quite fulfilled.
May calls often to see the kids and plays the part of Auntie Suzie.
Grandma tells them be good at school and be successful like your aunt Susan!
Micheal Wolf May 2016
At the end of all our wars and conflicts, when the last bomb is dropped, the last bullet fired, and the last man is left standing the victor, know one thing.
He is already dead...
Micheal Wolf Sep 2013
She is a beautiful woman
With a beautiful face
With a beautiful heart
In a state of grace
Im in a mire
A mind in a state
Fuzzywuggle brain
All over the place
Uploading old stuff from paper
Micheal Wolf Oct 2018
We always want something back. If it breaks under warranty a replacement. If the holiday is crap, compensation. We have become a society of expectations and they be not great. We always want something in return. One day you realise you don't get refunds on the love you give. Nor any return value.
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
We dig a hole in the ground
Then send photons round and round
Speak of quarks and mesons too
And sub atomic invisible stew
Looking at all the subatomic  parts
Trying to find what gives them mass
Higgs the guy who thought it up
A God particle it was dubbed
It costs a fortune to make it work
But I ask you what it's worth?
For man will simply find a way
To hurt another with what they make
For all we do, all we create
Seems now to fuel the war of hate
From atom bombs to poison gas
Now they fool around with mass
The scariest part in all of this
Is the conceited way they named the thing
Man now calls the particle "God!"
Did we just create ourselves
Another type of universe?
Or make a journey so perverse
We lost sight of who, and what we are..
Simply atoms from a dying star.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
Trying to hold onto a moment.
Its like holding a firecracker.
Fabulous in all its parts, but gone in a flash.
Trying to live a dream is like lying asleep all day.
Believing things will just go away,
Only Invites them to stay.
Often not knowing what to do.
Or why where or when
Its the fundamental torture that haunts us every day.
Is the grass greener ? Or just another lawn.
You still end up mowing it, if you move across..
So look at what you have!  Look at all it's good.
Talk and try to reason, so your not misunderstood.
I don't have your answers, to your problems or you woes
I've enough to keep me going, just with my own.
So go and find your self and look everywhere
As when you find the perfect you, no one else will care.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2014
Picture postcard lips and perfect hair, dressed to thrill but only her.
Older than she looks to them, but a heart inside younger still.
It takes longer now to look as good as this and makup steals many years.
No strings no ties she's free tonight to drink and dance till mornings light..
A spirit free to dance all night, till sunrise when her feet catch fire.
Many flit like moths to flame, she has no time for their games.
She dances as though her life depended upon it, with every note limbs extended.
Her eyes closed tight, oh she's not here, you weren't born where she now is.
Morning came and she fled the scene, just a face within their dreams.
She went native and off the path and disappeared, until next time...
Micheal Wolf Mar 2014
Silence said so much, a roaring din, a cacophony of nothing. It's point deliverd with expert precision. Fire in a void, snow in sunshine all improbable none impossible, all imposition. Yet predisposed in every aspect. Then came sound. Quiet at first, then loud hollow and empty. Emotionless and final.
Micheal Wolf Apr 2013
Pulse in the neck feel my headache pound
Tightness in the chest, anxiety abounds
Day upon day the harder it gets
Cant make it stop as the pressures intense
Not sure now how much more it can take
Before the heart stops and I leave this place
But none of you see it as I die each day
You see a facade as it's eating away
The strongest you see you have no idea
That a trip to the shops is my greatest fear
Micheal Wolf Aug 2019
His numbers still appear on his locker
His name on the roster
His colleagues still see his face
But all are now a memory
For you took him away

No kiss for his wife
No story for his girls
He won't be home tonight
He has left our world

Photos on the web of a family man
I can't imagine her loss
Two beautiful children
Alone and lost

He only went to work
Just being a cop
The life he loved
The life he lost
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Indulge me for I'm sat looking at a scarf
As I transport rather splendid G and T
To its final destination
Not mine I hasten to add, my scarf that is not the gin
Purple not my colour you see
I had issue with burgundy as a child, frightful memories
I digress but it was left behind like a signature
Not intentionally just in a sweet forgetfulness
I can't pick it up, crazy as it sounds
I mean if I did it would be real not imagery
The moment lost, but no real moment as I can't feel it
Do you understand ? Perhaps not
I have admittedly been reminded of its presence
I imagine it's scent, no I imagine her scent
Her presence in the room, her smile lifts me
I mean it's just a scarf I mean it can't exist can it?
Do we leave a little of ourselves behind?
Emotion like lost property
I don't know, I honestly don't
Is there a course for metaphysical disorientation and the re repatriation of lost purple scarfs?
I guess not. I'd probably fail in any case.
It will still be here tomorrow. In plain sight, just hidden from my reality
Goodnight scarf.
Micheal Wolf Jan 2013
Light flashes reflecting of the windows bouncing on the ice
The snow caught in its beam thicker now like down floating on the breeze
The sound of the Ice cracking under foot the unsure footing, tremulous with each step
All around me slip and slide trying to get some purchase to make it home
Cars trace a path but harder by every inch as the cold bites
  home now feel the warmth of the air and as my face comes back to life.
Goodnight snow until tomorrow
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
My grammar may be rong
My spelin may be crap
My poems may make ya smile
They may make ya cry
Neither nor either or
My where when were a mess
Thank god their tis an editor
To sort the awful mess.
Micheal Wolf May 2014
Too yu tis may seam wrong
Two a child with dyslexia it's not
Quick to point out to too or two!
Where were or wear or there their
Your grammatical prowese is a wonderful thing, the way you look down on those beneath
Sad to say for you It's to late as the **** party no lomger exists!
They can't all be as perfect as you
And for that I'm as happy as a fool!
This is a delightful piece of "***" Crafted carefully and with care for one individual.
Micheal Wolf Jul 2018
I don't need to learn your language as I'm just visiting here
I know the words I need chips and egg and beer.
Drunk all night asleep all day there is only ever we and never us.
But come to "Our England" and you have to be one of us.
Expats colonise and open bars for brits.
But over here in England don't dare be yourself.
Why can't you speak English, you're not a refugee.
Go back to were you came from.
I can't it's blown to bits!
Ok I got angry with intolerance
Micheal Wolf Jan 2014
Can you explain to me what was "Great?"
Three quaters of a million never returned
Their lives taken because of what?
The fall of a dynasty, the wrong man in power
Shot by a fool to fuel a crowd
Then like infection the movement spread
Village by village dead upon dead
Alliances made with utter mistrust
Then before they knew it all is lost
Countries they had no place being there
Sending their young to be slain
Over and over and over again
Then at the end no one stood trial
Countries divided and poverty rife
They said it was the war to end wars
Empty words, there's always more
A generation hadn't had time to pass
Once again the armies massed
This time to slay the phoenix of hate
From the ashes of war you fools called "Great"
The legacy left from greed and fear
Gave rise to a culture of hate and fear
Driven and driven few knew why
This time millions would die
So answer me now, what was Great?
I just can't see it in any way
A world left scared and torn apart
The legacy now in many lands.
For soldiers who died in battles many
The causes they fought they had no clue

Simply orderd what to do.....
Micheal Wolf Mar 2016
There is a place within us all where grumpiness makes its home.
It lurks and festers like a sorid disease and waits for the day it chooses to be seen.
Seldom seen by the one who caused it, more ofter let loose on the one who adores you.
But like anger, fear, hate and love, grumpiness is just another part of us.
But always beware for it can mutate and become depression and cause more pain.
So scream and shout and let it rip! Tell grumpiness go pack its ****
Sling your hook and ****** off you're not wanted here anymore.
And while you find another to plague i'll be sat with a cup of Earl Grey
Wondering how you had the gaul to cage my smile you emotional fraud.
Micheal Wolf Apr 2014
So far away yet mentality so close
Between what we have and what we know
Is there a space for what we need
Or do we simply go on without a need
If I wanted to hold her, could I ever?
Seas away and never met
But something somehow seems to say
It would be more than okay
So lament your now and toast your past
For what may be a deam..
Could be your last.
A poem that became a song
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours wife
Listen Jesus!
Have you seen her?
She is like the dawn of the day
The still of the night
Yet now alone
Try to put her out of your head
Ignore her!
It does not work
Try to forget!
Though all you can do is remember
You imagine her kiss
Yet never kissed
Imagine her touch
Yet never touched
Crave her favour
But know not her feelings
For once upon a time
In a land far away
Fate dealt its cards
In a cruel
A piece several yrs old
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Happiness is what?
Three point five kids and a mortgage
That won't last as the boundaries change
Instead of happiness look at the little pockets of happy
Oh they pass you each day
Make them your purpose
Accomplish that and you have happiness
Micheal Wolf Feb 2014
The ciggiy hung from her lip
No question she was up for it
But up for what was what he feared
As half crowns hung from her ears
Her hand stretched out as payment due
"30 quid" she said to you
Get undressed behind the screen
"Your first time or have you been?"
On the bed he lay face down
Her hands moved up and down his back
Suprisingly she wasn't bad
Arms outstretched fingers pulled
This was really really good
Roll over love I'll do your front
Now he starts to feel a chump
There she stood and looked at him
He looked back with a silly grin
She oiled his chest and then his legs
Avoided going between his thighs
She could have told the time of day
His sundial had come out to play
Now all done she passed a towel
And asked him "was that alight"
Then before he could reply
She said next door if you want more
No happy endings here my love
Micheal Wolf Mar 2014
Walking on a knife edge, he had for some years. Each step, a step further away from pain yet painful in each step. It seemed each path walked, each door opened lead to hurt, despair. Not his own but that of others as though drawn by magnetism or some such force. Reality was he simply listened to others pain, an empath. Then one day he was asked who was his next victim, although in jest, it hit home like an explosion. At that point stark realisation he was never going to be happy. For he saw only a harbinger of sorts in symbiosis. Simply existing for others to repair themselves. A haven for lost causes and the distressed. In that moment the realisation, a home for no ones heart.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2014
My ship is safe in harbour but that's not what it's for.
I never journey from there and see what's out in the world.
I sail around the harbour and see all there is to see.
What stops me going further is fear inside of me.
Fear of an open ocean and the storms that rage out there.
All I need is a pilot to steer me on my course.
So sail your ships around me and protect me out at sea.
Then join me in my harbour and safely berth with me.
Nick Cave inspired.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2014
Sand between toes as I stroll, alone but simply free.
For many evenings I have walked along the Irish Sea.
In seasons fair and seasons foul such solace it so gives
For when I walk I walk alone no other chastened me
No speech no sound but that of waves and wind and rain upon me
The summers sun warmed me as she fades away to set
The winters wind has chilled me yet I have no regrets
You may walk this path, you may follow me, or simply walk your own
One day I hope someone walks with me for I tire of being alone
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