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Micheal Wolf Dec 2013
Like a chariot she thundered through
As though trying to raise a response in those ambivalent to her purpose
Contained in her own atmosphere
More rarefied than fresh air, like the boy in the bubble
Mm she knew how to use manipulation
For she treated all as though staff or fee paying of her time
Even when ****** and by virtue of decision there was never any quarter
But some, in the minority and silent
Watched her as she destroyed the lives of others
Watched and never acted nor spoke
As though inert
This is now the epitaph
The close
The passing
The bridge is crossed and the fire burns brightly
I care not to see its flames envelop her
Micheal Wolf Apr 2013
Some people burn bridges just to watch the flames
Lapping at their heels in a psychotic rage
Hypnotised by the colours like rage in their heart
Destroying it all the bad and the good all gone
Reduced to chared timbers no way to walk back
Have you any idea of your chaos inside
So go burn those bridges and laugh at the flames
Don't swim back to me the shores blown away
Micheal Wolf Nov 2017
In the great scheme of things it's the moments not the minutes.
It's the stolen moment not the protracted chore.
It's the thought you leave with, not the views of others.
On that note goodnight.
Micheal Wolf Nov 2018
Falling in love is a wonderful thing as your heart races and you spread your wings.
Soaring like birds higher and higher.
Till you find they are married and are a ******* liar.
Tickled me
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
Silky *** she got the name not from me!
I have to say
It's easy though to see just why
When she walks away she kind of glides
Her mate thought I had a crush
Till she knew my age and then she blushed!
Now then now then would be the case
Or call me dad is what I said
But still she smiles and lights the day
As she shimys and walks away.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2017
Both ends of the scale darling x!
Love isn't something you can purchase
It is only ever a gift
Sometimes unwanted
Sometimes dreamed of
But only true when given selflessly

I may make that a poem
Micheal Wolf Aug 2012
The sun it rose in monochrome it slowley dipped to grey
The TVs going digital and all of us will pay
Its not the way the BBC was set to run it seems
But now the bloke who holds the reigns has come from ITV
So what of all the lower class the plebs with CRT
They never asked for digital or freeview if you please
But now in Tonys golden age I sit in dark despair
The poor old sods who put him there for them he never cared
He's taken every penny the pensioners ever got
And to thank them for their every vote hes turned their tellys OFF!
Bye Bye Tony and mind the door doesnt hit you on the **** on the way out.
Micheal Wolf Sep 2013
Oil of clove and wing of bat
Eye of newt and hair or cat
I bet she mumbles to herself
As she shops like everyone else
Rams her cart into everyone
A proper witch she has become
Wait until she checks out today
And sees what treats have come her way
For ramming your shopping cart into me
Wins a prize for you he he
The check girl is all a singer
For KY jelly and some rubbers
At 80+ you should know better!
Do not leave your cart unattended
Vengeance is mine say the wounded shopper
Micheal Wolf Feb 2014
Punctuated only by furr ***** and *****
Whats the point?
Eat sleep **** repeat
Can't play fetch or go for a walk
Claws to sharp and scratch the walls
Sit on your lap and dig in your *****
Sleeps all day,fights all night
Then ***** in a tray or in next doors flowers
Then gets lost an posters put up
Lost my **** it was a three day stud!
Then gets old and now wants to be friends
Till it pops it's cloggs and the kids are upset
Then it happens, weeks go by and you come home from work and a kittens arrived!!
The dogs gone nuts it's ******* it off
The wife and kids are going soft
Grab the lead and "I'll take the dog out!!"
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
North Korea I imagine has lots of nice people
All crammed into cold little houses
Fearful of what chairman **** head does next
All hoping that if war starts its over quickly
Just those at the top that perpetuate the lies
A country broken deep inside
Brainwashed and weary, no food or fuel
Governed by an overweight fool
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
I sat in my car and watched the faces on the train
Some sad some happy, what were they thinking
Then I paid my toll at the tunnel
How many faces all going places had she seen today
Then I opened my texts from people I know, all with agendas
How much we read and can't take in, all things to all men I just can't be
All at once it came to me, it isn't how my life should be
Forfeit the past for futures promise mad be the man I always wanted.
So today I'm closing doors to many I simply can't be yours
I want my life not a mere shadow of yours
Goodbye folks your on your own
I walk the next path I guess
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Snow in March in England
Is utterly absurd!
Springs already started
There's white stuff everywhere
Last year there was a heatwave
Barbeques and shorts
Now it's Alaska
Now there's something wrong
If this is global warming
It rather takes the ****
I've seen warmer chapel hat pegs
The proverbial witches *** !!!
Micheal Wolf May 2013
My dear Hope … I’m sorry but I don’t want to be an Emperor –that’s not my business – I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.

We all want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.

The way of life can be free and beautiful.

But we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls – has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say “Do not despair”.

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish…

Soldiers – don’t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you – who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder.

Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don’t hate – only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers – don’t fight for slavery, fight for liberty.

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written ” the kingdom of God is within man ” – not one man, nor a group of men – but in all men – in you, the people.

You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let’s use that power – let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness!

- written by Charlie Chaplin who called this speech his speech for Humanity and he felt this was the most important thing he did with his carreer was this speech.
I have been in awe of this since a Saturday afternoon as a child I saw it on tv. It took yrs to get made. Written before the **** party took over. He saw the future. Chaplain said he was a clown that made him greater than any political figure.  
I'll never write as he did, but he is one of my greatest inspirations.
Micheal Wolf Jan 2013
We all do it, its in our genes
Looking for something however far it seems
Chasing the rainbow the one of our dreams
It's end is a myth, it's never close by
But just like Columbus we try and we try
Chasing a rainbow like a dream or a face
Common sense leaves us as we go to that place
But what if the rainbow you chase has an end?
A finish, a place to begin
A dreams castle or even a tower
A place you can watch the rainbow not chase it

Chase it and find out
Micheal Wolf Apr 2016
Hi gorgeous what sign are you?

No entry
Micheal Wolf Sep 2013
So I'm sat minding my own business just watching the unicorns play tagg.
Risky I know when you have a light sabre with a blown bulb strapped like a *** toy to your swede.
This old guy sits next to me an asks "Do you paint?"
Before it registers he says "All we had in common?"
I said, I have a bit but I realise I'm somewhere else.
Who do you mean I ask?
"******! of course
I then realise I'm having a chat with Winston Churchill.
The unicorns should have been the big clue it was a dream or I was dead shouldn't they.
The old wives tale "Don't eat chesse before bed you will have bad dreams"
Micheal Wolf Mar 2017
I have heard many people use sayings to comfort in loss.
They were brighter and couldn't burn as long.
It was for the best or it was meant to be.
No I don't buy into that!
It is hideously wrong for a child to die hours old in a parents arms. There is no solace or words of wisdom as it is being cheated.
I cannot imagine my friends loss tonight or the love they had for their baby girl trapped within them. Unable to share it.
I seldom cry, but tears rolled down my cheeks.
I know not what to say to them.
Micheal Wolf Feb 2017
Posted for my mad buddy who I swear has peed reading it. If you think it doesn't fit here. Don't read it I guess.


When Cinderella lost her shoe, the Prince did all that he could do!
Night and day he gave his all to re unite it with her smelly sole
So many that he tried it upon, yet none could hold the slipper on.
To fat to thin or athlete's foot and what a stink he had to sniff up

But as he thought his quest was fraught, a delicate foot he came upon
Pedicured and delicate, all his foot ferishes desired!
Like fingers into a silken glove, her tootsies slid into its glass a perfect fit he's found his wife

All ended well her sisters thrashed and cinders got the Princes heart
She also got the princes cash, his castle horses cars and thrones, all the maid had dreamed upon.
That as Disney is same in life, when you marry a gold digging *****

But.. Cinders is simply just a tale to make kids think that lifes a rainbow
With unicorns an Bambis too with multi coloured marshmallow poos

It ain't that or nothing near, because there ain't no Prince or footwear here!
Often a fool who does there part to show their love to another's heart
Yet used and abused and taken for granted, often hit and always shouting

Ringin bells? And not in church? You're a victim of the Disney curse!!
You ain't Snow white more like the prisoner, locked inside a nightmare before Christmas
No glass slippers no carriage either, all they sold you is wedding fever!!

So be your own Princess or Prince or knave or whatever else you think
Your life, your choice your one and only
Don't waste it with unworthy causes.

For in the end you're a long time dead
Don't let them **** you inside as well
Your heart beats and it beats for you
Sometimes in time with another's too

So there you have it, all that is
No glass slipper no magical dream
But if you think the one for you
is out there in lifes foggy world
You may be right and find them there
I hope it's all that you deserve

But remember now just these things.
Cinders never got a ring !
Maybe Shrek was not a Prince
But Fiona didn't get beaten up
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
The curves and folds the sensual skin
That invites the tongue to slide right in
The taste it changes as the more fired she gets
The madness makes her writhe and sweat
The body shakes the legs contract
My lover arches her slender back
Then as if a storm had come and passed
She sinks into the bed and sighs
Then breathes deep and closes her eyes
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
Away in the UK on any estate
The frost on the window
No coal in the great
Grandmas been buried
She died from the cold
Her fuel allowance was lost in the post
The children are coughing
And mums on the game
For money to feed them no job can she get
The benefits system has failed them again
Up in the bright sky it was all dark
The council turned of the street lights as well
The power is off the bill wasn't paid
But big business wallows on the profit its made
They called it recession and austerity too
But what it's real name was..
**** me and you
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
What if we all woke up tomorrow a timezone at a time
We found no armies were fighting and laughter filled the day
A Muslim drinking coffee, playing chess with his friend the Jew
Christians praying quietly whilst bhudists chant their tune
Politicians talking, instead of scoring points
Feeding those in hunger without plying for their oil
Monsanto going organic, the GM food all gone
So what if one tomorrow that all came to pass
A utopia of selflesness, mankind's left its rotten past
Well no time soon, or in my life are we likely to get there
We wake each day to see what our fellow men have wrecked
So close your eyes really tight, try to see its worth
Of helping not destroying our over mortgaged Earth
I hope I'm not the only one who wants a world of peace
Without the hurt the pain the fear that only MAN creates
Micheal Wolf Mar 2016
We skip through life in the blink of an eye
Collecting and loosing at the same time
From emotional highs to their woeful lows
The years fly by unnoticed by most
From loves great moments to the losses and pain
We learn from experience and begin to hold fear
Fear of the night and of being alone
Fear of rejection and life on our own
So be it walking or skipping or running for your life
Put on the breakes and open your eyes
Because if it's all gone in the blink of an eye
You where born and you died and never lived life
Micheal Wolf Jan 2013
All day like a muse she is in my thought
The imagined embrace, a stolen kiss
An embrace as two become entwined as though never separated
The car stops I go to the door but it  isn't home anymore
Inside I go and shout I'm home, but no reply I'm all alone
Then in the kitchen she stands and stares as cold as ice her ****** flare
I look forward all day to her embrace as I did for many years
Alas now I'm nothing to her
You should come home to love not war, warmth and love and be adored
If they want you as you do them, then all else in life can be repaired
When it went I didn't see but all was lost and no more here
A lesson learnt in pain and sorrow
I won't come home tomorrow
Not new written 2010
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
"Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"
He said to me as Zulus came across the drift
What if I keep mine closed I said
Pretend there all at home instead

So what if their eyes are red after a late night out
Or Yellow" jaundiced and unwell
All the thoughts went through his head
As the soldier held his gun up high
As screaming warriors began to die

What if the others shot them all?
So I didn't have to get involved
Sgt Major is rather cross as as he's just been shot in the ***
It's all becoming quite absurd
I watched a film and fell asleep
Mad now I'm there in my dreams

Some solace? If there can be just one
I watched Zulu and not "What dreams may come"....
Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
Fly in my airspace!
Not a chance
One Europe for all?
Not here in France
It will save fuel and time
We are control freaks
More cheese or wine?
Dedicated to the air traffic control freaks of France
Micheal Wolf Jan 2019
Cooking fat got lost again and didn't come home.
A Persian with an attitude that's worse than all I've known.
It started when SAM chased her our the door.
The ****** Arsed Monster or just Sam the dog for short.
Micheal Wolf Sep 2014
The pictures in my head are monochromatic some of the time. They run at speed and then slow down. Sometimes I see people I've never met. Somtimes faces I don't want to remember. Then flashes of colour and noise and pain. Then I wake and fear the day.
Micheal Wolf Jun 2014
The clock stopped.
It didn't wind down or grind to a halt, it simply stopped.
The ticking could be heard by others,
But not by you.
You were simply transfixed by the notion
Her legs crossed, her foot gently playing. Red toenails beneath nylon, her scarlet lips.
You would follow her to hell and back.
Every word spoken a half lie, and yet you, you only heard truth.
Reeled in like a marlin from the ocean, yet to her flotsam on the sargosa sea
Used for a night and alive like never before.
Then at dawn discarded.
To her a play thing like so many others.
To you?
A cruel and unusual punishment.
A short flash type story.
Micheal Wolf Jul 2018
There is a room inside all of us. From birth we have posted things in there that we never retrieve.
Micheal Wolf Jan 2019
Dispensable disposable deplorable destroyed defunct dusted dumped ah **** it
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
De ding de de de dilly do
Over and over and over again
That ****** subway surf music
Is driving me insane
Turn it down again and again!
Pushing the envelope
As all kids do
Up goes the volume
Just to Annoy you
But wait!! Crisis
The tablet goes bleep bleep
She cant find the charger
Oh where can it be
Im sat on the ******
Micheal Wolf Jun 2015
I looked inside my dark places
I walked miles by day
Further at night, in my mind
I saw faces of others
Twisted by lifes trials
Tear reddened cheeks
Broken smiles
I had seen enough for any lifetime
Each day repeated
Like water dripping on a prisoner
Serving no purpose other than to becon insanity
But it was already here
Madness all around
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
Dionysius was a clever king
For about power and fear he knew some things
As Damocles wanted more, and so he offered him his throne.
So to sit in power has it's price, for power also has a darker side
Damocles had to choose
Everything or look a fool.
For paried up above his head
The kings sword on a single hair
One hair to hold it in it's place
A risk Damocles could not face
For the king knew of power and fear
Their anxiety In darker hours
For pain also comes with power
Cicero wrote of this tale of how fate plays its game
For love to life, fear to joy, we all have our own sword
A single horse hair held his aloft
What holds yours and at what cost
Micheal Wolf Oct 2020
She watched them all, their every move as they turned and swept across the dancefloor.
Every step logged and recorded.
Then at night she danced alone with their shadows.
They were hers
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
Hold your child as though they are the world

Be humbled by their actions

Amazed by their innocence

Proud of their endeavours.

Yet let them spread their wings

There is nothing they won't succeed in.
Micheal Wolf Feb 2014
Shap edges of light pierce my eyes
Sounds of morning ransack my thoughts
I may never will be
As I age my thoughts mature
My body degrades
My mind has clarity
Yet my heart is still foolish
Does the dawn break
No.. it's broken
Just a little ditty after celebrating three peoples birthdays.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2015
Dawn begins the day
Light that wakens
Birds that sing
Brings smiles to all
A beautiful thing
What if Dawn was there all day?
Chased the blues and dark away
When evening came Still around
As the birds sang their good night song
But Dawn comes but once a day
Not for long and then goes away
Imagine if she didn't go
Would the day end or simply fade?
Because the Dawn just once stayed
That's not the way it's meant to be, as the day has so many pieces
Noon to night they all pass by
Dawns secrets held for another day
For daybreak
When she smiles again
Micheal Wolf Jan 2017
Fools walk the earth while demons watch
Angels above follow their paths
Like pawns in chess each move is made
Good vs Evil in a poor charade
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
Laces untied,  boots slipped off
Shirt unbuttoned and cast aside
Belt unbuckled and trousers dropped
The day now ended ******* alone
Boxers and socks left upon floor
The shower relieves the day before
For all see you smile and presume of your life
None knowing you're alone each night
Step out refreshed a towel to your face
No conversation alone in your space
Dry and ready to climb into bed
No lover to hold only cold emptiness
Try as you might to say its ok
Being alone is never the way
For millions of souls share in this state
As we find it so hard to find the right one
To come home and love when our day is done
Micheal Wolf May 2023
Death came today but he was early.
Right address, right person, wrong date.
Oh I understand he has a job to do but my father's not ready for you.
So shoulder thy sythe and make good your exit, because dad's not ready for this journey!
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
He called me again today
He was there in his cape
Scythe over shoulder, no real shape
Tricked me to join him in his eternal game
Wanted only me tonight, almost had me as well
He offered me Jack Daniel's, so I didn't feel the cold
Didn't feel the waves as his grasp took hold
He offered me his hand and I'd never grow old
Would end all the pain and let this life go
No light did I see no valhala or heaven
Just darkness and cold as I walked in his steps
Then before I had passed my face was on fire
A dog licking my cheeks, frenzied she barked
If not for her my rescue dog
I'd be gone from this earth and of its pain
She returned the favour to live today.
Asked if written of death so here is an Old work.
Micheal Wolf Apr 2014
Into a dark place thy descend
The woes of ages absorb the mind
No light, no laughter in the air
A cold lair all your own
Where the broken mind calls home

The den thine iniquitous self hides
Ones darkest corners in a fractured mind
No place to wantonly go there
And yet dragged  with no hope at all
Trapped within your twisted soul

As evening comes, darker still
Cagged by your minds ill will
Tortured by the very consciousness
The rage and fears that you possess

Release from this is all you seek
Some solace no more to weep
Light to lift you from the depths
To be yourself and not a shell.
Micheal Wolf Apr 2013
A designer ******
A nip and a tuck
A trim of the curtains
A tightening up
A complementary adjustment
A tidying of bits
Matches the uplift
You had on your ****
So 6 months it took
To create the perfect ******
Only to find he's left you tonight
Watched a documentary were and I quote "I had my saddle bags lightened and my tints re aligned" only for her husband to leave her.
Micheal Wolf Apr 2013
Clear cut, razor sharp
The mind of a killer as it stalks
Yeah but didn't see glass coming to trap you
I hate spiders!
Micheal Wolf Jul 2013
We die a little a little each day, as do we all.
As those that would do us harm labour in their quest to hurt.
Absorbed in greed and hatred and it's vices
Daily they cut more, deeper each time
Until one day there is nothing more to cut.
No longer a victim to prey upon
For the victim chose to exit this world
Sought solitude and peace in another
Simply gone.
Micheal Wolf May 2013
There is in love a savagery of malapropriation
A seething anger that manifests as a cutting dig
Or passing word to hurt
Thrown out to harm in well placed execution
Often when most vulnerable and justified by misplaced emotion
"You made me"
"You don't understand"
"What dont I understand?"
Well it's neither a lack of communication or love
When an individual feels unlovable by no hand of yours
Often it's a retort to avoid discourse that has no part between you
For the discourse lies elsewhere and not with you
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
Spaghetti stuck to a plate
Tomato sauce like epoxy resin
Coffee like paint in rings on the cup
Burnt splodges on a pan that could be carbon dated
I hate dishes
Micheal Wolf May 2020
Not a scream or moan
You wouldn't know she was there
as they tossed and writhed in the bed
He moaned a lot he always did seeking encouragement for his carnal bids
But she was really somewhere else and kept her noises to herself
He often asked how was it for you?
I Mark exams not whoopdie doo.
It's not that she didn't have a voice to air mid coitus like a squalking bird.
More a sense of deep control letting no one see her all.
Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
Her eyes glance across the room
That look of loving no other has
The hair tossed as she turns to face me
She crosses and uncrosses her legs in  anticipation
I go to stand up and she is upon me
Her tongue wet and on my face
Ok Ok I'll get your lead and take you walkies
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