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Micheal Wolf Jun 2021
Micheal Wolf Jun 2021
I'm a remnant of a past me.
Driven to the brink
Yet now a few steps back from the edge
Stoic in how I view life
Bereft of a need to just be
Longing to find peace
Together or alone it doesn't matter
Some days are unbearable
Others palatable
A few dire
But if your lucky there is a tomorrow
It may not be your tomorrow
But tomorrow none the less.
Micheal Wolf May 2021
***** up
or over?
Up or down?
Am I filling a gap to entertain a clown?
Am I here on demand for when it suits?
A pretty face for corporate dos.
Don't speak your mind that's not your place and apologise for their mistakes!
Slavery so I believed was no longer real.
Yet here I am in a foreign land trafficked by my own hand.
Chained by a ring and a promise of love.
Yet cold as ice and no one to hug.
So now I fill my day with tasks to keep me from fighting back.
But soon when I can break free the world will once again see me.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2021
Edward scanned the magazine and all its adds, till he found the one that caught his eye.
"Funderwear what ever you want."
Voluptuous and care free, will dress as anything for a further fee.
This was it! His repression over? He made the call, and sent the money over.
All excited showered and shaved he drove over to madam May's.
Up the path and through the door he made his way to the second floor.
A knock on the door and it opened wide, a voice called "Edward, Come inside!"
He entered slowly in trepidation and made his way to the master bedroom.
There she was dressed in a basque, just like he'd asked like a burlesque dancer.
Then the scream.


His sister said she was an accountant, she worked in the city and sent money home.
Now he knew, not the numbers kind, his image shattered and his heart now smashed.
She said she would refund the cash but begged him "Please don't tell the folks about this."
They had tea in china cups and were joined by Daisy who owned the rooms.
Daisy was all he ever desired and they chatted into the night. May left at 9 for her next appointment and Daisy took Edward too her apartment.
Morning came only once, unlike Edward the night before, as he and Daisy rode and rode.
He dressed and smiled and she kissed his lips.
Why had he never loved like this?
Daisy asked. Could they meet again? But somewhere else, and not in bed.
They met again, and then some more, they fell in love and so much more.
Daisy's name was really Jane and after a year they both wed.
Family dinners are never dull and Edward's life is quite fulfilled.
May calls often to see the kids and plays the part of Auntie Suzie.
Grandma tells them be good at school and be successful like your aunt Susan!
Micheal Wolf Mar 2021
Someone once said
"Everyone will have a last day with you."
The thing is you will never know when?
It could be their first day with you.
It could be their worst day with you.
It may have been the greatest day they ever had.
But will you know.
Would knowing change you?
Maybe this was your last day.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2021
What has happend to the country I loved?
Division where their once was love.
Protests now for every reason and reason lost for so many reasons.
The trusted questioned at every turn and Karen knows more than all of them.
No longer safe to walk alone, was it ever I don't think so.
The protectors betrayed by one of their own and no patrols just response once done.
Austerity and technology took them off of the beat and now a bad apple makes them weaker.
No one now walks the beat, as they investigate names called on social media.
Feelings hurt and all made public.
If people grew up it wouldn't be needed!
But the narrative now is all hurt feelings.
I now doubt all that we upheld when compassion is gone we have lost it all.
I don't know the answer, do any of you?
Who stole my country and all that was good.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2021
Ever met someone with a face on them like a boot on backwards
They got out the wrong side of the bed and the beds against the wall!
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